Everyone who mocked the slippery slope should now apologize

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Everyone who mocked the slippery slope should now apologize

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    @comicsgate if you are referring to me then I didn’t talk about transgenderism, nor did the new title IX, it was referring to gender expression, in other words males expressing interest in things society defines as ”feminine” and vice versa.

    Regarding the gender affirming surgery regret, the regret rate is under 1%. It varies from 0.3% to 0.8%, depending on the study. Whereas something as common as rhinoplasty has a regret rate of 8-10%, yet people don’t use that as an argument.

    It’s such an unserious topic when the big bad boogeyman talking point in this silly culture war is regrettal of trans surgery, when the regret rate is under 1% of a population (trans people) who makes up under 1% of the population (around 0.5%). So when doing the math, using a regrettal rate of 0.5% of a population of 0.5%, that means the issue of post operation regrettal is 0.000025% of people. Is this really the most important topic to fight over? People have a significantly higher chance of regret when they do literally any cosmetic surgery like nosejob or breast implants.


      wrong. Sex refers to biology, so your genitals and chromosomes etc. Gender identity is a social construct which reflects on behavior or mindset. Playing with dolls, wearing skirts and dresses, interest in makeup etc has nothing to do with biology, it is what society has decided is a trait for girls and women. 

      There are only 2 subjects on which I am very heated.  One is abortion and the other is this gender nonsense.  Why? Because reality is very very obvious but the lies are so many and the pressure so great people will begin to doubt what they know like a dementia patient looking for their keys. “There are 4 lights!”

      Gender identity is a fuggin bullsh!t made up term. This is tactic number one of the radicals.  If reality is in your way, redefine reality.

      Society did not decide what is a trait for girls.  There are societal expectations because reality has proven that these things are real and to expect them.  Society does not define reality, reality defines society.

      If I am a gazelle and I know that if I go to the water hole between 2-5 I have a good chance of getting eaten because the Lions are there, identifying as a Lion won’t help me a bit nor will calling eating gazelles racism or a social construct.

      Spare me your pseudo-intellectual nonsense that asserts all ideas are equal and anything postulated is true until research proves otherwise.

      If you actually believe these things you are at best a naive dingdong who needs to stop being intellectually lazy and think for yourself.

      if you are repeating these things without any thought to them whatsoever or are intentionally repeating lies, you are are evil.

      This crap is harming people left and right.  Particularly young women.

      to me it seems like the goal is just to protect more people. If a boy likes to play with dolls and showing ”feminine traits”, he should not be bullied for it.

      Telling people their delusions are real protects NO ONE.  That is such a lie that I might have lost the respect for you I had.   You clearly are not a parent.  Young boys often play with dolls.  They will often do feminine things just like a little girl might do masculine things.  They explore, try different stuff and will often emulate their siblings.    All that is 100% normal.  Every parent knows that in spite of what the bullshit machine tells you.  Gender is not a spectrum because their is no such thing as gender outside of equating it to sex.   Everyone is a mix of masculine and feminine traits because that’s on the human spectrum.  Sex is either male of female period, outside of the tiny fraction of one offs.

      This “radical construct” of people that don’t do X or do X are bullied, so we must protect them is idiotic nonsense.  Somehow society has progressed to this point without that thought and now that we entertain it society is threatened.  Either you cannot discern cause and effect or you are a propagandist.

      How is it infringing freedom? It is just courtesy. If I meet a guy named Jack who asks me to call him Billy, I try to be respectful and call him Billy.

      If I force a person to do something then it infringes on their freedom.   There is zero chance you don’t see that.  You nefariously conflate your definition of respect with compelling speech and behavior.   I have considered you an activist for some time.  Now I am sure of it.

      Force is not freedom.

