Doomcock’s STD Review S01E01

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Doomcock’s STD Review S01E01

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  • #192715

    Doomcock made a review for Star Trek Discovery S01E01: The Vulcan Hello

    Star Trek Discovery “The Vulcan Hello” is Star Trek in name only, a hideous joke of a show unfit for human consumption that is an insult to Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek, and human sentience. I hate this idiotic garbage, and here is why;



    I’ve never watched Discovery, but I can imagine what it’s like because I’ve seen Picard and they say that Discovery is even worse than Picard. I decided not to watch it when CBS shut down the fan-made Star Trek shows including my favorite – Star Trek Continues. My only consolation is that it seems I’ve spared myself a lot of pain not watching it.


    Which is why I enjoy listening to the rants of one who had the misfortune of watching that garbage.

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