Dragon Age 4: Rise of the Woke Wolf???

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    Just play them in order.

    If you haven’t get the DA:O expansion and finish it out with the DLC.

    Dragon Age 2: Rise to Power. DA:2 has is supporters and detractors, but in the end it’s a decent game. Replay value is very high.

    Dragon Age: Inquisition. As you can see in this thread alone, there are varying opinions on its themes. Personally, I love the game. I always think of it as the apology letter for the problems many perceived in DA:2. I’ve played it 6-7 times with different classes, male and female, and races, so I’ve pretty much experienced every facet the game has to offer. There are things that some might call SJW nowadays, but considering it was made before the world went nutz, I wouldn’t say it was made to promote SJW propaganda. Everything in it is quite organic in nature, and to me is not SJW offensive. Nothing is shoved down your throat as progressive SJW dogma.

    I would discuss it more, but I don’t want to drop spoilers, since this is not a DA:I thread where I could warn ahead of time at the beginning.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

      I completely agree.  As far as I recall, any potentially offensive SJW propaganda in DA:I is optional; we could include it in our game or opt out.  The rest, as you said, is organic, serving only to support the story vs. control or subvert it.  IMO that is perfect.  If only the real world was like that.

      I also love the game — all but the final DLC.


      I won’t lie, i genuinely loved Dragon Age Inquisition. The gameplay was fun and some of the characters like Cassandra and even Sera interested me. I even liked the new open world exploration.

      But i won’t deny that the series did feel like it was pandering to SJWs. Specifically with that trans character. I’m alittle worried about Dragon Age 4, especially now that companies are in overdrive to push forced diversity in entertainment. But i’ll wait till i see official gameplay before i lose all hope.


      Wait? Who was trans?

      Dorian and Sera were both gay and locked into same sex romancing, and everyone else went either way if you chose to do so.

      I have no idea who you could be referring to.



      I meant Iron Bull’s companion Krem. It was hinted that it was a trans male but then he straight up tells you.


      Oh. Yeah. I can see what you mean. To me that didn’t register as trans, just a lesbian dressing as a man and being butch. Especially later inclinations that Krem ends up with another female side character that ID’d as gay, maybe the minstral in the bar? I only remember those conversations being Krem saying she liked to dress and fight like a man. I don’t remember any trans dialogue.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

        Generally as long as a character is created/introduced with a certain orientation, I fine with whatever that orientation might be, as the story progresses.

        It is only when an established character that by all indications is one orientation, is later in a subsequent sequel “outed” with a completely different orientation, that I’m bothered by it. At that point, the SJW interference seems obvious and objectionable.

        For example, if the DA4 devs make Varric “bi”, when up to this point his heart has belonged unequivocally to Bianca, I’m going to be disgusted and sad. On the other hand, if any new NPC is designated “bi”, I don’t care.

        I really don’t think the devs will distort the lore so badly. Hope they don’t.


        Looks like the game will be a 2022 launch.

        Who knows. Maybe a lot of the woke will blow over by then, and maybe they will put out a game that should just be a game and not agenda driven.

        I’ve been doing alot of ranting in other threads already today, so I’m feeling cynical this morning.


        I think somebody from Bioware already said that its going to be political. So there is that. There is still time for them to change it I think, but I would not hold my breath. I think the real issue is how they are going to present it. If they show both sides of the argument or tell within their world like SW prequels did then it would be fine, but we know its usually one-sided.


        I’m pretty sure the article you are referring to is what sent me down my path of worry in the first place.

        God dammit.


          Bioware has been getting more and more woke since Mass Effect 3.
          Some examples:
          1.In ME2, you get renegade points for stuff like kicking people out of windows and shooting them.
          In Me3, you get renegade points for telling a dude you don’t wanna talk about his sex life while in the middle of a galatic war.
          2. When the Asari homeworld gets destroyed, Joker makes a dark joke about.  Your options for a reply are, “Scold him” or “Scold him, heavily”
          3. Kaiden, who is heterosexual in the first game, is retconned into being bisexual for whatever reason.

          Mass Effect 3 is still a good game  (not great) but the warning signs were there.


            The “Ashley is racist” nonsense was probably the first example cancel culture I ever saw, even if it was just in a video game.
            Fans saying the character deserved to die because they disagreed with her thoughts.
            Even though like 3 conversations would make her change her see things differently.
            But fuck talking things out and understanding each other.



              Honestly, Bioware’s last great game was Mass Effect 2. That was 10 years ago. They are with Bethesda in my “I don’t care anymore” list.

              The Outer Worlds proved we don’t need Bethesda.
              Greedfall, proves we don’t need Bioware.
              There’s a game called the Waylanders that’s in early access that is, literally, Dragon Age: Origins with different characters and setting.
              Here’s a video I found about it if you’re interested.


              I’m not totally going to disagree with what you’re saying, but the ME2 and ME3 stuff never really jumped out at me.


              The jury is still out for me on Greedfall. Maybe it will get better as I keep playing it, but it so far has not had that spark of magic the DA:O had.


              Considering the dumpster fire that is TLOU2 today with the fan reaction, I’m clinging to a sliver of hope that Bioware will catch a fucking clue and not kill DA:RODW with agenda and just keep to the formula that got them to the dance in the first place.


                ME3 didn’t jump out to me at the time but, in retrospect, it was a sign of what was to come.
                Personally, I would recommend dropping brand loyalty to a series that had 1 good title 11 years ago and a company that has been, steadily, decreasing in quality for 10 years.
                Wokeness aside, between the dumbing down and removing of game mechanics, the terrible stories, absurd monetization (Lootboxes were in ME3 before they were in Overwatch) and the fact very little of the original team is still there, there is no reason to support that company.
                Especially, when there’s alternatives popping up left and right.
                That’s just my perspective, of course, not trying to insult you for being interested in it.

                I 100% guarantee it will be woke as fuck, though.

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