      Playing along with the delusion or sickness of others is not respect.  It is not courtesy and it is not compassion.  It is harmful and it is easy.  Doing right by others is hard and takes effort.  Calling Jack “Jill” as I walk past him without a word is easy.  Asking Jack if he is OK and assisting him in seeking help is hard.  Affirming anything anyone believes is not compassion.  It’s excusing yourself from having to put in any sort of effort.

      Pronouns are used when speaking about someone. If I talk about my friend Billy to you, I refer to him with the him pronoun. And yes, no one can force anyone to do anything but if you want to be respectful, you probably should do it.

      So to be respectful I should refer to you as you wish to be referred to when not in your presence and when talking to other people not you that you very likely do not know?

      You know what respect is?  Hey Billy, I understand you are having a rough time accepting yourself and I think instead of you worrying about the world around you accepting you for something you are not, let me help you accept you for what you are.   That’s respect, that’s caring and that’s compassion. Using the correct words not even in the presence of said person is not compassion, it is a way to make yourself feel compassionate to the detriment of others.

      The absolute illogical irony of the pronouns and the trans stuff is this.  I cannot accept me for who I am.  So I now demand the world accept me for who I am not.  It’s the same philosophy as systematic racism.   I cannot do for myself.  That is not my fault, it is your fault.  So you owe me.

      Like what? Because I can give examples of the opposite of fearmongering about how accepting gay people is a slippery slope to pedophilia etc., when there always has been a fundamental answer to why pedophilia will never be accepted.

      Right because pedophilia is not having a hard push to be normalized?  I have no doubt gay is far different from pedophilia. I think both are sins but it’s VERY different things.  VERY different.

      Sinister people will do sinister things.  So if people whom are capable of raping a child want nothing more than the ability to do that, would they then infiltrate another movement to their own benefit?  Of course they would.  The militant gay movement has been infiltrated by pedos so they can shield themselves with the original movement.

      I have always noticed that the arguments for gay, can also be used for pedophilia. We are born this way. Love is love.  Who are you to say what’s right or wrong.  The only thing that bars those from applying cleanly is the age of consent.

      If society agrees a child has the ability to select their sex or “sexual identity” then clearly the next step is a child can consent to sex.

      So yes, many small pieces of sanity ceded under the guise of “who does it hurt” can indeed and does lead to evil.

      Do you think Hitler was put in power because he said he wanted to exterminate the Jews?  No, many small steps lead to that until eventually that was the reality.


      • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Vknid.

      @SuperSoynic_Speed Was not, but appreciate when you or @Strider call me out. It’s amusing.

      Trans surgery is far more severe than plastic surgery, so it would only be logical and rational that the rate of regret would be higher than that. Would ask for a source for the claim, but none was provided and we should not even have to ask.

      Yes, silly thing indeed. Silly that it is something forced and coerced on the vast majority of the public. Their flags and banners are stuck in our faces by big corporate or big state. Silly thing to fight over, but they are the ones bringing the fight. They are the ones virtue-signaling. They do not deserve to be the priority and do not deserve the attention. Silly thing to fight over until some biological man breaks the bones of some girl who just wanted to use a locker room or play a sport. Why would any father or uncle concede or submit to domestic abuse against female members of their families? There is always this element of psyop involvement. Trying to get us to accept what we find repugnant without speaking out. It’s Orwellian to try to tell us men are women, and that it’s just a silly thing that some girl just got her leg broken or her medal or trophy stolen.

      I am not even into women’s sports now. In fact, corporate destroyed sports. Can’t watch a sport without seeing AIDS or HIV commercials. When the pro sports starting trying to groom us with BLM kneeling and groveling and supplication with hiphop protest music, that was when I wanted the leagues to all fall. I’ll never support any of them again. None of them I admire. Sports fans are LESS than men.




      All of this is by design.

      It’s a deep rabbit hole to go down into but I have been laughed at, lost friends and I gave up a lot social media because of all this craziness. I lurk on Instagram to see what is going on and rarely post (except for posting on Nerdrotic’s posts. haha). I only post now where I feel kinda welcomed but that is getting less and less each day. Now it’s taking over my gaming and I tried to wake up people to what is happening and I get flooded with so much stuff that I can’t bring myself to post anymore. I get insulted and called some pretty hateful stuff but I get warnings for hate speech when I didn’t attack anyone.


