Everyone who mocked the slippery slope should now apologize

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Everyone who mocked the slippery slope should now apologize

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      For decades I can recall warnings about well if we allow X, then what stops Y.    It was applied to many arguments in the 80’s and 90’s and it became a trope where when people heard it they rolled their eyes.  Being a young and stupid person at the time I am sure I participated in the eye rolling.

      Fast forward a few decades and damned near everything that was warned has become the case or worse.

      We went from “we just want to be married” (which as a quasi-libertarian I agree with) to “give us your children or we will have the state take them from you” in maybe 10 years time.

      Now there are calls for it to be illegal to use the wrong name or pronoun or for women to have their own spaces.  And make no mistake, yes these are just social influencers but that is always how that stuff is trotted out first.  It gets injected into culture then comes the legislation.


      WNBA Star Brittney Griner Says It Should Be A Crime To Ban Trans-Identified Men From Women’s Sports

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Vknid.

      “We went from “we just want to be married” (which as a quasi-libertarian I agree with) to “give us your children or we will have the state take them from you” in maybe 10 years time.”

      One is libertarianism, one is classic communism.

      They are not the same, nor will they ever be the same. No matter how much the Dems would love you to believe just that. That’s their real trickery. They would make you believe that freedom (libertarianism) leads to slavery (socialism) so instead of choosing freedom, you would promote conservatism, which they control and which is both a philosophical and political dead end.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Wisdom.

      Like I said in another post, the line keeps being pushed further and further and now it is almost gone.

      There are now Youth Attracted Person with a pride flag and wanting protection. They have Alice Day as their “pride” day. Sickness has taken over our society.

      The line needs to be brought back!!


      Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 04-41-03 z2wrhclym2991-3824711584 (PNG Image 1067 × 1682 pixels) — Scaled (54%)


        I think what needs to me emphasized here is that I don’t believe this is organic.  I believe that the “gay movement” was at some point infiltrated or taken over by bad people to push their own agenda which is to get at the kids.  They wear the movement like a skinsuit and use it as a shield.  Then at some point the government realized it could further coopt the movement for political power and use it as a shield as well.

        The real issue is as I see it is that people play teams.  Many gay folks will not dare step out of their team role even if they disagree with what is going on.  Sure some will, in fact many have but by in large it seems to me they stay silent.

        These are in general things that seem to play out over and over.  Movements get coopted for power and influence on the regular and people on all teams will rarely step out of theirs.  This works to the advantage of the elites who wish to make us as tribal as possible so we can never band together against them.

        It’s all very evil and very deliberate.  Regular folks on all sides need to realize they have more in common then they don’t and work against the forces that are seeking to enslave them.


        The Federal Mandate to Endanger Women

        The Department of Education just changed Title IX to mandate that “gender identity” be considered part of sex. This catastrophic decision will affect girls’ access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports going forward.


        The Department of Education just changed Title IX to mandate that “gender identity” be considered part of sex.

        Wait a minute.

        Were we not told that biological sex and sexual/gender identity were two completely different things?

        And now they want people to believe that gender identity IS sex?  (And these are the same people who could not define a woman.)

        That altering should be struck down as unconstitutional, discriminatory, etc.


          There is no sense trying to follow the “logic”.

          The whole point is that there is no logic such that reality can be defined by those in power.


          Were we not told that biological sex and sexual/gender identity were two completely different things?

          And now they want people to believe that gender identity IS sex?

          to me it seems like gender identity was added under protection and not shoehorned into the being the same as sex. It is mentioned that the rule protects against discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity etc. They are indeed three separate things, and I did not get the feeling that gender identity was conflated with biological sex.


            They are indeed three separate things, and I did not get the feeling that gender identity was conflated with biological sex.

            Sex and gender.  Same thing.  Gender identity is a nonsense word that means nothing.  And all sex is biological so that phrase is redundant.  Just like saying “biological female” is.  All females are biological because there is only 1 type of female.  The ones born that way.


            to me it seems like gender identity was added under protection

            The whole thing is entirely an illogical and nefarious concept.  It is being used intentionally to create wrong think, laws that can be enforced based on the perception of the person doing the enforcing and ultimately to fool people to demand the government write laws that require people to do and say as government wishes.    It has nothing to do with compassion, it has nothing to do with helping anyone.  If anything, it hurts people.

