Never Tell me the odds

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  • #176103

    What are the odds The Seattle Mayor called it the Summer of Love and the 2 hit and run victims at the BLM Protest were named Summer Taylor and Diaz Love?

    Welcome to the Matrix.  The Simulation has a dry sense of humor.

    Meme magic is real. Praise Kek!


    Don’t believe me?  Google it and see for yourself.



    I believe it as I saw part of an interview with the poor kids father and the interviewer called it the Summer of Love camp. Living in the UK I’m not well versed in what news channels are good or bad in America, though to be honest most of the world’s news agency’s are corrupt in some way


    Bobbylass, I don’t trust the MSM.  So not a single one of them are any good.  I turned off my cable TV 12 years ago now.  Every single one of them are snakes.  Take your pick, left wing propaganda CNN, MSNBC, ect.  Right wing propaganda Fox News.

    With the exception of Tucker Carlson, he speaks some truth now and then.  Tucker is the only one I have any respect for.

    It has gotten so bad that if the local news comes on and it says it is raining outside I will have to peek out and check and make sure it is not them pissing on my leg.

    Trust your favorite content creator for news.  Geeks and Gamer team does a great job with exposing Hollywood.  I get most of my news From Salty Cracker, Styxhexinhammer666, Razorfist and a few others I can mention if you like.

    But there are also a wealth of propagandists on You Tube.  The place is turning into a snake pit.  Bit Chute is where I am spending most of my time.

    Oh yeah, can’t forget my favorite TACO!  Memology 101 is a great source!  Good guy there.


    Irony at its finest.

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