      Glenn Beck and Alex Jones and several others have been ringing this bell for years warning people….


      The fruit of their labors with this crazy stuff is blooming and its only going to get worse unless we all stand up!!!



      Society did not decide what is a trait for girls.  There are societal expectations because reality has proven that these things are real and to expect them.  Society does not define reality, reality defines society.

      How does ”reality prove” what is considered feminine or masculine? Men used to wear pantyhoses and dresses, was this some kind of false reality? Or could it be that society evolved and changed and that is now considered feminine? How exactly is it an objective reality that only females should paint their nails or wear makeup?

      I genuinely want to know your answer, if a boy and a girl theoretically grow up in a vacuum with no access to the outer world and society, and 20 years later you release them into society, do you believe they have some kind of biological ”reality” which makes the woman go get makeup and dresses and other ”feminine things” and the man is attracted towards cars and working in a coal mine or something? My answer is no, because society has decided what is feminine and masculine, and not some objective reality.

      If I am a gazelle and I know that if I go to the water hole between 2-5 I have a good chance of getting eaten because the Lions are there, identifying as a Lion won’t help me a bit nor will calling eating gazelles racism or a social construct.

      It doesn’t help, because you are biologically a gazelle and that is the only thing the lions see when they meet you.

      They will often do feminine things just like a little girl might do masculine things.  They explore, try different stuff and will often emulate their siblings.    All that is 100% normal.  Every parent knows that in spite of what the bullshit machine tells you.  Gender is not a spectrum because their is no such thing as gender outside of equating it to sex.   Everyone is a mix of masculine and feminine traits because that’s on the human spectrum

      Yes, and if a person is described to you as someone who used to play with dolls, wears makeup, likes to wear a dress you would assume the person is a female because those are feminine traits, signaling of a female gender. But that person could be a man biologically, which is sex.

      Sex is either male of female period, outside of the tiny fraction of one offs.

      I agree 100%

      Telling people their delusions are real protects NO ONE.

      I am inserting here a smarmy joke about religion, but that is another discussion for another time as it is irrelevant to this topic

      This “radical construct” of people that don’t do X or do X are bullied, so we must protect them is idiotic nonsense.

      well I certainly don’t want anyone to get bullied for expressing traits of the opposite gender, so adding that to title IX sounds good to me.

      If I force a person to do something then it infringes on their freedom.   There is zero chance you don’t see that.  You nefariously conflate your definition of respect with compelling speech and behavior.

      I do see that and I agree. But as far as I know, you don’t get criminalized for not calling someone with cat pronouns or some shit like that. Correct me if I am wrong. And to be clear, I do not want it to become a punishable crime to call someone with wrong pronouns, that would be absurd.

      So to be respectful I should refer to you as you wish to be referred to when not in your presence and when talking to other people not you that you very likely do not know

      there are many ways to be respectful. You can use pronouns when said person is in proximity, for example if you refer that person to a third person with you.

      You know what respect is?  Hey Billy, I understand you are having a rough time accepting yourself and I think instead of you worrying about the world around you accepting you for something you are not, let me help you accept you for what you are.   That’s respect, that’s caring and that’s compassion. Using the correct words not even in the presence of said person is not compassion, it is a way to make yourself feel compassionate to the detriment of others.

      That’s very fat pride accepting of you. I would encourage people to be what they feel most comfortable being. If a person is fat but wants to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I would say go to the gym and don’t stay miserable if you feel bad being as you are.

      The absolute illogical irony of the pronouns and the trans stuff is this.  I cannot accept me for who I am.  So I now demand the world accept me for who I am not

      I would rephrase it as ”I want the world to accept me the way I feel most comfortable in”.

