Elon Musk, now on the Twitter board

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        Now if he changes all the policies and moves it to TX, The 2016 Liberal tear memes will be nothing in compare.



        Obviously, Elon doesn’t control the whole company with just a 9.2% stake, so he can’t make any big changes right away. But it’ll still be interesting to see how much influence he has on the company. I mean, he already posted a poll asking people if they want an edit feature


          He is the biggest shareholder in the company with a larger set of shares than even Jack Dorsey.  So can he change things at a whim?  No, but he has as much or more influence than anyone else I believe.


            Depends on how much more he can buy, That man has unlimited pockets pretty much and there will come a point he will do what he wants…. He could also buy as much as he can then in a massive Dump sell them for pennies. Would not be the first time he has and would not shock me if he does.


            I have the same reaction I had when Elon went on SNL: Meh.

            SNL still is a leftist propaganda shit show.
            Twitter will still be a leftist propaganda shit social media.

            They’re just using Elon for money.


            It would be interesting to see the big sales that happen during this small period.


              Could he pump and dump?  Possible, but there is something else at play here. Although I am not sure what that is.  He has spoken about making changes to Twitter openly.  Could that be a ruse?  Sure.  But in his agreement to join the board he agreed to not buy more than 14% of the shares.  This is not to mention I think he dropped about 3 billion to get the 9.2%.  Not sure you pump and dump at that level.

              I get the distrust, I am not some Musk sycophant or anything but there is something else going on here I do believe more than just pump and dump.



              Someone said the bylaws of Twatter states no one member of the board can own more than 14% of the corporation.

              But any entity can own as much as they want, so long as they are not one the board of governors/directors/etc.

              I don’t think he would WANT to own more of Twatter.  He is now in position to make POSITIVE change to Twatter.


              I’d like to think he’d make some changes to Twitter. Enough to the point that I MIGHT go on it without worry about getting nuked. I don’t know much about Elon but Ii hope he’s got good intentions for Twitter. The memes are hilarious though!


                It’s a step in the right direction. But, twitter imo is a trashfire full of hateful people. The mob mentality reigns on Twitter, and it’s just disgusting. Until people learn civility and that just “because it’s the internet” doesn’t mean they have to act like neanderthals, nothing will change. People can make a CHOICE to be civil. You can make a choice to not act like an insulting lunatic online. It’s part of why I don’t socialize. People now days, are just not what I want in my life.


                  Well the thing is this.  Twitter is not a social media platform anymore.  It is a weapon that amplifies the radical left voices/agenda against it’s detractors.  So it’s not that it needs to change.  It’s that its entire purpose for existing has to change.




                  Tesla CEO Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter for $43 billion

                  Tesla CEO Elon Musk is offering to buy Twitter, saying (Twitter) …not living up to free speech principles needs to be transformed as a private company.

                  Stating the obvious there.

                  Twitter Inc. said in a regulatory filing on Thursday that Musk, currently the company’s biggest shareholder, has proposed buying the remaining shares of Twitter that he doesn’t already own at $54.20 per share, an offer worth more than $43 billion.

                  What are they shares worth before this announcement?

                  Twitter shares rose to $47.83, up 4.3%

                  So the shareholders would be getting a premium of over $6/share.



                    Elon has more stake in Twitter than founder Jack Dorsey does. Jack has around 2%, Elon has over 9%. So, people saying his 9% isn’t enough to change anything, are 100% wrong.

                    If he does end up buying it, expect our elections and society has a whole to improve greatly. Imo Twitter and Facebook have greatly helped push society into the destructive Wokeness currently ruining everything it touches.


                    It looks like the sale is back on.

                    Hopefully, Musk and Co purchased ALOT of shares when they where under $40USD per share.

                    Then, once the sale is complete, he will most likely FIRE the current board (if they have not resigned by then) and alter the bylaws so he, when he privatizes the company, can be head of the board.

                    But it seems that twatter is now delaying the sale.  Most likely in the hopes to delay till AFTER the midterm elections so they can attempt to influence the voters.

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