Do you think Japan/Anime/Manga industry will bend the knee?

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    Probably there will be a few weird woke shows , but no big deal, nothing like the stuff we watch in modern hbo, netflix, disney, cw, hulu, etc lol. Maybe just about 2 or 3 series in 100 will be about woke stuff and political correctness. then they find out it doesnt sell , then they’ll stop it. because no government or corporation will pay them. they need customers money.

    it’s not like in the west, they don’t care about customers, they still get money from big corporations and democrats.


      From what I gather, wokeness is a thing only in the west. Places like China, Japan, Korea, Middle East and Russia etc not only do not get it they think it’s friggen ridiculous.

      So in essence they don’t really feel the pressure.

      The only reason it has any sway in the west is because large corporations who want to make money are pressured through social media to bow to the pressure. They think social media is reality and reflects the majority of the consumer base when in fact it does not. However it can affect social opinion though so while not reality it does have some power unfortunately.

      But all these companies going on their woke rampages don’t give a poop about “the agenda” they are just trying to be appealing to make cash.


      But all these companies going on their woke rampages don’t give a poop about “the agenda” they are just trying to be appealing to make cash.


      I have to disagree there. The people running these corporations are SJWs, indoctrinated from years at university. How can you make one terrible decision after another that has failed to make money in search of this fabled SJW audience that will replace the actual audience that makes money?

      My answer: they don’t care about making money, because the agenda trumps all. Sports…comics….crap TV and movies…legacy news media…all putting agenda before fans and making money.


        We might both be partially right. I should have been more clear.

        Are there some companies out there that are all about the agenda? Sure, but I think it’s rare. But that’s not to say you don’t have some that prioritize making money first and then feel they need to push the agenda second. But again I think hardcore agenda pushers are rare as most care more about cash.

        I don’t think you have very many true SJW’s running large corporations. I am sure there are some but I don’t think it’s the norm or even close. However, SJW’s probably are numerous in places like HR, advertising and marketing and I think that is where the influence comes in.

        Also, any woke decision might not make as much money as something more globally appealing but clearly it’s making money.

        Ultimately, “the agenda” wants us all to feel hopeless and like we have no choice but to submit to it but I do not think that is reality. If it was they would not fight so hard tooth and nail on everything everywhere.


        @Roas I do kinda wish I had half your optimism, friend. I’m not completely blackpilled, but I do think things will get worse before they get better. It’s been almost half a year and the Biden administration is so obviously disastrous, but as long as people can get food on the table and have a roof over their heads, a lot of them are going to continue thinking that none of this affects them and will just go along with whatever narrative is spewed out next. It’s easy to take solace with strangers online and know that you’re not alone, but whenever these discussions crop up IRL and I speak my mind as the voice of dissent, everyone else just tunes out and refuses to engage the matter any further. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t frustrating.

        You’re making the assumption that people in capitalist occupations are going to have capitalist ideals. You should look up Fabian Socialism, (which is basically British Socialism).

        Rather than overthrowing the current system of government via violent revolution (or just being land-whale cry bullies we’re familiar with), the Fabians are smart, methodical and work towards their Marxist ideals via infiltration and then gradual implementation. And they have zero qualms about using capitalism to get there. If capitalism helps them achieve their goals, then so much, the better. The fact that they view capitalism as evil is a contradiction that doesn’t matter to them. Call out their hypocrisy, and they’ll just laugh in your face (“Yes, we’re using capitalism to reach the top of your societies and then overthrow it. What of it? You’re the ones who think meritocracy is so great, after all.”) Their ultimate goal is some bastardized, hybridization between Communism and hyper-capitalism, creating a slave state from which only they will reap the benefits.

        “Get woke, go broke” is just a libertarian cope. They might not be “SJWs” in the traditional sense, but make no mistake, they’re sympathetic towards the ideology. It doesn’t matter how much of a profit they might lose; they can afford to. They have to bait the opposition into making themselves look like hateful bigots, propagandize to humiliate and demoralize until they can get enough people to repeat the lies and half-truths for themselves, and then it becomes the new normal. Your average normie still doesn’t even know what “woke” is, and doesn’t even realize they’re having their opinions formed for them via media consumption.


        @FallenOmegaStar Oh, I’m not a complete optimist. I do agree things always get worse before they get better. There’s a reason the term “hitting rock bottom” exists.

        What I am is a realist both in regular terms and by the definition of International Relations Theory. I’m also a pragmatist, and I try to look at everything using flat logic with all the facts on hand. I try not to make assumptions or talk beyond what I know. One of my many useless pieces of paper is a History Degree, so whenever I try to understand everything that is going on, I look for the historical parallels. There is always something the past can teach to help understand and cope/navigate with the present. That’s how I try to keep a handle on everything. Find answers in the past to craft a solution for the present.

        Now, yeah. We are in unprecedented times with the existence of Big Tech, but in the end, it’s still Marxist Thugs behind it all.  And yeah, they have the advantage with so much of the population doped up by technology, but the fact that we here are having this discussion, and that with persistence and careful execution as smarter individuals all around we are capable of using the tactics of the enemy against them, we can bit by bit turn the tables. And as always, they are always gonna in fight and weaken their own defenses.

        Just look at Bill Fucking Maher….one of the biggest liberal bomb throwers of this era…and he’s turning on the woke brigade. Like him or not, he has a big audience that blindly listens to him…and he’s turning his lefty guns on his own side.

        This is battle of inches. We fight for what we need and do not give up the ground we liberate.

        Like Patton said, “I don’t like paying for the same real estate twice.”

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Roas.

