“DOJ wants clear precedent”: DOJ appeal Oath Keepers’ sentences too lenient

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    “DOJ wants clear precedent”: “Very surprising” DOJ appeal argues Oath Keepers’ sentences too lenient

    The Department of Justice on Wednesday appealed the sentences of seven members of … the Oath Keepers … signals prosecutor’s dissatisfaction with the severity of the members’ sentences.

    You are not allowed to go against the agenda/narrative.  Those that do have to be made extreme examples of.

    “Sentencing appeals are unusual (judges have considerable discretion) & while the govt can object to procedural or substantive flaws at sentencing, the cases are hard to win,” wrote former U.S. attorney and federal prosecutor Joyce Vance. “Strong sign DOJ wants clear precedent for long sentences for those even more responsible for the insurrection that the Oath Keepers.”

    It was NEVER an insurrection.  That is a extremely toxic far alt-left talking point.

    It has been proven that the level require to meet the definition in law of an insurrection was NEVER made.

    U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta in May delivered the harshest sentence of any Capitol attack defendant — 18 years — to Rhodes to reflect his leadership role in what the federal judge described as a criminal conspiracy aiming to violently disrupt the transfer of presidential power.

    Not insurrection.

    The government’s appeals will likely be considered alongside the appeals filed by the same defendants who are challenging both their convictions and their sentences.

    I hope the appeals of ALL the sentences are overturned.

    The Peaceful protect was just that.

    The elites are scared that people will continue to want to use the constitutional rights, and reject their autocratic rules.

    This use of the justice department to weaponize against people and those they consider a threat to their agenda/narrative has to stop.

    We in the free democratic nation cannot allow the Sondergericht to develop.

    These so called “people’s court”, be it used by the Nazis, the Soviets, or the Communists (CCP) to crush all opposition are illegal, as are those who promote and are involved in it.


      This administration will punish anyone and everything that stands against them.

      Charges, arrests and convictions such as these are no different than killing the leaders of a rival faction and putting their heads on pikes in the town square.

      It’s a sign of what will happen to you if you dissent in an attempt to strike fear into those whom might dissent.

      They don’t care if you agree, they just want you to be afraid to disagree.


      Chansley recants apology, judge blasts him for it.

      A federal judge on Thursday sharply criticized so-called Jacob Chansley for recanting his remorse for participating in the Capitol riot and shut down his attempts to invalidate his guilty plea agreement.

      Why?  The activist court got their guilty plea – why would they ever get rid of it?

      On March 6, before Chansley left prison, then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired security footage from the January 6… demonstrated it was a peaceful protest.

      There were many such clips.

      One piece of footage obtained by Carlson is a 10-second clip that shows Chansley outside the Senate chamber. Chansley claimed the clip proved his innocence and that prosecutors withheld the video footage from him before he entered his plea agreement.

      And how other clips should capital police were literally escorting Chansley thru the building, and was NOT trying to remove him from the grounds.

      Calling Chansley’s legal arguments “devoid of common sense,” the judge said the 10-second video did not, in fact, prove he was innocent.

      But combined with ALL the other videos that was withheld, proves he was NOT guilty of what was charged against him.

      The judge pointed to “miles of footage” showing Chansley rioting at the Capitol.

      It was stated by many when they were looking at all footage, the definition of a riot nor an insurrection was never meet, yet the legacy media and the left still PUSH those words, while rejecting such language to blast Antifa and other leftist rioting/looting/destruction.

      The judge blasted Carlson… Lamberth wrote the March 6 broadcast misrepresented the January 6 riot in ways “too numerous to count.”

      Because Carlson showed the agenda/narrative of the left was not an accurate representation of what ACTUALLY happened Jan.6th.

      “In so doing, he called on his followers to ‘reject the evidence of [their] eyes and ears,’…

      Just like we should reject the fiery but mostly peaceful protests where anything but peace and sure was fiery and destructive.

      The left and their activists want you to REJECT what you see with your own eyes when it goes against their agenda/narrative.

      Just like how they still push that whole office who died days after Jan.6 was killed on Jan 6 by protesters.  And reject mention the only person who DID die at the Capital on Jan.6 was shot.

      I am sick of these lies (lie by omission) of the legacy media and their political allies, and how political activist judges/DOJ/alphabet agencies have become.

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