Effect on Youth Sports

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      Hey everyone,

      I help run a youth basketball and volleyball league at a YMCA in “Commiefornia”, to quote Jericho Green, and what is happening in sports with all the politics I find to be very disturbing. I haven’t watched a minute of any professional league, and once had the opportunity to play minor league baseball so this has been very tough for me. What I would like to know from the G&G crowd is what issues do you foresee when it comes to youth sports over the next year or two and how you would go about handling those issues? I want to write an in-depth blog post but know I have only my perspective. I know someone in the community will have some great insight that can help me navigate what I anticipate being some very tough waters. Please let me know your thoughts and of course any ideas I  incorporate, I will gladly give you the shout out that you deserve. Thanks in advance for any and all help you can guys are willing to give.




      Sports in general is something males excel at over females.

      Alot of sports at all levels are being cancelled (to help stop the spread of…)

      Too many are promoting “trophy for participation” instead of teaching sportsmanship, improving stills, learning team mentalities, leadership, etc.

      Too often I see one can’t “be the best they can be” because it will hurt someone who is not as skilled, does not work as hard, etc.


      Then you have the parents who think their kid is the next superstar and should get all the attention.

      Then you have all those false accusations made against the organizers, coaches, etc.

      Then you have those that force bi-gender sports and force special change rooms, etc for those people.


      Truly, I think youth sports will be dead as most people do not want to put up with the BS they (coaches, etc) are put thru.


      So it is yet another institution SJW’s have taken down.

      If they took down the boy scouts, youth sports is not far behind.


      There are three issues I see playing a game-changing factor in sports into the future:

      1) transgenderism’s effect on competition and performance

      2) the decline of meritocracy (the “everyone wins a trophy, yey!” culture)

      3) the politicization of sports (kneeling for the anthem/flag) – this will widen the divide between players (and the teams for which they play) and the fans.

      I personally haven’t cared for sports in many years and I couldn’t tell you more than a few names of athletes who are still playing professionally but I think that there’s a lot of subject matter in these topics. There is also performance performing drugs, which is not specifically a future issue but an issue of the present and the past as well.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Route_69.

        My sister loves Volleyball and recently took on a coaching job at the high school in the town they live in.  Having played the sport she was shocked at how some players really were not living up to their skills due to prior poor coaching.  The girls are just so happy to be playing even with the Corona situation.  School sports is important!  Especially as it impacts mental health.  I worry for all those kids not being able to play due to damn lockdowns.  Yeah I am looking at you Los Angeles.

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