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I don’t generally like to talk about drama regarding people’s personal lives, especially when there’s family involved. But this situation is kinda personal to me as someone who’s worked in the gaming industry and been surrounded by these viscous cancel culture predators for the better part of a decade.
I believe people are underestimating how petty and vile the subversives are who take over places like twitter and various other companies affiliated with gaming.
My blood boiled reading Doctor Disrespect’s tweet. These people will believe ANYTHING that makes their “enemies” look bad. And over enough years and with a game of telephone the lies and enough sources will be enough to convince everyone of the most vile misdeeds even with no evidence. Anything is possible with these people, there is no low they will not stoop to. They could have hacked chat servers, they could have gathered Doc’s log in info and set this up, they could have gone undercover and slowly gathered Docs attention and waited till he was tipsy to try to get him to say something he would regret.
There are a MYRIAD of underhanded things that these shit heads could have been in an attempt to destroy the Doc. Twitch paid out the Doc, not the other way around. That is key, you have to keep that in mind.
So imagine you’re Doctor Disrespect, you’ve been fucked over, you got cashed out, but you still know full well these underhanded shits are out there just waiting in the wings. What’s your play?
Radio silence. Don’t give them the drama and fame they desperately crave for being the ones who took down the top red blooded streamer in gaming. Obviously for the money too, but living well is the best revenge.
But they couldn’t help themselves, and they pushed and they pushed and eventually it bubbles over, they get their self affirmed lies out there. ZERO EVIDENCE STILL.
What’s your play? At this point you WANT them to attack you, at this point you WANT to display mass financial losses, you WANT to look troubled, you WANT streams leaked of you having your life destroyed by this fuck heads. You WANT your business partners to say you can no longer work with them, that you’re a liability now because of your damaged reputation. You WANT to leave little edits and nuggets of info that might SUGGEST but not confirm anything wrong was done. Give them the rope to hang themselves.
Everyone else thinks Doc is going down, and maybe he is, maybe this is all delusional craziness because I’m so sick of this same destructive scenario playing out time and again….
It could go either way, I don’t know any more than you guys, but we’re watching Docs life implode right now as he’s wretched from everything due to these fucking scumbags. And guess who’s damages are going up if and when he decides to come after these scum pieces of shit who so nonchalantly came to destroy his life…
It’s hard to imagine being so petty, that there are so many people of influence with real power and their hands on the levers of our digital lives, but they’re everywhere. Especially in the gaming space.
Regardless of what happens, this has been a tragic situation. Always losing a bit of faith in so many people when you see how easily people will believe others are monsters even without a single shred of evidence. You see these mobs form in real-time as everyone buys into the big lies and the half truths that start to spiral out of control.
I hope he didn’t do anything terrible, or bad, or even just “naughty”, he’s a married man with a daughter on the world stage. If he was going after young girls, he’s going to have to face that. But at the same time, I really just don’t want to see the mob score a win and have their terrible assumptions and cancel tactics get them another scalp. The Doc kinda represents all us neckbeards and we’ve been through a lot, hoping this plays out well for the true geeks and gamers, and Doc’s always been a stand up guy from everything I’ve seen. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Seems like this is going to go hard one way or the other. Total vindication, or an abject crash and burn, not a lot of middle ground with accusations like this, nor should there be.
Damn, the more I think about this, the more I’m thinking he’s just trying to avoid the subject because he’s guilty. But then I get to thinking, if he WAS guilty Twitch or one of their employees would have leaked this stuff.
Eh maybe we should just shut up and let this unfold as it will. Just a real bummer of a story.
Edit: coming to terms with this. What made this story so hard to follow was how slowly it unfolded. You really got invested in one side or another with all the lack of info. You either think he was innocent, or a victim of all this nonesense.
Our own biases are going to affect how we perceive things. If we just blindly support or always give people the benefit of the doubt we’re no better than anyone else and petty tribalists. It’s looking more and more likely the Doc did do something heinous made even worse by recently cheating on his wife on the world stage.
Feel silly making this post at this point. There’s a lot of good things going on in the world as of late, but no matter how much things turn around people will be people, douchebags will be douchebags. I wasn’t even a viewer of this guy, I really feel bad for his loyal following who stuck with him all these years who gave him the benefit of the doubt. If it’s revealed he is at fault, and it’s looking more and more like he is, you have to think what a scumbag for exploiting his loyal fans and hiding the truth from them to say nothing of what he’s put his family through publicly and privately.
I’ll end this awkward post by posting some cultural eye bleach. At least we can all sleep easy taking a side on The Acolyte which is terrible, subversive garbage made by the personal assistant to Harvey Weinstein:
The whole thing smells of BS. And until someone shows me something conclusive then I don’t care. And ultimately this is really only between Doc and his wife. There were no charges and it’s just he said she said. “Inappropriate texts with a minor” can mean a lot of things so everyone running towards “pedophile” is silly. And yet somehow “drag queens” doing gross things in front of and with minors (ON VIDEO) is not a pedophile situation in the leftist public eye. So the claim seems disingenuous.
