Dragon Age 4: Rise of the Woke Wolf???

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming PlayStation Hub Dragon Age 4: Rise of the Woke Wolf???

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    I know it’s cross platform, but I’m a PS player, so I’m starting the topic here.

    So, I haven’t done a dive into DA4 news for a while, because last time I did my wokeness meter rose. I love this franchise (yes, even DA2. it gets too much unnecessary hate), so the early SJW diversity shit one of the devs spewed last year began my worries that they were totally going to ruin the franchise. DA was servicing all the check marks organically, because the game ALWAYS let you play the game however you wanted to. It’s one of those franchises that naturally provided a world you could play in and shape however you wanted. Hell, Zevran was bi-sexual in the first game, and it was fine and no one cared, because he was a well crafted character and they did not shove it down your throat…no one cared. At the end of every single one of my Origins play throughs, I always made sure I had the conversation with Zev that ended with him agreeing to be your traveling companion, because Zev is awesome and of course I’d want a master assassin watching my back

    Is anyone else worried about DA4? Is there still a need to be worried? Has Bioware lost itself completely, unable to realize it was already providing a diverse gaming world, so it does not need to freaking virtue signal and bend the knee?

    Man I hope this game is not a disaster.


    I loved DA:O, DA2 was playable but the design change from 1 to 2 was jarring. DA:I really could have been a great game but the story just ground to a halt after a while.

    I want to be excited for 4 but Im just not.


    I love them all to death. The only reason I can’t get a platinum on my DA2, is because there is always something wrong with the data at the end, so it never records different choices I make during the final events.

    For me, DA:I was a “We’re sorry” letter for some of the mistakes made in DA2. I agree it’s not a perfect game, but all my play throughs were loads of fun. Even after the half a dozen times I’ve gone through it, my second DA:I run as an elf rogue was just incredible. She turned out to be such a great character with how I ended up playing her, not to mention it was the first time I did a run where I didn’t screw up things I felt I chose poorly in the first time around. The only real beef I always come back to are the romance options when as a dude. Cassandra is great, but her design always puts me off. Unlike in Origins where I am a diehard Morrigan man (Claudia Black, yes please), when I get to DA:I I suddenly want to get with Leliana…especially with her design in that game being so crisp and clean. But thanks, BW, you didn’t let us because you were afraid to upset people who may have romanced her in DA:O.


    Man, Roas sorry that the Dragon Age franchise has gone the woke route. I cannot believe that BioWare who has created great games in the past such as BioShock would go down the SJW rabbit hole never to return. I hope that the writing staff changes at BioWare so you could possibly enjoy DA5 in the future. However, the sales to this game may be to small to overcome. What other video games do you enjoy outside of Dragon Age?


    That is a decades long list, heh. I’ve always been mainly an RPG player: Final Fantasy, Lunar, Mass Effect, a love hate relationship with Tales games, Dragon Quest, etc etc, you see where I’m going. I get the strategy itch from time to time, and I go to games like Crusader Kings and Stellaris these days for that. That doesn’t mean I don’t play in other genres, but I can be picky. Action/Adventure games with RPG flavorings like Middle Earth Shadow franchise, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Assasin’s Creed, Uncharted (before Fuck NaughtyDog). I think that accurately depicts my general taste in games.

    Other than that, I’m an MMORPG guy, too: Everquest, FFXI/XIV, Warhammer, SWTOR.

    I’m really glad G&G has these forums up and running so I can chat with people like you about games again. I recently left a small community that used to fill this void, so it’s nice to be able to have these conversations again.


      My characters in games are always asexual — I don’t enjoy serious “romance” in video games.

      I liked most of of DA:I except for the very last DLC, Trespasser.   Some parts were interesting and fun, but I wish I hadn’t played it.   I like finishing games on a positive note and with a satisfying sense of accomplishment —  basically, how I would have felt after playing DA:I if I had never played Trespasser.  But I did play Trespasser, and it sort of ruined the entire game for me.




        Regarding DA4, I’m optimistic.  I think there’s a good chance Bioware could release another game comparable to DA:I, which in my opinion was sufficiently “woke” in it’s own right.


        Only reason I don’t feel like DA:I was full on woke was because everything in it felt organic and not forced. That’s the kinda line I draw in these situations. When things just flow naturally, and all the characters are good because they’re good and not agenda driven, then I’m not going to complain. I can see why you would say it, though, because at times I can agree that it could be perceived as walking the line.

        Fortunately, DA:I was made before the world lost it’s mind in SJW nonsense. They were indeed infiltrating at the time, but they were not, imo, influential yet.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

        I think yes, we should, we got Andromeda…. which had some issues… and then Anthem…

        Does any authors or devs is still in Bioware who worked on original games? I dont think its “Bioware” anymore, more like “New Bioware” at this point.

        Have you read new comics or book that came out after DAI? I read 3 comics and gonna check out the new Tevinter Nights book. Maybe it will show some hints at what DA4 would be like. Comics weren’t full woke, but there is a trend that I can see, so I am not holding my breath.


        I didn’t totally hate Andromeda. I admit I have a constant man crush on ME, so I managed to enjoy Andromeda through at least two play throughs, always finding things to enjoy.

        But you are right, this is not the same Bioware from a decade ago. Just look at SWTOR. I still enjoy my time when I go back to SWTOR every now and then, but it’s  not the same quality as when it launched.

        No, I didn’t read the comics. I tend to not read the periphery stuff like that. Hell, I didn’t even know there were comics.


          That’s a very good idea Sajjux.  I found this article about the comics:  Dragon Age: Blue Wraith

          The series features Fenris, who’s name means “wolf”?

          My overall reaction to Andromeda was mixed — positive at the start,  not so positive the more I played it.  It was certainly nothing like the original ME, but I did finish it.


          Andromeda had a fun gameplay, I will give it that, but the story… oof.

          Books and comics are not necessary to read to understand the games, but they do expand the universe lore quite a bit. First 3 books are written by David Gaider and they are the best ones: Stolen Throne, The Calling and Asunder. Others are not so much, but one thing from Last Flight (5th book) is going to be in DA4 definitely I think, because otherwise it doesn’t make sense why its there. There is also first 3 comics written by David, but I didn’t manage to get  my hands on them yet. The remaining doesn’t do much to the lore, but I think some characters are going to appear in DA4 from there.


          Yea “Blue Wraith” is the newest one, I am waiting for the book that’s collects all 3 issues in one to be released and then check it out.


          The DA books written by David Gaider really are the only ones that were worth buying. the writing staff after he left, left a lot to be desired.


          I’ve only played Dragon Origins. What other games from the saga are worth playing? (and without any SJW crap).

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