      Right because pedophilia is not having a hard push to be normalized?

      by who? Pedophiles? And how much progress has it made? If pedophilia ever becomes more normalized and is actually getting momentum then I will stand next to you fighting against it with all my might, but I don’t see it happening.

      So if people whom are capable of raping a child want nothing more than the ability to do that, would they then infiltrate another movement to their own benefit?  Of course they would.  The militant gay movement has been infiltrated by pedos so they can shield themselves with the original movement.

      They might use it as a shield but the moment they get caught they are going to be in jail. I could use a similar line of thought about molesting priests, but I think it is crucial to keep them separated and not mix just because they are trying to utilize the surrounding.

      I have always noticed that the arguments for gay, can also be used for pedophilia. We are born this way. Love is love.  Who are you to say what’s right or wrong.  The only thing that bars those from applying cleanly is the age of consent.
      If society agrees a child has the ability to select their sex or “sexual identity” then clearly the next step is a child can consent to sex.

      consent is key, which is what separates pedophilia from sexual orientations. Regarding gender affirming care for minors, in most places it is treated like cosmetic surgeries, meaning it is not for minors. The exception that some are fighting for is if someone has serious gender dysphoria, a surgery is treated like any medical (not cosmetic) surgery.

      My opinion of this is still unclear, honestly. I believe cosmetic surgeries should be restricted for minors, therefore a minor should not be able to ”select their sex”. Regarding minors with serious gender dysphoria, I am having a really high treshold for that because minors really should be protected from making wrong choices as they can not consent. But if I can see data on minors with gender dysphoria overcoming and living a happy life rather than depression or even suicide from gender dysphoria then I absolutely choose a happy minor over a dead minor, as in any health emergency operation for a minor. But there needs to be absolutely strong evidence for that, until then I will stay with my belief that minors should not have access to gender affirming care.



      Trans surgery is far more severe than plastic surgery, so it would only be logical and rational that the rate of regret would be higher than that. Would ask for a source for the claim, but none was provided and we should not even have to ask

      I tried to reply with links to sources twice but my message won’t go through, I don’t know if it is to prevent spam links or something. But you can find studies by searching on google scholar for example gender affirming care regret rate and the results are all around or under 1%. I did a similar search for rhinoplasty where the result was around 8-10%. Here are some examples:


      I believe interesting discussions can be held about this topic, but the regrettal rate is just out of the window. When under 1% of a target group that already is under 1% of the population, it is such a near non-existent problem. It’s like everyone suddenly got really riled up about discussing the giant problem of how to stop people from getting killed by crocodiles


      “Trust The Science” seems to be the order of the day, even when it doesn’t make any common sense. People have to decide for themselves. It’s just a color revolution and sexual harassment trauma based mind control on the normal human citizenry. Clearly, the media and schools and institutions will go to any lengths to portray normal, every day people as bigots and will even make up the conditions for it, if they have to.
      Behind the Rainbow/blue and pink flags, they do NOT want you talking about the staged protests all over the west by the groups their NGOs imported, right after fleecing our countries of billions and billions and billions of dollars. The protests will only lead to more ripoff. You could call it “Bibi-Nomics,” the sheer theft of the west from the hateful racists in authority.








        How does ”reality prove” what is considered feminine or masculine? Men used to wear pantyhoses and dresses, was this some kind of false reality? Or could it be that society evolved and changed and that is now considered feminine? How exactly is it an objective reality that only females should paint their nails or wear makeup?

        You are conflating, quite intentionally I am sure, the realities of sex with fashion and personality.

        If you are born with a penis you are a man.  If you are born with the hardware to produce life you are a woman.  Period, full stop.  What you wear, how you choose to adorn yourself or the specifics of what you like or don’t like has NO bearing on your sex.

        Now, as intelligent beings, we have the power of observation.  We can clearly see the world over that certain traits typically are associated with men and some with woman.  We tag them masculine or feminine based on observation and not assignment.  This does not mean their cannot be outliers, differences,  and these things that might be outside the norm do not change your sex.

