Ellen Page was violently punching herself in the face and hearing voices…

  • This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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  • #301324

    This is some freaky stuff.


    Ellen Page was violently punching herself in the face and hearing voices in her head. A few weeks later a doctor approved her for transgender surgery.

    A few years ago, acclaimed actress Ellen Page decided she was actually a man, after which she had her breasts removed and came out as “Elliot.”

    This was demonstrably unwell behavior by an obviously mentally unwell person. But none of us was aware of just how bad it really was:

    Page started to crack. All of the self-hatred [she’d (corrected henceforth)] been pushing down for years — the discomfort she felt in her body, the anger toward those who’d told her to repress her identity — spilled out.

    One night, she tried to knock herself out. Took her knuckles to her face and pounded over and over until bruises formed. For days after, she sat in a lawn chair on the porch, ashamed, her face sore. And then she heard a voice.

    “You don’t have to feel this way.”

    Got all that? By her own admission, Page was so gone she began punching herself in the face repeatedly, trying to knock herself unconscious. She then began to hear voices after sitting in a lawn chair on her porch for several days.

    Well whaddaya know, within just a few weeks she “scheduled a Zoom consultation with a doctor” to discuss having her breasts removed. The procedure “was scheduled for November,” just a few months away.

    Just like that.

    In a normal world we’d call this medical malpractice, a doctor agreeing to perform mutilative surgery on a woman with an obviously severe and crippling mental ailment. But of course the world we live in is no longer sane, not really.

    So instead of being offered healing mental treatment and a path toward health and rationality, they just disfigured Ellen Page’s body and she declared herself a male.

    The consequences for this zeitgeist, for this wholesale abandonment of unwell people in favor of a trendy mental illness, are going to be too many to count. Too dang many to count.




      I fondly remember the movie “Juno” that she is known for.  It’s a cute quirky movie starring a cute quirky girl.

      It’s sad to know how she has ended up.  I feel for her as she apparently has deep seeded issues that I am fairly certain lopping off body parts did not solve.

      She was recently in the news with the whole situation where she claims to have been attacked for being trans.  Although ironically her new book happen to also release that very same day.

      I understand there is a thing as dysphoria that some people absolutely deal with. But I find it hard to believe that if you cannot accept yourself as you were born that you can accept yourself after a doctor essentially mutilates working organs.  To me the problem is not that you don’t look the way you wish, it’s that you cannot accept yourself in the first place.

      EDIT – I was just checking DailyMail and I notice several articles about Page.  Many “woe is me” articles.  I am sure that is all about the book.

      • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Vknid.

      But dealing with the symtons is more profitable than dealing with the causes.

      People like that doctor, the medical community, and their insurance company are NOT treating the person of any mental health issues (which the left denies has anything to do with mass shootings or gender mutilations or improper lifestyles pedos.)

      Just remember, how easily this “adult” was able to do it.

      Schools are pushing to make it just as easy to prey on the young and immature minds of kids into the gender mutilation industry (mostly against the wishes/knowledge of their parents).

      The extremely toxic far alt-left mind virus is pandemic of global reach.


        “But dealing with the symtons is more profitable than dealing with the causes.”

        I personally believe this is why the medical bureaucracy is all in on this.  But this stuff is absolute insanity.  The last time we treated mental issues with surgery were lobotomies.

        I mean think about it.  In essence what is going on here is really not at all different than going to your Dr and saying I am depressed. And then the Dr. saying, great when would you like us to cut off your junk?


        “So instead of being offered healing mental treatment and a path toward health and rationality, they just disfigured Ellen Page’s body ”

        In medicine, there is a an old saying: “He who cures, is right.”

        Generally used for instances where there is more than one opinion, but also for alternative treatments. We don’t fully understand the human body, and not every treatment works the same for every patient.

        In order to judge if Page’s transition was right or not, one would have to compare the results to earlier. If “he” is no longer depressed or no longer inclined to self harm, then yes, it may have been the right thing to do. If he (or “she” in that case) is still depressed and still going crazy, then the diagnosis of gender misalignment was likely false.

        Almost every treatment has its use, even amputation. There’s almost no such thing as a bad treatment, only the wrong treatment. Amputating someone’s leg might be life saving in case of gangrene, but won’t do much to cure a sinus infection. Proper diagnosis is everything.

        I don’t think it’s ethical to judge a person’s medical choices unless one has access to their entire medical history, both pre and post treatment.


