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Never had any interest in this movie, after the trailers that hasn’t changed my mind. This is a “download” movie….if you know what I mean.
Angelina Jolie looks bored. She is trying to revitalize her career.
I just don’t have much interest in anything Marvel does anymore. Not with all the Identity Politics being enforced. Wandavision, Falcon & Winter Soldier, Loki, and Black Widow were just drab and some of it was down right horrible. It’s over for the Marvelverse imo. The only one I will see in the theatre is Doc Strange 2, because I like Doc Strange. The rest are “downloads”.
Kind of a waste of a video. Doesn’t say much. Can’t get the spin together. ‘Eternals’ star Salma Hayek says she had ‘problems with the script’ and ‘got into a serious fight’ with director Chloé Zhao, but they found ‘middle ground’….yes, you read a headline like this and it’s probably safe to say that it sucks and the excuses are there. Blame and finger-pointing already in the news.
The Eternals Out Of Theater Reaction
John Campea
John gives his first reaction to Marvel’s The Eternals after getting out of the theater.
Don’t underestimate the female audience’s capacity to drive up box office on an Angelina Jolie film.
Reminder that Maleficent got a sequel.
I am curious how all the people from Nerdrotic, G&G, and so on have seen Eternals already. Some saw it last week. How? In USA it’s not on streaming anywhere and just came out yesterday. All these people are in USA (minus Az). They have been reviewing it and spoiling it since last week. So, I am confused. I know media can get review copies, but I find it hard to believe Marvel is giving these guys review copies. It’s nowhere on “pirate” sites either.
@DarthVengeant, I’m no 100% sure how early screenings work, but I guess if reviewing movies is part of your job there are ways to watch early screenings without being personally invited by Marvel
Also I’m gonna watch Eternals tomorrow, so wish me luck 😂
Watched Eternals yesterday, here are my key takeaways:
it’s a below average MCU movie, but I’m still positively surprised because my biggest fear was that we woukd get a bunch of flying dudes shooting lazers like Superman or some shit which I find the most boring shit ever, and it also makes the more down to earth heroes less important.
Let’s start with positives:
+As someone who has no idea about comic Eternals, the race and gender swapped worked brilliantly as it was easier to memorize the big cast, my favorite characters happened to be Gilgamesh (Korean guy), Kingo (Indian guy) and Thena (Angelina Jolie), and the only character I didn’t like at all was Ikaris who was the only white dude
+the characters had more unique and down to earth powers and weren’t just lame flying beam shooting Superman/Captain Marvel copies which is probably the biggest win for me. Otherwise they would steal all the screentime in the Avengers/crossover movies
– the plot was meh
-the villain was boring
-some things I didn’t understand at all in the ending, like how they managed to stop the awakening and why Ikaris did what he did at the very end. I was just confused.
-Ikaris was one of the blandest and lamest hero yet. He was powerwise like a bootleg Superman and even looked like a cheap Henry Cavill. And Superman is to begin with one of my least favorite heroes.
Also, watching the movie in Korea was pretty hilarious with the BTS pop culture reference and there was even an insert song by the beforementioned global Kpop group. I liked it.
Glad you enjoyed the movie @SuperSoynic_Speed :3
Though I do get that race and gender swapping characters isn’t gonna effect the movie experience of someone who’s not familiar with the comics as much compared to someone who is, there is one thing I don’t get…
the race and gender swapped worked brilliantly as it was easier to memorize the big cast,
What does that have anything to do with being able to memorize the cast??!!
I’m betting on Ikaris being my fav Eternal ’cause he was freaking hilarious in the trailers 😹 Curious, what didn’t you like about him?
I’ll read your minuses tomorrow as I sense spoilers :)
“the race and gender swapped worked brilliantly as it was easier to memorize the big cast, my favorite characters happened to be Gilgamesh (Korean guy), Kingo (Indian guy) and Thena (Angelina Jolie), and the only character I didn’t like at all was Ikaris who was the only white dude”
stopped here…
What does that have anything to do with being able to memorize the cast??!!
I think it made them easier to distinguish and added more variety, when not everyone was just the same dude in spandex suit. Imagine if the Power Rangers didn’t have colors, they would all just have the same suit, for example. Especially since I’m not that good at remembering names, so I liked the mute girl having her own gimmick, Kingo being Indian enabled him to have his Bollywood substory which I found fun and so on. Basically, the characters overlap less and in hindsight I’m glad they changed the casting even tho my initial reaction was rolling my eyes.
I think having diversity in characters is obviously a good thing as long as it’s not the main point and forced. And if someone has read the Eternals comics and sees this as outrageous with the race swapping etc then I can 100% understand you, I wouldn’t like having a black Wolverine or autistic female Nightcrawler because I am familiar with them and it would feel wrong, but as someone who have no clue about the Eternals I have zero problems with this and actually found it a good choice.
I’m betting on Ikaris being my fav Eternal ’cause he was freaking hilarious in the trailers 😹 Curious, what didn’t you like about him?
I dislike his powers. I dislike Superman, Captain Marvel and all these characters who just have the ability to freely fly to space and their power is, wait for it…. Shooting lazer beams! Wow so interesting!
Initially my biggest fear/problem with Eternals was that it would just be a bunch of people flying and shooting energy beams because we already have Vision and Captain Marvel doing it. The more these kind of busted characters get added to the lineup, the more useless down to earth characters (which I find the most interesting) like Spiderman, Shang Chi, Black Panther, Ant-Man etc becomes. Like when everyone can just fly to space freely and shoot beams, the rest are gonna be useless.
Just look at the DCEU. All the other people are there just to hold off the enemy while they are waiting for Superman. That shit is boring as hell, and the opportunity to do creative and awesome fight choreography utilizing the environment is so limited with characters who just fly around shooting beams.
