Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Community Hub › General Discussions › “Dog Mom”, stop that
This is a personal pet peeve of mine. So while I think I am technically correct I acknowledge that my personal bias might over inflate the actual importance of the topic.
I live in an area where families are everywhere and you cannot throw a rock and not hit 3 pregnant women. This is a good thing and I love it.
But I wonder if this creates envy or self admission to some that they missed out.
Driving around I see people with stickers or decorations of their dogs on their cars and you often see “Dog Mom”. I even once saw “Dog Grandma” which made me want to accelerate uncontrollably into the nearest light pole. The only thing worse would be “Cat Mom”. If I ever saw that one I am not responsible for my actions.
But seriously people. If you want to me a Mom or Dad, then have or adopt children. Having a dog or a cat DOES NOT make you a parent. The 2 situations are not even close to comparable. Yes, their is a common theme of caring for something outside of yourself. But after that simplistic thought the comparison ends.
Does your dog paint you a picture when it is young exclaiming how much it loves you? No.
Do you dress your dog every morning for years, make it lunch and send it off to school and then help it with it’s homework at night? No
Does your dog later on turn into an all knowing oracle of all things assured of it’s superiority over all adults and frequently treating you like a dingdong? No
The flip side of that is if you had a child and all you did was simply made sure it had food and water left out where it could access it on the floor , threw a ball for it occasionally to chase and maybe patted it’s head now and then, you would hopefully be whisked off to jail for neglect.
So stop it. Just stop it. It’s not the same, it’s not even close and you need to stop pretending it is for the love of all things holy and good.
I think I am going to start selling bumper stickers to counter this.
“Actual Mom”