Dragon Age 4: Rise of the Woke Wolf???

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    Believe me, I do not suffer from brand loyalty. I suffer from my love of franchises, but I am very careful with my money. I haven’t purchased a game at launch in years. I’m that guy now who sits and waits both for real commentary and price drops. I also suffer from cynical optimism. I know people are dumb fucks, but I cannot completely believe that anyone with two brain cells to rub together can ignore reality forever, especially if they are in the business of making money.


    Bioware is not who they once were, but the results of DA:4 will be the final test of if they have a future as a good developer anymore. I have not totally hated anything from them I have ever played or purchased, but then again, I did not play Anthem, because I knew it would be dogshit from first time I saw it.



      For me, DA2 had problems but was as good as could be given the time and budget restraints. ME3 had major problems (not just the ending) but was still pretty good, overall.
      Then Dragon Age: Inqusistion comes out and shits all over the franchise -strike 1
      Mass Effect Andromeda shits even harder on that franchise – strike 2
      Anthem….. I don’t need to explain Anthem – strike 3.
      Fuck Bioware. I’m done.
      Anyone burned by their shit going forward, deserves it.

      Games like Greedfall, Pillars of Eternity, Divinity, Outer Worlds, etc. etc. more than fill that void.


      I adored Dragon Age: Origins and it counts among one of my favorite games of all time. It’s something I occasionally go back to now and then and still enjoy as much the first time I played it.

      I… did not hate Dragon Age II. But it still left me feeling cold. I was fine with playing a different protagonist and getting a different perspective. I liked the plotline with the Arishok and the Qunari. The companions were pretty decent. But the soft-retconning of the lore irritated me, the fact that my choices from the last game had no meaningful impact on the world felt like I was sold a false premise, the disjointed narrative and being stuck in Kirkwall disconnected from the experience. The story did not advance the overall saga instead just being a teaser for the next game seemed to make the campaign a waste of time. And don’t get me started on the gameplay. It felt like the game was basically playing itself.

      I understand Inquisition made up for it in some areas, but some of the negative things I was hearing was enough to make me just “Nope” out of the franchise. I’d rather have a completely different team ignore everything from DAII onwards and do their own version of the saga, continuing from where Awakening left off, but that’ll never happen.

      Old BioWare and what made it great is dead. Most of the old team have left. It’s just a vassal of EA, now.




        K, I’m curious to hear your answer to this.


        Why is Greedfall fun for you, without too much spoilers, please.


        I have no idea how far I really am, but I know even though I’m a good 20 hours in, I’ve barely done much. I recently picked up Mr. Preacher in Conquistador armor, and I know there are at least 1 or 2 characters left for me to find. Thing is, I am so far very underwhelmed by the characters, the story, the gameplay…well, everything. The characters are boring so far, no real charm or connection. The combat is really iffy for me. I’ve got the game on Hard, so things can kick my ass if I am not careful, but the controls are not fun. The story is not making me wonder anything at this point, and I have yet to give two shits about anything I’m doing. The UI is a bit of a bitch, too.


        I really would like to know why you like it.


        What I can say is that I do disagree with saying PoE and Divinity fill any sort of gaming void. For me, those games are one and done. No replay value at all once you finish.


        EDIT: I’m not going to discuss BW anymore, cuz you are clearly off that bandwagon, so not much point in engaging further on that. I will lastly say that I agree and see why you come down  on some of your positions, but I am not as rage monster about them as you are, so I don’t see a point in taking that end of our discussion any further.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

          Simply voicing an opinion you don’t agree with makes me a rage monster, huh? Well, at you least you cant cancel me for voicing it here. haha
          Dont assume tone. There was no hostility.

          I don’t know how you are 20 hours into Greedfall and aren’t further than that.
          But, as far as me liking it, I enjoy the characters, setting, story and all that. So, I dunno. My guess is, I’m more capable of being reasonable in my expectations of a budget title.
          Maybe I enjoy the core gameplay loop more so I don’t get bored or annoyed at the sections between story beats.
          Overall, I appreciate the fact that gaming has came far enough that AAA games with overinflated budgets aren’t the only option for this type of game.
          And, quite frankly, you’re gonna have to choose between wokeness or non-AAA.
          The younger generation that is just now reaching the age of market impact, is, overwhelmingly, woke and those are the people the AAA companies are marketing to. It’s not gonna get worse before it gets better. it’s never gonna get better.
          Big Entertainment companies have always marketed to the 18-35 crowd. The closer to that age you get the closer to irrelevant you are to them.
          I don’t like it but facts are facts and, if you want things that might appeal to you, you’re gonna accept, in many cases, they don’t have the largest budget.
          We’ve reached the age or are close to the age of “Back in my day”.
          Again, I’m not be hostile, aggressive or angry. Just presenting it the way I see it.


          Simply voicing an opinion you don’t agree with makes me a rage monster, huh? Well, at you least you cant cancel me for voicing it here. haha
          Dont assume tone. There was no hostility.

          Whoa whoa whoa…no one is trying to cancel anyone here, friend. Your passion is coming off as very angry, so I felt there was no point in pushing the subject anymore. I’m here to have friendly debates, not fights, and I felt a fight coming on, so I chose to disengage that aspect of the conversation.


          In turn I say back, please don’t assume something. I believe in free speech. Not once did I tell you not to have your opinion. Please do not accuse me of trying to cancel you.


          That said, I’m a man of 40. By your commentary, I will wager you are as experienced a gamer as myself. I’ve seen it all since Nintendo hit the shelves. I’ve lived through every console war to date, and I remember  “Back in my day” when woke did not exist.


          You speak some level of truth, but I cannot prescribe to the cynicism that it’s all over for games, and that I have to choose a side, because it’s all woke in AAA forever. I’m sorry, I don’t believe that. Clearly we differ quite a bit in how we view things, and that’s fine. I hate woke. I hate SJWs. They’ve ruined so much of what I love, that it hurts to even think about it. However, I’m not going to broadly paint everything in such black and white terms, that it’s only one way or the other.


          I’m going to fight the only way I know how. By talking with people about games. Creating discussions. By speaking with my wallet when I feel it’s necessary. By going forward and trying to get my own IPs into the world as a counter balance to the woke agenda, to bring back true entertainment and escapism. We are at odds in how we view this topic, but I believe we can both agree on this.


            Dragon Age is a wonderful series, dear to my heart.    I totally get what you mean in regards to the worry about the wokeness.     If you look at video games right now, you are right to be worried.    There have been so many games with this SJW element to them.     There are plenty of games that don’t have it, but you don’t know what game will have what.

            Honestly, I am approaching Dragon Age 4 with hesistant hopefullness that it won’t be like The Last Jedi or The Last of Us Part II level woke.     I just want a fun game with great story where I can play a mage and blow up things with my magic, I will be happy.


            I love Ashley. I found her character refreshing in gaming. But yeah there was a weird backlash she received, despite other alien characters being openly racist themselves towards humans without any problem.


            Love origins always have it on my PC alongside Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines liked the second one yes whit it flaws and even Inquisition is OK platforming sections and collecting whole bunch of useless collectibles around mostly boring world was annoying worst was bad loot system and character creator that was worst in series but that was probably fault of EA frostbite but still OK game at discount. Dont know much about DA4 but will approach it whit caution hope its good if it isn’t it could be death of bioware.

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