        This idea that everything is a social constructs is obnoxiously shortsighted and it is used for manipulation.  Because logically, if everything is a social construct then people are just identical cogs in a machine, a very communist ideal.  And it also gives activists ,such as yourself, license to bang the drum of “let’s change it all as we see fit” because it’s tethered to nothing but societal pressure.  This pours gas on the moral relativism fire that is currently tearing western society apart (which is the goal).

        It doesn’t help, because you are biologically a gazelle and that is the only thing the lions see when they meet you.

        Exactly, so “misgendering” is total nonsense. Glad we agree.

        Yes, and if a person is described to you as someone who used to play with dolls, wears makeup, likes to wear a dress you would assume the person is a female because those are feminine traits, signaling of a female gender. But that person could be a man biologically, which is sex.

        Well, we were speaking of children so you gear changed.  Your hypothetical is not real.  No one talks about people that way.  Why?  Because one of the first things mentioned about anyone in any conversation when you are being introduced to the idea of that person is whether they are male or female.  No one describes their traits in that way.    But let’s entertain it.  If someone said that to me, I would assume probably a woman.  Why? Because that  is observable reality. No different than if I was told this person gave birth or could dead lift 500lbs.  If I was introduced to this hypothetical person and I saw he was a man in a dress.  Then I would know it was an outlier situation and that is just what he liked to do.

        You can only be a man or woman “biologically” that’s a redundant term user to fool people into accepting the idea there is more than 1 type of man or woman.  There is not.  It matters not what you lop off or glue on.  Under the hood, still the same.

        I am inserting here a smarmy joke about religion, but that is another discussion for another time as it is irrelevant to this topic

        I can respect that.  But I would be remiss in my duties as someone who understands God exists to not mention having a relationship with God and religion are not only 2 very different things, sometimes they are antithetical to one another.   But to your point, if we were talking about legislating or somehow forcing people to behave as if God exists such they HAD to act a certain way, it’s the same problem and the same encroachment on freedom.  My freedom stops at the doorstep of your freedom regardless of the topic.

        well I certainly don’t want anyone to get bullied for expressing traits of the opposite gender, so adding that to title IX sounds good to me.

        Bullying was already wrong.  Assault, harassment and other such things already illegal.  Being ugly to someone at work already heavily frowned upon and that being systemic already a legal offense.  So all you are doing is lapping up the tiny bit of pandering milk the Biden admin left out for you so you stay on their planation.

        But as far as I know, you don’t get criminalized for not calling someone with cat pronouns or some shit like that. Correct me if I am wrong. And to be clear, I do not want it to become a punishable crime to call someone with wrong pronouns, that would be absurd.

        I appreciate you being open to being incorrect and or additional info. That’s the difference between a conversation and an argument. And now I will inform you that you are entirely incorrect.  New York and California have laws and guidance on this and others might as well but those 2 I know for sure.   Outside of the US it’s far worse.  In the UK for example.  If you post a few tweets or whatever social media posts that are not illegal but considered “hateful”, the police show up at your door.  This was a very public thing recently when Scotland enshrined a new “Hate Crime” law and JK Rowling, who is hard left, but considered a “transphobe” was already being reported.  She publicly said to their police, “arrest me”.  They did not.  She pulled a Trump on them essentially and they backed down.  This is also a law federally in Canada.  The infamous Bill C-16.  This was the first one and this is what brought Jordan Peterson out of the shadows talking publicly about how if made law the government can force you to say and do things against your will and it won’t stop there.

        And you might ask yourself, how often used could this be?  Enough for Lawyers to advertise it and speak about it and somehow they did so before the magical changes to title IX.