If Twitch or it’s employees were such bastions of morality waiting several years to “leak” something they consider so awful also seems disingenuous especially given Twitch makes so much money off half naked women.
If I was some rabid leftist and I hated alpha male streamers for whatever reason, all you have to do to harm several of them is attack Doc and that harms Z, Tim, Mercs and others.
I am pretty sure though, the damage is done, which makes me very unhappy. Doc will likely be banned from Youtube and he has already lost sponsorships and some portion of Midnight Society. So his business model has been killed.
The interesting part, all Doc has to do is say he was wearing a dress at the time and trying to free the minor from his/her anti-queer tyrannical parents. Then he flips it from cancellation to celebration.
Some YT’ers have been reporting the whole thing was a set-up. A twitch employee created an account to pretend to be underaged and get into a conversation with him. They could not get him to bite with the type of incriminating evidence they wanted. Several of them had since been fired by twitter once twitter investigated and authorities investigated. But it was enough that twitter and DD had to get a NDA between them.
Now those disgrunted former employees are trying to destroy DD yet again, but it is blowing up into their faces yet again.
It is now time for DD to get his lawyers involved had SUE the sh!t out of those morons.
I suspect a setup as well, alluded to it a bit in my first post. And if it was, as Doc is demeaned and dragged through the mud, the amount of money he will potentially be able to sue Twitch for will increase exponentially.
It all depends on the nature of the setup if it indeed happened.
It’s a complex subject with insanely taboo moral implications. Now that people are invested either casting judgement or reserving it, people will become increasingly aggressive in this story. We’ve seen this all play out over the years with cancel culture.
I will say, at the risk of offending all the white knights out there.
The doc isn’t the kind of guy that hangs around schoolyards preying on impressionable young people because he can’t get laid. There’s a big difference between being a mega star 6’8” Dr. Disrespect who has people throw themselves at him as he enjoys a level of fame and appeal most people could only dream of.
It’s easy to talk shit as some internet troll sitting in a basement scarfing down potato chips that the Doc should have been more noble. I don’t really give a shit what doc does in his personal life, just as I don’t really harp on what politicians, billionaires, world leaders, my neighbor do with theirs, so long as they aren’t preying upon the innocents.
It’s also easy to talk shit in this world of cancel culture where people enjoy hiring based on affiliating with cancel culture happy political associations. In this sick world we live in it’s advantageous to selectively pass judgement on others, and that is obviously the case that happens here. Just look at all the Biden supporters who overlook his penchant for sniffing children.
I will not respect him as much as if he were the kind of guy to cherish his wife and family and devote himself to them. But if I’m being honest, I never really thought he was that kind of guy. He always presented himself as an asshole chad who lived large and took all he could in life. This doesn’t really surprise people, but the cancel mobs are so bloodthirsty everyone has to act shocked that the Doc would maybe reply to some fan in a private text despite being married.
Again, we don’t need the details, we’re all bracing for the truth to come out as it will display our own biases and everyone is worried about losing face in this ultra judgmental society. We should be judgmental about child predators, but anyone who’s honest and sees the situation for what it is, can tell this is a far more complex subject.
Doc is a victim of being a celebrity in this ultra hostile, cancel culture happy community of white knights and jealous losers who are more than happy to tear families apart to get their pounds of flesh. Again, not excusing his behavior, but trying to reiterate, we should withold judgement and not become a mob.
For comparison, here’s a pic of Jerry Seinfeld, out publicly with his 17 year old girlfriend. Again not excusing it, but just seeking to show a disparity in the outrage.
So tired of the discussions of the day being centered around shaming’s and cancelling’s and attacks and judgement. It’s such an angry and shitty world we live in these days full of ankle biters and cancel pigs.
2 things can be true at once. Maybe Doc did something questionable, but maybe not horrible. And that is being used against him. If you are admirable and admit even a tiny amount of guilt everyone assumes you are Hitler.
So until there is something concrete I do not care at all. And his sponsors and “friends” are b!tches trying to save their own hide without even knowing.
“At this point you WANT them to attack you, at this point you WANT to display mass financial losses, you WANT to look troubled, you WANT streams leaked of you having your life destroyed by this fuck heads. You WANT your business partners to say you can no longer work with them, that you’re a liability now because of your damaged reputation. You WANT to leave little edits and nuggets of info that might SUGGEST but not confirm anything wrong was done. Give them the rope to hang themselves.”
Fuckin’ Called it.
Lost a bit of respect for Jeremy today, dude’s joining the mob with the attacks, but again everyone is really invested into these stories and it’s hard to admit we’re wrong, or at the very least COULD be wrong. For better or worse the wokesters are always united, and that’s why they win.
