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Since the 60’s there has been much disinformation (not misinformation) about food and health. The food pyramid, the attack on natural fats and the push behind carbs and sugar. These are things that are all highly incorrect and were most often a push by industry founded on studies that paid for.
The WEF has been pushing against meat and specifically red meat for decades. This has lead to this same disinformation pushing people away from what is natural and healthy. Right now if you go to the American Cancer Society’s website it tells you not to eat red meat and of course the inference there is it causes cancer. This has been tried before. I remember several years ago they were trying to list it officially as a carcinogen.
And now this. The assertion that red meat causes diabetes. I find that so hyperbolic as to be evil. Researchers and industry will tell you that you should only have small amounts of fatless protein and red meat is bad. But all those chemicals we make and all that processed garbage that was never meant to be in your body, hey that stuff is A OK.
And if you are now thinking to yourself, well isn’t meat bad for the environment? As opposed to what? Clearing a forest and plopping in a factory to churn out unnatural foods that have ingredients that cannot be pronounced?
A couple years ago I went to see a doctor whom was a specialist in weight loss. The guy was one of those doctors you never forget because they care. He took time and for nearly an hour explained to me in great detail the food industry from the 50’s on and what parts of it were lies and what parts weren’t. His advice to me for losing weight and eating healthy? Simply this. Eat plants and animals.
My overall take on this is eat what God has made and avoid things that came from a factory.
There is a great documentary out there called “The Perfect Human Diet”. It explains human nutrition from cave man on based on how we evolved. It is very enlightening.
Stay away from sugar, stay away from bread. Eat lots of beans, fruits veggies and unprocessed meat. Work out.
It’s not fucking rocket science, but our society is so retarded most people don’t understand that they are poisoning themselves every single day until it’s too late.
I stopped eating bread, deserts, and all that junk a few months ago, haven’t been in this good of shape in a long long time. Taking half an hour to do some pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks, curls really isn’t that fucking hard either.
We’ve become so pathetically lazy and unaccountable as a people we need to wake the fuck up and start holding ourselves to some standards. We get what we put into our health, and eating healthy is F*CKING DELICOUS if you put the time in to enjoy thigs other than pizza and mac and cheese.
It’s not rocket science but it must be understood how the food industry (and the government) has essentially been boldface lying for decades. And the story they have told has changed back and forth over time such that unless you dig into it yourself fairly deeply it seems like chaos. Many of the lies have been around as long as most people have been alive so they get assumed to be common knowledge.
It does all make it seem as if it’s complicated. As you elude it is not. It’s just what people have always done for most of human history. This idea that we are so smart now that whatever we conclude must be right even to the point of ejecting thousands of years of common sense is nonsensical.
Eat planets and animals, things God made for us. If it came from a machine avoid it. (that 100% includes that plant based processed garbage)
In the 80’s Potatoes helped cause cancer, a few years later they helped STOP cancer.
I eat mostly chicken as my meat. I have a hamburger once in awhile to get the stuff from red meat, or make homemade burritos with 1lb of hamburger, but 90% of the meat I eat is chicken. Imo it is healthier. Fish is the best meat to eat, but it is expensive.
The American diet is not healthy. It is full of sugar and processed foods. Over 40% of Americans are obese. In comparison, Japan is 4%. The comparison says it all. As I’ve said on here many times, I work in healthcare. I see what this does to people and how saturated our society is with it.
“In the 80’s Potatoes helped cause cancer, a few years later they helped STOP cancer.”
Exactly. The silly stuff the market pumps out (as well as the government) has lied to people for decades and now many folks are no aware of what is true.
“I eat mostly chicken as my meat.”
I think you and I have gone back and forth on this before. I am not trying to be fussy about it. But I don’t think one is healthier than the other. Even good things should be had in the proper proportions or they become bad things. I can eat 1 or 2 oranges and that is very good for you. But if I gulp down a container of orange juice then that is not good for you. It’s the balance that is important. Red meat is great for you but that does not mean you should eat it 3x a day as it tends to be calorically very dense vs. say chicken. But even then we are talking about beef. I like deer meat and I have a bunch of it in my freezer now. It is red meat but it has very little fat compared to beef. And it’s meat that has been hunted so it has not garbage in it.
“The American diet is not healthy. It is full of sugar and processed foods”
Bingo! Which is nuts when they say meat is not good for you but hey eat all our man made garbage foods where we knocked down a forest or paved a field to build. I have done research and it’s not so much the calories from these foods that make people obese but the constant intake of sugars/carbs and it causes glucose intolerance when in turn causes you to gain weight. This is turn makes weight very difficult to lose. Which is why I think Ozempic is being hailed as some weight loss miracle cure.