Ethan Van Sciver vs Friday Night Tights

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Ethan Van Sciver vs Friday Night Tights

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    Guys, don’t take the internet too seriously… please…

    I get that you/we are fans of some of these youtubers and creators, but at the end of the day, they are making money, we’re just watching their content hoping to be entertained.

    ComicsGate videos are, most of the time, comedy streams, people having fun, mocking each other, making fun of each other, roasting everyone, and getting drunk… it’s mostly for a more mature audience, that’s why I like to watch it. You can’t take everything they say on those streams seriously.

    “EVS showed a clip recently that showed that George dropped about $8000 during the Alex Jones livestream, but his superchats were not read out, causing George to be angry, for good reason”

    lol that was an edited video, that didn’t happen xD it was a joke… a meme. It was made by dale deadwood… c’mon dude. lol

    But I agree that sometimes comicsgate streams are a little bit hardcore, which I don’t always enjoy, but overall, they’re alright and very entertaining. And when EVS talks seriously (very rare), he speaks facts and truth and I agree with him most of the time. We’re living in a culture war, our entertaining industries are all being hijacked by crazy people. And people like the ones we see in Comicsgate are fighting, for us.

    About G&G and FNT, they’re great as well, but I find their streams being for a more youthful audience… I can’t watch their streams about playing mario kart all the time lol but I get it… there’s money on twitch and stuff…

    FNT streams are usually cool, but it would be awesome to see, sometimes, people from CG in there… and I don’t know why that doesn’t happen (anymore?).

    I think maybe FNT & G&G are afraid of CG being too hardcore and too edgy so they just don’t want to stream together… but it’s weird because they invited Alex Jones and there’s no one more hardcore and edgy than him lol So I don’t know… maybe it’s all a matter of insecurity.

    Real men should not be afraid of words… if someone makes fun of you, you make fun of them too, if you don’t like it, then talk face to face and tell them something like: “yo man, don’t speak like that about me alright? cool, we’re good”. But acting like children is just stupid, in my opinion. That’s the sjw way, they are the ones who get their feelings hurt all the time and then start drama and talking shit on their backs and being fake, etc. We should respect people that show us their flaws and are genuine.

    And talking about drama, how many dramas we’ve seen happening inside CG? I honestly don’t remember any. And how many dramas we’ve seen happening inside G&G + FNT? A couple every month? lmao But that’s just it, it’s all connected with the immature audience (and the fact that there are sjws inside the “fandom menace”).


    Anyway, those are my 2 cents. I would love to see CG making more streams with people from FNT and vice-versa. I know Young Rippa and the CG crew have a good relationship, can’t wait for Eric’s comics. Would be great to have Gary make something in CG as well… and help some CG campaigns in his streams, that would be extremely honorable.

    I hope one day many of us also create our own stuff, in order to fight the real enemy: The wokeism destroying our entertainment.



    Seems to me like the biggest and most colossal pile of misunderstanding and nonsense I’ve heard on our side of the fence. Bruised egos? I doubt Az is the type, myabe Ethan is but I also doubt that.

    Can’t really see a reason why everyone can’t monetize this and have a big ‘Fandom Menace’ reunion, but at the same time, I don’t really care and nor should you. It’s all great and all still way better than the mainstream ‘alternative’.

    TLDR: I’d like to see High Council/EFAP/FNT Megashow, but if some don’t want to, whatever. I’ll still have my fun.


    No drama, but had to post this. One of my favorite writers, Larry Correia, on Ethan’s show. Would like if FNT could get him on as well. Supposedly, he was the number one writer in Badgad during the war. He says he got his start publishing stories independently on gun forums?

    Larry Correia has been on Rekieta Law before and I know RL has been a guest on FNT.


    New video from Ethan about you guys:

    Leftist Rag Salon Drops a Lying Hit Piece Against Geeks + Gamers and TheQuartering! We ARE Winning!
    There is a nugget of truth to every good lie. And the truth is, we are winning when Salon issues a hit piece against @Geeks + Gamers and @TheQuartering in order to gin up their losing side.

    And they are losing, why else would those behind Salon do this?


    EVS is from a different generation and totally different background. 1. he’s filthy rich  2. he’s old  3. he’s been in the entertainment business and knows the people in it. He’s not a youtuber who started in his basement. 4. he’s a troll.

    Obviously he sees when others screw up, and he’ll have his opinions on it. I don’t really see the point of making a big deal out of it. Everyone has a right to their opinions. To see that EVS and most of the G&G crew aren’t on the same wavelength doesn’t take a rocket scientist. They don’t have to be. Everyone can do their thing.

    Still, would be good if unnecessary drama could be avoided. Save it for the woketards


    EVS in his vid is tearing apart the article attacking G&G (Jeremy, Ryan, etc).

    And people can have their opinion on the entertainment industry.  Even if it is critical of those IN the entertainment industry.

    That IS his point.

    So @Wisdom are you gonna go after Jeremy next, as his has a planned livestream coming up (after FNT)?



      Adam just needs to come out in a suit and tie…. Maybe a Chef’s hat and coat…  :)


      Adam just needs to come out in a suit and tie…. Maybe a Chef’s hat and coat… :)

      1) Both my suits are in the front hall closet in their little suit bags and in need of dry cleaning.

      2) Never actually wore a chef’s hat professionally. Always wore a cap backwards, because you have to wear something on your head to keep hair away. Only time I wore anything else was a stupid skull cap they made us wear in school. God I hated that thing.

      3) I don’t have any chef’s jackets left nor any checkered pants. The pants lasted longer after I was out, because they were comfortable house pants…nice and airy.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Roas.

      Ya, it would be nice if all sides would “patch things up”. EVS was on Friday Night Tights before after all. I watch EVS all the time. I enjoy his bluntness and humor. He of course is not perfect, but neither are Nerdrotic and GnG. EVS is a great artists too, it’s enjoyable to watch him draw. It’s just sort of sad when people from the same “side” can’t stick together.

      The stuff with Doomcock and Ryan really put me off Doomcock though. It was utter overkill. DC’s knee jerk and frankly childish reaction to Ryan simply saying people who believe his rumors are idiots was just ridiculous imo. Because, yes, they are idiots if they believe it. There was some missinformation about the entire event, but people didn’t research it to find out what was true or not so they went to Twitter to throw tantrums and create drama. I watched it all happen live. I unsubed from DC after that and have never watched him again.


      Larry Correia back on with Ethan. Larry would be a good FNT guest. Rippaverse injected a lot of energy into comics. Someone in comments mentioned Eric July passed Berzerker by Keanu Reeves in terms of money raised? Wow. Would not have thought that possible.
      “Rippa passed Brzkr tonight. Quickly closing in on $1.5M with over 16000 backers, crazy.”

      On a past stream, Ethan said he might try to get Orson Scott Card, author of Ender’s Game, on with him and Larry. Would love to see that.

      Gotta say, the Rippaverse really turned this whole EVS vs FNT thing on it’s head. Ethan is positive about it, instead of hating. Larry was like that with Brandon Sanderson as well, congratulating him instead of getting jelly.

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