does anyone else like stargirl?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television does anyone else like stargirl?

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    episode 4 was wildcat i wouldnt say it went downhill the show has its ups and downs heelzvsbabyface stop reviewing it at ep 5 which was pretty funny episode overall.Luke wilson is really good  brec bassinger nails stargirl the show has some cheese factor to it but so far theres not much sjw crap or pc bs theres hints of it here and there but overall its a decent show not the best show but its decent. I wish az would review the newer episodes his reviews were pretty good funny as hell


    yeah it was a good but goofy episode i find it hard to believe that no one in that town noticed the staff flying around and stargirl busting into shivs house through the window and brainwave jr blasting them both  lol im not in nebraska but i dont think nebraska is that much of a ghost town haha. Over all a decent episode despite the cheese factor


      Things slow down a bit at episode 5, but the pace picks up again by the next episode. For now i don’t think the show’s anywhere near going to shits, guess only time will tell. @theschnick, if you like really getting into the minds of the characters i really sugest you watch this show, has some of the best character arcs i’ve seen on TV


      For me, the whole Beth and Pat part in the house was just stupid especially when Beth took to wandering down the tunnels and then upstairs.. She only asked to use the toilet! The parts wrapping around that were good though, especially Stargirl crashing through the window.


      yeah i find beth very anoying and cringy and yes anyone can be dr midnight apparently lol since shes just has google glasses lol.  Yeah that shiv part 2 fight was bit cheesy i mean is that town a ghost town or abandoned? you never see anyone outside when they show the houses it feels like theyre the only family in that neighborhood lol no one noticed shiv screaming and being taken into the sewers? lol its all bit cheesy but i still like the show but i have to admit these cheeseball things


      So, Henry has a chance to tell Yolanda face to face that it was not him who sent the photos around. He even said something along the lines of “What I did”!

      What the frack man! Frustrating.. Aaarrgghh!


      This is exactly what I mean when I say the show is clunky. Not only does it strip away the possibility Cindy was the one who did it, all responsibility is placed on him with an awkward throwaway line. Cringe and dumb.


        Holy shit, the latest Stargirl episode had me crying myself to sleep 😭


        I enjoy it because it just a light “good” show. It does have subtle SJW undertones and that most the characters are female (hmm…I wonder why?). Unfortunately it seems we just can’t have anything without some SJW undertone. The character of Beth is a big negative to the show for me, can’t stand her. I was really enjoying the show…until Beth was on screen and I KNEW they were going to have her as a main…and it ended up happening. It’s like The Phantom Menace, you are watching and enjoying, and then Jar Jar comes on screen and it all goes downhill. I will never understand why they do this stuff.

        Sadly, now that this is going to CW next season, you might as well forget it. Could have been something, but going to CW just ruins it imo. That’s about all they do on CW is virtue signal.


        the latest episode was pure awesome its the best episode to date. Yeah cw will destroy the show with sjw crap and turn everyone gay or who knows what why dc gave it cw was a total screw up its a good show. Yes beth is very anoying and cringe totally useless character i wish she had died instead of the red head guy that episode was so awesome i wish all the episodes were like this one

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Hargrave.

        Yeah, that was a good episode. Even at the last moments though, Henry still said sorry for something he did not do!

        Beth, absolutely useless. Was she even in those fight scenes?



        no shes becoming the therapist for hourman apparently she spent her time beggin hourman not to tear down solomon grundys cell door lol on top of that the glasses were useless in the underground isa lair


        Based on the comments in this thread I binge-watched the first 10 episodes and I have to admit it’s riveting. Surprisingly good casting and acting aside from ‘goggles girl’.

        Then too the first seasons of many CW superhero shows were good but eventually they all lost their way. Even Smallville which was arguably the best of them went downhill after season 7. Let’s see how long this one lasts.



        I get Courtney is a superhero with the cosmic staff but apparently she also is one with a regular spear she picks up. I can’t buy a 15 year old girl fighting like that naturally. The show loses some of its believability.


        yep i think of supergirl before the cw got there sjw hands on it season 1 really good sw takes over first thing they do is turn the sister gay and spend an entire episode about her gayness smh ill enjoy stargirl while i can = /

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