          @FallenOmegaStar Nope, not assuming capitalism at all. I am assuming pure unadulterated selfish greed. Obsessive self-interest is one of the tenants of the truly woke. Are there some folks who really believe in the cause and think they are helping people? Sure, but by in large they are going along with “the agenda” because they think its good for them. Whether is makes them feel good about themselves or gets them what they want. They almost all worship at the alter of self.


          Probably not since Anime and Manga doesn’t have the balls to alienate leave their targeted audience(The Japanese). But still we got to protect Anime and Manga from the SJWs and anyone that wants to repurpose and/or ban anime regardless of religion, side, whatever. So warn the Japanese about it although Akamatsu-Sensei and his people are aware of it. But still we got to protect Anime and Manga real hard. As well as tell A Anime and Manga that they should continue appealing their own people. The Japanese can’t protect Anime and Manga alone.

          Without Anime;

          There will be no last bastions of escapism and entertainment

          We will lose an industry we will be proud of. An Industry that doesn’t alienate nor mistreat it’s customers, fanbases, and audiences.

          Creators will lose something that would be inspiration for their creative works.


          Maybe there’ll be a couple of individual authors, but the industry in general? No.

          Specially when the REAL diversity crowd (not the SJWs) realize the astounding diversity of anime/manga storytelling

          they’ll abandon American products and stop looking in Twitter for their representation.


          Oh lord I hope not , at this moment I am completely addicted to anime, going to buy anime on Blu ray. 2-3 anime per month


          I’m doing basically the same. I recommend everyone to do it too. Soon they will ban many anime shows/movies (especially old ones), because they can’t control what Japan publishes. So amazon/ebay/google etc will just start banning it because it goes against their “beliefs” and social justice propaganda. They want everyone to just be able to watch their modern woke netflix/amazon/disney/hbo shows/movies. Other stuff will be banned or edited (censored).

          So yeah, get those blu-rays, get those shows and movies in your PCs, HDD, etc.


          I can definitely see Japanese entertainment in this day and age becoming “woke”, why? because in 2008 Konami went super woke with Metal Gear Solid 4, by making Meryl into a man-hating caricature of her original self, that was 13 years ago, at this point I have little doubt that not only Konami, but other Japanese companies will be willing to go that route now that it has been normalised, personally I am a little worried about the new Resident Evil animated series, because even though it’s made in Japan, there’s no knowing how much the writers have been influenced by western garbage by now, also due to contractual obligations, the writers might be under orders from Netflix to put in woke stuff even if they don’t agree with it, this has happened before, for example Batman used to be a pro gun character, then he was made anti gun, some of his stories were written by conservative Chuck Dixon, who admitted that he followed orders from the editors to put in anti gun messages despite himself being in the NRA.

          And yes, stock up on Blu Ray and DVD, I was always a skeptic of streaming being the new “format”, because ultimately it’s all about having leverage over us by being able to censor, ban and rewrite history with impunity, and ultimately, I don’t feel comfortable having to constantly pay my dues to watch something that I could watch for free offline after paying once.

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by TobiMcQuire. Reason: corrected mistake, added thoughts on physical media
          • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by TobiMcQuire.


            Do you think Konomi being a huge holding company vs. just a game studio played into that version of the game in 2008?

            I am with you on the streaming stuff. You own nothing in that case and they are free to censor, ban and change all they want. I keep a large movie collection at home. And almost none of it goes beyond 2010. I believe that is the year Hollywood decided to make nothing outside of propaganda.


            I can definitely see Japanese entertainment in this day and age becoming “woke”, why? because in 2008 Konami went super woke with Metal Gear Solid 4, by making Meryl into a man-hating caricature of her original self, that was 13 years ago

            To be fair, that was all Kojima and he’s not the gaming legend that everyone thinks he is. All those Metal Gear games you enjoyed was written/co-written by Tomokazu Fukushima. He left after MGS3 which is why MGS4 had a lot of crap that didn’t make sense. Kojima idolizes Hollywood too much and hellbent in being a movie producer which is why his latest game is trash. Can’t speak about MGS5 though since I never played it.

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Captain_Cronos. Reason: Forgot an important piece of info

            Do you think Konomi being a huge holding company vs. just a game studio played into that version of the game in 2008?

            To be honest, I’m not sure if it was a top down or bottom up decision, I haven’t heard anything about the decision to make Meryl that way from any inside sources in the same vein that Chuck Dixon revealed about why Batman doesn’t like guns ( which was ordered top down and confirmed to be not reflective of Dixon’s views on guns), I do know from some very basic research that Hideo Kojima was previously  creatively “restrained” in some way back in his early career (not sure regarding  exactly what though) and that his MGS games were not entirely his creation but also the work of another Japanese writer and a Canadian  (if memory serves) dialogue editor, most bizarrely of all was that Meryl didn’t even originate from MGS, but was from another unrelated game Kojima worked on called “Policenauts” and that she was designed by another person, it seems bottom up since there’s no evidence they company gave any particular orders, though it can be ether way or a combination of both.

            I am with you on the streaming stuff. You own nothing in that case and they are free to censor, ban and change all they want. I keep a large movie collection at home. And almost none of it goes beyond 2010. I believe that is the year Hollywood decided to make nothing outside of propaganda.

            I like streaming as an alternate to cable TV (though I admit that I still like the “randomness” of it), but as a replacement for actually owning your content in the form of discs and downloads? for the love of God NO? I cannot for the life of me understand people who throw away their DVDs “Because it’s on Netflix now”, Netflix and these other platforms don’t have as much movies as they’re cracked up to be (which is why I sometimes felt like I wasted my time paying for a subscription), also they add and remove stuff all the time, and probably will until they obtain the hegemony they desire, and after that point will only “drop” stuff for political reasons.


            • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by TobiMcQuire.
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