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I keep seeing videos with popular and good YouTube creators talking about how reaction video creators are lazy and are immoral.
My answer to that is don’t hate the player hate the game.
This is no different than complaining about large companies using tax loopholes to escape taxes. They did not create the loopholes, they just use them.
Same thing with silly content like SSSniperWolf or anyone else doing non-analytical reactions.
These folks did not create the system. They were simply aware enough to under the system and use it to their benefit.
And to my point of hating the system whether it be taxes or YouTube. If the system was not beneficial to the system, it would not exist in that form.
Again, don’t hate the player, hate the game.
I have seen several such “reaction” creators.
Some are just people being amazed with the music/song/group.
While interesting, I prefer those that break down the music/song/group.
Having voice coaches analyze the tune on their “first time” listening/reactions. Some go into more details than others.
Those are as educational and they are entertaining, and are worth the watching, IMO.
The others, I found that it seems their reactions were similar regardless of the music/song/group, and gets tiresome very quickly.
PS: Those “voice coaches” channels also have ALOT of SUBS and views per vid, from what I have seen. So it shows people enjoy those vids/channels.
I think those people that complain are just jealous their vids/channels are not as popular/profitable.
A lot of people watch reaction videos because they like empathizing with with others. There’s nothing lazy or immoral about it – the creators are simply filling a need/demand.
Methinks the critics are “jealous” because they have to put in hours and hours of work to make technical analysis videos while others can simply emote and make the same, if not more money in a fraction of the time.
Holy shit, you are not only right on the money @Vknid, but I would say the same thing about being a film critic or any critic really which is a closer comparison.
Reaction videos have been a thing, hell Ebert and Siskel were prime examples of Reaction videos, but they were considered “geniuses?”
No, they’re all hacks who push their own word as the only valid criticism. I’m a better film critic, reviewer, and I can be 80% less biased about it too.
Really, anyone who wants to criticize reaction video better be ready to criticize the whole fucking entertainment industry. No excuses.
So don’t hate the player, hate the game because Hollywood made the game and now the game is changing.
Siskel and Ebert were not hacks in my summation. They actually did good reviews that were honest as far as I can recall. I know they were not the only or first movie critics but they popularized that genre. Shalit was a entertainment guy. I don’t recall his reviews being serious but more on the funny or exaggerated side. But Siskel and Ebert would break down a film and do it in front of you on TV.
What’s around now are just pay for play critics. And it’s not entirely their fault they (or game reviewers) are lop sided. I attribute this to the internet. In the day of Siskel and Ebert so long as you got a review out while the movie was still in theatres you were good to go. But now with the instant communication, if you are not one of the first to get out a review (game or movie) you don’t get clicks. So now early access as granted by a movie or game company is critical to your reviews making money. So, realizing this companies selectively hand out that access and if you do something they don’t like they revoke it. Critics know this and so their reviews are almost always positive.
Again, it’s the game, not the player.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I don’t agree that they were good but to sit there and say it’s lazy entertainment clearly just want attention and to just whine for the sake of whining. I enjoy reaction videos, Guga reacting to bad food recipes or “professional TV cooks” not even cooking authentically to a recipe I’ve cooked a dozen times in succession, it’s fun and funny which is what these are.</p>
Don’t hate the player, hate the game.