Watched Eternals in a surprisingly almost full theater, maybe this is a combination of having very low expectations and not having read any Eternals comics yet, but this movie was better than expected, also there will be light spoilers
That said, i am still not a fan of Chloe Zhao’s directing style, i find the pace of her movies to be slow and jumpy, the fight scenes did however help make the pace of this movie faster
Plot: I do think it could’ve been told better, but the plot itself isn’t actually that bad, it’s a simple main plot which doesn’t need to be elaborated on much leaving plenty of time to get to know the many characters, also it’s a plot that would work with any type of character, which makes the many gender swaps completely pointless from a storytelling prospective
Characters: As anticipated, my fav Eternal’s Ikaris :3 He may have done some really dumb shit in this movie, but damn he made me laugh my ass off :D and he likes Star Wars :D :D I also have to disagree with this statement by @SuperSoynic_Speed
-Ikaris was one of the blandest and lamest hero yet. He was powerwise like a bootleg Superman and even looked like a cheap Henry Cavill. And Superman is to begin with one of my least favorite heroes.
He may be the strongest Eternal physically, mentally… ehh, not so much, being extreamly strong superpower-wise does not mean your life will be without struggles, his overpowerdness in battle is balanced out by a fragile state of mind ’caused by the millions of years of being manipulated by Arishem, imo this conflict between his physical and mental power gave depth to his character
A more unexpected favorite, Druig, contrary to Ikaris, he’s more on the mentally stable side and quickly figures out that something’s off in the Eternal’s mission, he uses his powers to the best of his abilities to actually try and help humans lead a peaceful life and is also a snarky smart-ass :)
The gender swaps, Sprite, Makkari, and Ajak, out of the 3 the only gender swapped character who had a major role in the movie was Sprite, and had the other characters not reffered to Sprite as “she” we wouldn’t have been able to tell the swap happened ’cause the actress looks just like Sprite! She also gave a great performance :)
Makkari (who’s also deaf in the movie) is the last Eternal to show up for the big battle having spent her days on the Eternal’s ship waiting for the time to go home and collecting a loooot of stuff over the centuries, aside from some flashback scenes she only appears in the final act of the movie, her character comes off as the cute little butt-kicking mascott, what, you thought Sprite was the mascott of the Eternals? Nope, Sprite is the little gremlin who ate after midnight :D
Ajak, Ajak had no role, seriously, she’s hardly in the movie and basically just serves as Arisham’s right hand man (or woman in this case)
Overall the characters were actually very likeble, each had their sweet, funny, and/or emotional moments, the only one i didn’t like was Ajak, who got none of that, and would probably still be my least fav Eternal even if she did
One thing i would’ve wanted to see more of in this movies was Black Knight, i went into the movie thinking Black Knight would team up with the Eternals but no such luck, however, post-credid scenes seem to point at more Black Knight in the future, i’m very curious to see what Kit Harrington does with the character, since this is a character i do have minimum comic knowledge about
He may be the strongest Eternal physically, mentally… ehh, not so much, being extreamly strong superpower-wise does not mean your life will be without struggles, his overpowerdness in battle is balanced out by a fragile state of mind ’caused by the millions of years of being manipulated by Arishem, imo this conflict between his physical and mental power gave depth to his character
Hmmm my biggest problem wasn’t him being too OP (I actually think Infinity War Thor, full potential Scarlet Witch and even Dr Strange have potential to do some more insane shit), my biggest problem is that flying and shooting beams (especially from your eyes) is just an insanely boring power and there is so little you can do with it. I accept flight or being able to shoot beams if there is a reason or draw back for it like Thor can only fly with waving his hammer and his ”beams” are just him summoning lightning, or Iron Man who can fly and shoot but it’s because of his suit which gives drawbacks such as destroying the suit and him being useless without the suit.
But I was disappointed in the final act of the movie.
1) how did they manage to stop the awakening? The glowing gold thing and uniting power was kinda bullshit
2) why did Ikaris have to fly to the sun?
3) where the fuck was Kingo? He just disappeared and wasn’t mentioned during the final fight
keep in mind I watched in Korea with Korean subtitles so I might’ve missed something if I didn’t hear clearly. Which is something I’ve been wondering for native english speakers. Without subtitles, some scenes are really hard to understand if they whisper or have some special effect on their voices
This movie was made for a specific audience. They should’ve made up another name… with new characters, thou.
It’s fine that some people can find ways to enjoy it, but the truth is this is disrespectful to Jack Kirby. I would like to know, for sure, how much the Kirby family is getting for this. It should be a lot.
After when Drinker showed that picture of Cersi from ‘Game of Thrones’ I spent the rest of the video laughing very hard and not paying attention to the rest of it as a result lol.
Also…I’m confused when they’re saying that ‘It has the first sex scene in an MCU film!’ because I’m pretty sure there was one in the first Iron Man film even though it’s brief. If this is Disney trying to pretend that Phase One doesn’t exist then I’m NOT happy with them!
A bit off topic here but what this lady says also applies to all forms of media and not just games:
I agree with her on this. I don’t mind diversity and representation when it’s NOT forced down my throat. I’d LOVE to see more female superheroes on the screen but not to the point where they’re gender-swapping well known male characters! I’ll also have you know that one of my favourite X-Men characters is Storm; a black female superhero!
Its pure CACAAA…. why I watched it, ya I was drinking and board and it was raining. Best thing about this movie was the Drinkers review, and Dragonlady i was right there with you, had to watch twice thrise actually, first time laughing to much, second time drinking again, thrise time with my wife so she could drink, laugh and know things. God Bless Scotsmen.