        So I al happy we agree such legislation is a negative thing.  But I am shocked that you cannot root out the cause and effect.  This did not just start, it’s been going on and anyone should have been able to see where it was headed.  The logical conclusion of this, if it keeps going, is the government now has the power to write law to compel speech and action.   If you don’t see how these things are linked and where they go then I am not at all surprised you hear “slippery slope” and think “RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA!”.

        there are many ways to be respectful. You can use pronouns when said person is in proximity, for example if you refer that person to a third person with you.

        You know as well as I do how that is presented but its not how it’s used as I described so again, it’s social engineering nonsense and nothing more.  I WILL NOT cede reality to anyone and I don’t care if you find it disrespectful or not.  Not having a grasp on reality is a you problem, not a me problem.  Expecting someone else to accept who you want to be when you cannot accept who you are is illogical and harmful to that person.  Indulging people in fantasies is not respect and it is not compassion.  It’s quite the opposite.

        That’s very fat pride accepting of you. I would encourage people to be what they feel most comfortable being. If a person is fat but wants to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I would say go to the gym and don’t stay miserable if you feel bad being as you are.

        Fat pride is as illogical and harmful as is the gender nonsense.  You cannot be anything than what you are.  I see you buy fully into this thought process that if I think I am something, I am that something.  Yet somehow an intelligent creator seems silly to you?  And NO ONE is up in arms or talking about what people wish to consider themselves.  People have their hair bristled up because they are being forced to say and do things to go along with someone else’s perception of themselves.  But how very activist of you to conflate those 2 things.

        I would rephrase it as ”I want the world to accept me the way I feel most comfortable in”.

        See this is what makes me upset at this ideology.  You (collective you) say things that sound compassionate and it makes people feel moral when they say it.  The reality is if they were ACTUALLY compassionate they would scratch beyond the self aggrandizing platitudes and understand that indulging in fantasies not only hurts people but in this case it greatly harms society.   You have young girls en masse latching onto this and doing things they regret to themselves in droves.  This is not compassion.  This is selfishness and in total indifference to the welfare of others.

        by who? Pedophiles? And how much progress has it made? If pedophilia ever becomes more normalized and is actually getting momentum then I will stand next to you fighting against it with all my might, but I don’t see it happening.

        I would sincerely hope we could fight together on many other things as well but I appreciate your point.  And if you don’t see pedophilia being pushed (in the long and short term) then you are either not at all paying attention or you are lying.  And yes, it is the pedophiles pushing it.  Particularly the pedophiles who have hijacked parts of the “gay movement” and that to a large degree is how that’s all getting conflated which is not a coincidence. Pedophiles are trying to shield themselves under the gay umbrella. They are referring to pedophilia as another sexuality and trying to wash it clean with terms like “MAP” and “virtuous pedophile”.  The unsettling part is, arguments used for normalizing homosexuality also work for pedophilia until you hit age of consent.

        I am not sure how you don’t see this.  There have been articles, new stories and so on.  One in particular by Todd Nickerson on Salon that got so much backlash they removed it.  But of course, the internet is forever.  http://archive[DOT]is/ttVNy

        This is being pushed from the edges consistently and eventually the edges will be the middle.  It’s a hard push to sexualize children.  Why do you think people are so against the drag queen thing around kids?  There are countless videos of that stuff show young kids sexual things.  The infamous story/pcis of the kids at a drag show with a large neon/LED sign on the stage saying “It’s not gonna lick itself”.  So if you do not see all this, then you need to diversity your news sources.

        They might use it as a shield but the moment they get caught they are going to be in jail. I could use a similar line of thought about molesting priests, but I think it is crucial to keep them separated and not mix just because they are trying to utilize the surrounding.

        You keep whipping out religion as if like a vampire under the shadow of a Crucifix I will recoil.  I won’t.  You are barking up the wrong tree.

