Entertainment Still Doesn’t Get It…Fuck Linkin Park

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  • #182469

    Sometimes it’s necessary to give into righteous anger. There’s a difference between that and uncontrolled, unbridled, indiscriminate rage.


    Then no political person should ever use any music ever.


    If they have a problem with President Trump using their music, then that tells me what kind of ideology they subscribe to and where my money is going. So the end result is that they don’t get anymore of my money.


    People ignore the fact that tickets to Trump rally’s are free. The rally isn’t making money, so it falls under fair use.


      They should ask musicians pemission the same way advertisement companies and movie studios have to ask before using their music in adds and movies ecc.


        That is true, but, there’s a catch, that would only be true if no one involved in the campaing makes money, and considering that’s their job, how they make a living, i highly doubt that’s the case, even if they don’t make money selling tickets, they do so in other ways, i’m guessing they probably get a cut of the earnings when campaings are broadcast on TV, i might be wrong, but i do know of other similar situations

        TV shows like the X-Factor and Got Talent do this, tickets to their live shows are free, but that’s because they make money by airing them on TV, therefor contestants can only sing or use songs that the shows have payed to have the right to air them

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.
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