Dragon Ball Super: Is Jiren Stronger than Beeres

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Dragon Ball Super: Is Jiren Stronger than Beeres

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    In the short NO!!!! That is not me that is Toriyama the creater of the Dragon Ball universe. No other god of destruction has beaten him in hand to hand combat…arm wrestling which is how they beat him does not count. Beeres knows Ultra Instinct he is the only god of destruction with that skill. Next they said Jirin was more powerful than the god of destruction of his universe. Also in the manga it took all of the god of destructions together to hold there own in a fight against beeres. Now if you need more…Goku surpassed Jirin…Toriyama specifically said he has no intention to have either goko or vegeta surpassing whis or beeres. So as far as the end of the moro arc where goko has mastered ultra instinct is still according to the creator not as strong as beeres. You can argue and debate all you want the creater said it. It would be like God coming down from heaven and standing in front of you and you saying he does not exist lol.

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