          “Almost every treatment has its use, even amputation.”

          Amputation is to remove a portion of the body because it is no longer functional or is diseased. “Sex Changes” remove working organs and often result in sterilization and log term complications.  Add hormone therapy to that and you get more complications and more sterilization.  I am not sure I would consider intentionally harming the body in the short and long term a treatment.

          “I don’t think it’s ethical to judge a person’s medical choices unless one has access to their entire medical history, both pre and post treatment.”

          I think forming an opinion is fine so long as you are not trying to force it on others.  Looking the other way and blindly accepting anything anyone wants to do as valid is how we got here.

          “There’s almost no such thing as a bad treatment, only the wrong treatment.”

          So lobotomies were simply just the wrong treatment?

          “In medicine, there is a an old saying: “He who cures, is right.”

          I can see that being the case.  But obviously the “cure” being sold here (while possibly appropriate for a small group of people) is snake oil for most. Snake oil that ruins you for life.

          Much if not most of this modern gender BS is based off the “work” of John Money.  And we now know that to be a horror story that was lied about for decades.

          • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Vknid.

            Sounds demonic. I often wonder how much of the mental illness that society is glorifying now is demonic possession.

            And yes, it’s real. I’ve seen it in person.


            lol no way, you believe in demons?

            Why do people gravitate to such simplistic answers for complex problems? Science has already shown how gender dysphoria works:


            This article also addresses the link between depression and homosexuality (and by extension gender dysphoria, which is just a severe manifestation of the same disorder).

            Of course gender alignment surgery is a brutal and suboptimal solution. But in a few years we will have immunosuppressant drugs that will prevent homosexuality in the womb. That will prevent much suffering.


              “lol no way, you believe in demons?”

              “Why do people gravitate to such simplistic answers for complex problems? ”

              The thought that something cannot exist because you cannot explain it is does not negate it’s existence. I find the atheistic view of the world incredibly simple and uninteresting because essentially the only things that are, are the things right in front of your face that you can understand, metaphorically speaking. That immediately leads people to the incorrect conclusion that humans are the end all be all in the universe.  Making a god of yourself does not mean you don’t believe in God it just means you chose another one.




              Oh come on. There’s a limit to what nonsense one can believe in. A belief in god can at least be somewhat rationalized. Complexity of the universe and improbability of life. That’s a fair argument to make.

              But believing in demons? Come on…

              Btw where in Atheism does it say that humans are the end all? Quite the contrary. Read some Nietzsche. The whole Ubermensch concept states explicitly that humans are not the end all, but rather a potential first step in an endless evolution towards greatness.

              Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him? … All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood, and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or embarrassment. And man shall be that to Übermensch. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape.
              … Man is a rope, tied between beast and Übermensch—a rope over an abyss … what is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.’ 


              Once you look where you dared not look, Atheism is deeper and more meaningful than all superstitions combined. It is the door to truth and purpose.

              • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Wisdom.


                Feel free to mock and condescend all you wish.  That does not make you any more correct than anyone else it just makes you feel that way.

                “Oh come on. There’s a limit to what nonsense one can believe in”

                I am certain if you told people prior to the late 1600’s that there were tiny organisms they could not see all around them and in them they probably would have laughed and also referred to that as nonsense.  In fact if I understand it correctly the scientists at the time initially rebuked the assertion of such a thing.  But now that is common knowledge.  So unless you are willing to concede to the thought that we now know everything we will ever know then just about anything is possible.  This does not mean to believe anything.  This means being open to things.

                “Btw where in Atheism does it say that humans are the end all?”

                I did not state it did.  My point was at this time it functionally thinks humans are considered the end all be all. Are you saying there is a document stating the rules of atheism?  That sounds like a Bible.

                “Once you look where you dared not look, Atheism is deeper and more meaningful than all superstitions combined.”

                Yes, clearly since I believe in a creator I must be an uneducated moron and have never looked outside my window because only the truly intelligent and enlightened people are smart enough to believe that everything came from nothing and that nothing magically arranged itself into everything all by itself through billions of years of “happy accidents”.

                I find the though that the totality of existence is only what human’s can conceive of an intellectual cop out as you are unwilling to consider anything you cannot currently explain.  If every human through time had that thought process we would still be living in caves.

                My ultimate point here is the assumption that anyone or anything is so correct as they cannot be challenged is wrong.  People can discuss and even disagree without being dismissive.   It is not only possible it is very healthy for a person and society.

                • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Vknid.
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