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  • #173990

    Heh. GT…the bastard child of Dragonball everyone wishes never existed.


    Yep since The Disney Trilogy is Star Wars’ Dragonball GT.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by VinzingerG.

    Bloodlines dont matter


    If this really happens then I’ll be ridiculously happy!
    It could possibly be too late to save the franchise but it seems to me only the really really hard core fans avoided TROS. They know the ins and outs of lucasfilm and the politics, so knowing KK is gone, it could rebuild they’re trust in the franchise. It’ll certainly restore my faith in it.
    Did JJ Abrams have any say on TROS anyway? There were earlier rumours of the 3+ hour version of the movie and the possibility of it being in two parts and the removal of all force ghosts at the end of the 9th movie, removed for China’s market. (We removed force ghosts from a fictional movie and they give us a virus – well done! 👏😂)

    Really hope these rumours are true, if I had to remove one of the two – remove the sequel trilogy or the virus? Sequel trilogy for me every time haha.


    I think there’s always hope for the future of Star Wars.


    i hope mr cock is wrong on this one, sounds diabolic


    i think his sources are pulling his leg a bit much more  than before, as much as i would like a George Lucas comeback i don’t think it will happen with him being his age and to try fix the mess Disney has made, would take a few years for movies and or tv show material to right the many wrongs, as well as Kennedy getting the sack

    if it is all being done on the hush i would as well as many folk like to see some signs that it’s happening, just a breadcrumb or 2 to show its a possible outcome to make star wars great again

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DunkDoog316.

    I can’t wait till the KK saga is over.

    It has taken a ca$hcow world known brand and turned it into a merchandising hell.

    Most people don’t like/buy the new characters.

    To save Star Wars, everything related to KK must be removed.




    If this one is true…then this bitch really is pure evil.


    Why do you think ALOT of the memes has KK in the disguise as the emperor… in all its EVIL.


    I hear about her beeing evil or incompetent all over the place but I also heard that the next BIG OFFICIAL news is coming early September, until then we might have to wait and hope the best. Once she is gone, the fandom will rise and tear her shit appart.

    I so hope for Dave and Jon to take over and turn this ship around. We are going to see what they both chose to do once in October the Mandalorian comes back.

    As I heard it, they try to throw everything at us and check what sticks. The next 2 months will be crucial for the future of Star Wars.


    I think not a single Star Wars fan does not know KK’s contract is about to expire and the house of mouse told her they will NOT renew it.  She has the title, but no longer has any authority at Lucasfilms.  All her pet-projects have been postponed or cancelled outright.

    So now that AT&T/DC Comics has announced huge layoffs, we will see Marvel Publishing will do the same in a few weeks.

    Maybe Disney will now look at that as a good enough reason to drain the swamp at Lucasfilms.



    so give fans no choice then how sad. ps gorge got stomtroppers fron the nazis.




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