Do I think Doc did some shady shit and should just be absolved of this 100%? Nope. Am I perfect and do I shove my nose where it doesn’t belong? Not really. I’m just done giving the mob their scalps. Don’t know why Jeremy feels the need to join these fuck heads, but it’s a free country. Stupid ass move if you ask me and it’s really going to piss of a sizeable chunk of their audience for absolutely zero benefit to themselves. I mean, good on Jeremy for following his principles I guess, but IMO they just make him look like a Karen.
I personally don’t care about any of the content creator drama’s. I get tired of hearing about it too.
Dr. Disrespect, the @TheOmniLiberal aka Destiny drama from a few weeks ago, etc. I wake up and go to Youtube and it is everywhere in my feed. EVERYONE (in a Gary Oldman voice) is making video’s on it and I find it nauseating. The oversaturation really puts me off.
That being said, it’s clear some people want him gone. In fact, this is happening all over the place with others. Right now we are in a fight for freedom of expression and even more so freedom of OPINION. Because right now there is a culture of people who want to silence opinion.
And wth is the Like Button Notice crap back for?
It’s all very tribal. It’s mesmerizing see so many only attack those who aren’t aligned with them politically, and those on their own side are allowed to get away with the most heinous and disgusting lifestyles imaginable.
It’s such a complex subject that exists on so many levels of class and culture and politics within our society. I think what doc likely was morally bad, but I find the actions of those salivating to destroy him to be an even greater threat to our society as a whole, because this doesn’t stop with just doc, and again the hypocrisy is absolutely nauseating.
Whatever happens in this situation, everyone is going to have their extremely strong opinions one way or another as this turns into a circus. People are concerned with clout and cutting others down over any thought to victims and families. If they cared they wouldn’t blow this up in the public spot light for thoughts to these innocent.
I see lots of big time youtubers who seemingly enjoy hanging out with much younger women talking shit (whom I won’t name), and it’s just more hypocracy.
I was genuinly happy to see Doc fight the cancel culture mob. I don’t see him as a role model, I don’t think anyone should, maybe in the sense that he aspires to be better. For every doc that has huge ammounts of $$$ and a throng of fans to support them, there are regular people who become the targets of these mobs and have their entire lives ground to dust in an instance, all for the momentary thrill of the mob getting their pound of “justice”.
My guess is he didn’t do anything illegal, but if he really had absolutely nothing to hide he could just show the messages. The way he’s waltzing around some things, like claiming she was of the age of consent instead of saying she was an adult, and admitting to sending some interesting messages but denying planning to meet her gives me the feeling that she was like 16-17 years old, so technically legal but morally questionable, and some flirty messages were sent but nothing more serious. It’s still weird behavior, and my god how many times is he gonna make his wife eat shit
His wife is eating nothing. She is rich as ballz and if she decides to peace out she takes half of it with her. She is doing just fine.
When the man cheated he went online and admitted it. That is an act of someone repentant.
And keep in mind all that and this was years ago.
Now I agree his wording is a little evasive but you know what? His marriage and his typical missteps ain’t my business. Now if something comes out with some proof that he did something really bad, OK, I will pay attention.
But possibly sending, possibly spicy messages, to possibly a minor I am not really going to care about.
You say he should show the messages. Why do you assume he has them? If Twitch had them they would have shown them I suspect to win the lawsuit. Now that’s an assumption on my part, for all I know they were shown at court.
If you watched his comeback stream he explained it all from the messages on, lawsuit and all. He named people, places and times and went through it step by step. He said he could legally do this now as Twitch had broken the lawsuit gag order that both sides were under. Again, he explained it from him sending the messages onward and how it all snowballed.
So good enough for me until someone shows me something. Otherwise, I really am not concerned.
His wife is eating nothing. She is rich as ballz and if she decides to peace out she takes half of it with her. She is doing just fine
I don’t know what kind of relationship they have, but constantly cheating and saying well you have money so it’s all good sounds not so genuine
But possibly sending, possibly spicy messages, to possibly a minor I am not really going to care about.
Wait, so sexting a minor is now okay? or are you hinging on the “possible” factor? In his original tweet he admitted to texting a minor, whether it was spicy or not is unclear and we probably won’t know unless they get posted or leaked.
If you watched his comeback stream he explained it all from the messages on, lawsuit and all. He named people, places and times and went through it step by step
I watched it and he seemed to tiptoe around certain issues, and I think he’s not being sincerely honest. I kinda take back my original words on the minor thing, as in his original post he admitted to texting a minor but later edited the minor part out and then fully deleted it, and after discussing with his PR team most likely, came out with a statement claiming he used the word minor to “bait the journalists”. Which is either a lie or the dumbest prank of all time, to admit you text minors as a prank is near career suicide. That’s not how baiting works.
My guess is he did text minors and made a hast post to explain, admitting it was a minor but hinging on no spicy texts so it’s all good. After discussing with his team, he probably decided to change the narrative that it wasn’t a minor and redacted the original statement of it being a minor as some weird prank/bait.