Economic Tyranny

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  • #299789

      “Triggernometry Bank Account Cancelled”

      I am sure there are people whom would celebrate such a deplatforming.  What people who cheer on such things do not realize is that the thing they cheer on because it’s a “win” for their “team” will be used against them.

      You have to understand what this is.  It’s a shot across the bow of dissent. It’s not meant to totally destroy the target, it is meant to make everyone else be afraid to do anything but silently agree with everything pushed down from the top.

      This is also a slow march of bringing in a Chinese style social credit score.  This already exists in the corporate world with the ESG score for companies.  Do as the goverment and trillion dollar investment companies wish and you get investment money and low interest loans.   Go against them and be attacked  by the woke machine.  Right now the parent company for Bud Lite is being threatened to have their ESG score lowered/pulled because they have yet to affirm/celebrate the agendas pushed from the top.  That is the tyranny that is coming for everyone unless it is stopped.


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