Do you think Japan/Anime/Manga industry will bend the knee?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Do you think Japan/Anime/Manga industry will bend the knee?

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    To be fair, that was all Kojima and he’s not the gaming legend that everyone thinks he is. All those Metal Gear games you enjoyed was written/co-written by Tomokazu Fukushima. He left after MGS3 which is why MGS4 had a lot of crap that didn’t make sense. Kojima idolizes Hollywood too much and hellbent in being a movie producer which is why his latest game is trash. Can’t speak about MGS5 though since I never played it.

    Yep @Captain_Chronos that sounds about right, I did a bit of reading before and know that it was co written, had a Canadian dialogue editor, and that Meryl was “borrowed” from another game’s universe and that she was designed by someone else, weird as hell.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by TobiMcQuire.

    Japan’s culture is vastly different in this topic from our own. Having said that however, the slow trickle down is already having an impact on small quips and changes being thrown into the dubbing side of things. Only time will tell as it becomes more mainstream in the world wide audience how far it will go in influencing the product. I hope for one to just keep anime and manga as entertainment that I can enjoy without having political messaging everywhere.


    The first to FALL! Japanese company Bandai Namco pledges itself to GLOBAL market!
    YellowFlash 2
    The Japanese company Bandai Namco has pledged itself to global audiences. Bandai publishes video games, anime, manga, toys and more. This is a bad sign!


    I read an article on that. It was kinda dumb thing to happen, but not to the level of freak out as far as I feel. Just a few short weeks ago BanNam proved they won’t censor games with Tales of Arise.

    I’m glad YellowFlash is on our side, hell I am subbed to his channel, but he’s a bit of an alarmist on just about anything.

    I mean, he was constantly going on and on about the “censorship” in Mass Effect Legendary Edition…even after the game came out and it was proven to be a giant nothing burger over a single frame (I have the videos to prove it too).

    So…I personally kinda not pay too close attention when a video like this pops up.

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