does anyone else like stargirl?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television does anyone else like stargirl?

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    i hope heelz keeps reviewing his reviews have me in tears in laughing its pure gold those reviews


    yeah its very lazy and dumb her power is internet goggles lol i just find the character very annoying and shoehorned in for diversity bs and what is up with her parent obsession? ive never met anyone in my life obsessed with their parents like this its a bit wierd


    its watchable unlike batwamon with everythings gay bs lol stargirl actually has a story


    I think I liked the show better when the kids didn’t really know each other or get along. I said a few weeks ago it was clunky and I still think that. Every episode has some good scenes and moments but for some reason it just doesn’t gel together. You know how some shows are better than the sum of its parts? That’s not the case here. I liked the sequence of Courtney trying to get the stuff back only to learn how much it meant to the girls, but the payoff didn’t really payoff. Also, remember what I said about those Dr. Midnight Goggles? In no time at all, “The goggles can read the password.” Convenient. But also, “The goggles don’t recognize the formula,” and “The goggles didn’t know about the other two attack dog villains are there.” Bummer.

    The whole show boils down to what the goggles know and what they don’t.


    Pat said the team needs training. I hope that happens especially for Dr Midnight, who does actually nothing apart from asking the goggles what to do and what the goggles tell her. There was a scene where the team goes off and Dr Midnight is left standing in the hall clueless. That says it all at the moment.


      It is okay on its own.  But it will not be believable if these idiots beat these current group of bad guys in the first season.  So Im waiting to see how they handle this fact before giving it my final opinion


        This will take YEARS & SEASONS of training & getting experience.  This wont be a couple of days & they are veterans.  If these idiots immediately defeat these bad guys when the original group could not right off the bat I am fucking out


        Stargirl got her ass kicked by Shiv. Nice one!


        It’s not the best show I’ve ever seen and it does feel like something that’s very much directed towards a younger audience, but if we compare it to Supergirl and Batwhaman, it’s actually quite enjoyable.


        lol yeah courtney is to stubborn shiv almost killed her i cant wait for the next episode looks good


        I’m gonna keep watching to see if it gets better, but I feel like I’m losing interest. I’m not entirely sure of all the powers this staff has so it’s hard for me to follow these fight scenes. Plus Courtney has some martial arts background? She’s doing a hell of a lot of flips and stuff for a more basic background unless the staff or suit gives her extra abilities like it does the cat girl. I feel like the big fight was more about looking cool than it was meant to follow and know what is going on.


          Stargirl has a gymnastics background, so yes, the flips in fight scenes make sense


          i think on the first episode when there packing it shows that courtney knows karate going by her pictures they show. courtney does seem to be more interested in showing off during the fights rather then kicking ass lol

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Hargrave.

          I like the dynamic that was set up between the competing girls. Courtney and Cindy were literally trying to kill each other. Are they just gonna go back to school then like nothing happened? Will they still be chemistry lab partners knowing they may be in another fight to the death after school? Kind of silly but a fun dynamic. I hope the show embraces it.

          Also wasn’t Cindy the one who spread the pictures of the catgirl? Does she not know who it was? I guess from the trailer she still thinks it was the brain guy. Interesting to see how that affects the group dynamics. I imagine she’ll learn from brain guy that he wasn’t the one who spread it so she’ll forgive him and he can join the group.


          I heard that the show goes to shit at around episode 4. I’ve been watching HeelvsBabyFace’s reviews. I typically wait until a show is finished before tuning in. I’m tired of wasting my time on shows for bullshit endings driven by poor writing or political agendas.


          Game of Thrones and Man in the High Castle disappointed me tremendously so I wait now. Life is too short to waste time on mediocrity, or in this case, plain trash.

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