            Everyone right now currently has the freedom to consider themselves whatever they wish.  No one is stopping you. If you want to be a cat fine.  Put a litter box in your house and play with a giant ball of yarn and eat mice to your hearts content.  No one will stop you.

            However, when you demand that others treat you as a cat or even call you a cat you are infringing on their freedom.  Forcing others to do or say as you wish is NOT a freedom anyone has.  And it does not matter if it’s because you think you are a cat or because you think women have penises.

            And the pronoun thing is so ignorant it hurts my brain.  No one uses pronouns to address you when speaking to you so they aren’t “your pronouns”.  Yes there are things like Mr. and Miss but those are not pronouns. Those are titles.   Again, you don’t have the right to force someone to behave in the manner you wish.

            I am sure progressives all over cheer this nonsense on.  But when the gov does not stop there and starts writing other laws to make you do and say what they wish, it’s to late then.  And I am sure people will say, well it’s just this one little thing why are you so concerned.  Because I am old enough to remember how 100,000 little things that were accepted because someone said “it’s just 1 little thing” such that we ceded sanity an inch at a time and now we are 1,000 miles from it.

            I refuse to cede reality for any reason.  It’s only hurts society and it only hurts people, it helps no one. It is simply a tool for tyrants to convince people that they need to be ruled over.

            “The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
            ― Albert Camus

            • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Vknid.

            Sex and gender.  Same thing.  Gender identity is a nonsense word that means nothing.

            wrong. Sex refers to biology, so your genitals and chromosomes etc. Gender identity is a social construct which reflects on behavior or mindset. Playing with dolls, wearing skirts and dresses, interest in makeup etc has nothing to do with biology, it is what society has decided is a trait for girls and women. Or do you believe females have something in their DNA or genes that makes them prefer pink and dolls over blue and cars? If two children, a male and a female, were to grow up in a vacuum, do you think one of them automatically develops interest in skirts and dolls and the other for suits and cars?

            If you look at history, there has been time periods when kings in Europe rocked dresses and pantyhose, because at that time society didn’t link that as feminine. Whereas today, they are because society and culture has changed since then.

            And I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, I am by no means a radical gender abolisher who thinks we should treat children gender neutral or abolish gender norms by buying dolls for your son and vice versa. I would buy toy cars for my son and dolls for my daughter, but I am trying to demonstrate that gender refers to your characteristics while sex is purely biological.

            The whole thing is entirely an illogical and nefarious concept.

            to me it seems like the goal is just to protect more people. If a boy likes to play with dolls and showing ”feminine traits”, he should not be bullied for it.

            However, when you demand that others treat you as a cat or even call you a cat you are infringing on their freedom.

            How is it infringing freedom? It is just courtesy. If I meet a guy named Jack who asks me to call him Billy, I try to be respectful and call him Billy.

            And the pronoun thing is so ignorant it hurts my brain.  No one uses pronouns to address you when speaking to you so they aren’t “your pronouns”.  Yes there are things like Mr. and Miss but those are not pronouns. Those are titles.   Again, you don’t have the right to force someone to behave in the manner you wish.

            Pronouns are used when speaking about someone. If I talk about my friend Billy to you, I refer to him with the him pronoun. And yes, no one can force anyone to do anything but if you want to be respectful, you probably should do it.

            Because I am old enough to remember how 100,000 little things that were accepted because someone said “it’s just 1 little thing” such that we ceded sanity an inch at a time and now we are 1,000 miles from it.

            Like what? Because I can give examples of the opposite of fearmongering about how accepting gay people is a slippery slope to pedophilia etc., when there always has been a fundamental answer to why pedophilia will never be accepted.


            The Rainbow/trans flag people lied to you. Deceived you.

            Was ruining your life their intent? Ask yourself. Warn the others. Expose the butchers.



            Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.

            The west’s virtue of tolerance has been abused and taken advantage of by these wackos.

            But no more.

            Stamp out the nonsense.









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