        They use it as a shield.  It works.  And not they don’t arrested so long as they are using the shield.  How many “drag queens” have been arrested for doing/showing sexual things to kids?  If it is a reasonable thought to believe that someone would join the Priesthood to gain access to children, is it not also a reasonable thought someone would become a drag queen for the same reason at this stage of things?  And yes, the Priest is no different than the “drag queen”.  In fact, I consider the priest even more morally reprehensible because he not offends God while pretending to teach people about him and just leads people astray. Leading children astray is one of the few times in the New Testament where it gets real dark, real fast.

        “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” –Matthew 18:6, the speaker is Jesus himself

        consent is key, which is what separates pedophilia from sexual orientations. 

        Again, the arguments for sexual orientations fits for pedophilia.  As I see it the ONLY logical (not moral) separation is consent. But again man, draw it out to the logical conclusions.  If a child can be sexually aware enough to “select” his or her sex, then consent to sex is the next stop on that train.  And you might want to look at the thousands of children coming across the border and check into how they disappear and ponder the circumstances and where they end up.

        Regarding gender affirming care for minors, in most places it is treated like cosmetic surgeries, meaning it is not for minors. 

        “gender affirming care” is a propaganda phrase and I reject it.  This is only a construct if you play the mental game of “I believe therefore it is”.  If you remove that illogical fallacy that ceases to exist.  There is no reason to affirm what you are.  Adults can do as they please so long as I am not paying for it. Children?  Hell no that is monstrous.

        Regarding minors with serious gender dysphoria, I am having a really high treshold for that because minors really should be protected from making wrong choices as they can not consent.

        You are lapping up the propaganda as if you are a stray cat who has a saucer of fresh milk placed in front of them.  Stop assuming what you see is correct or true.  Stop exchanging your authority for the authority of others because they request you do so.

        Gender Dysphoria is VERY rare.  So it would stand that in minors even more rare or almost nonexistent if we think pre-puberty.  And while you do have some internally confused kids out there, they generally work it out (80%+ I think I have seen) on their own discovering that they are simply gay.  This phenomenon of gay=trans in kids is referred to (by gay groups) as “transing away the gay”.

        The exception that some are fighting for is if someone has serious gender dysphoria, a surgery is treated like any medical (not cosmetic) surgery.

        Children SHOULD NOT have surgeries on their private parts in this context.  FULL STOP.  PERIOD.  Again, this is more propaganda.  If we open the door to “well it’s OK in serious cases”, then “serious” get redefined.  And this has already happened and you have some hospitals already doing this in the US.  And yes, for minors.  And yes in large numbers.

        My opinion of this is still unclear, honestly. I believe cosmetic surgeries should be restricted for minors, therefore a minor should not be able to ”select their sex”.

        My opinion is clear as day as I am sure you see.  Is that because I heard someone say something or because someone told me to be against it?  No, it’s because I take in information from all corners and I stew on it myself and work through the assertions and the claims in my own head.

        And we agree, NO cosmetic surgery minors and that minors cannot “select their sex”.  We agree 1000% percent.

        But if I can see data on minors with gender dysphoria overcoming and living a happy life rather than depression or even suicide from gender dysphoria then I absolutely choose a happy minor over a dead minor, as in any health emergency operation for a minor. But there needs to be absolutely strong evidence for that, until then I will stay with my belief that minors should not have access to gender affirming care.

        You won’t find that data because it does not exist.  And even considering the paradigm of  “if we don’t cut his man business off he will kill himself” is nonsense.  This is more propaganda.  It’s a thought trap scaring parents into these surgeries threatening them with the death of their child.  It is emotional blackmail. And now you have places like California where a child WILL BE and HAS taken away from their parents by the state because the child requests transition in one form or another and the parents refuse.  Do you not see the autonomy being assigned to children?  Do you not think consent is not next to go?

        I do not fall into these moral quagmires. I consider and or reject assertions I can personally observe that conflict with reality. (I saw this with the COVID vaccine nonsense, not immediately I was scared like everyone else at first and I actually saw COVID coming before most as I was keeping tabs on it in China)  I do not accept without test and thought words and or info from “experts”.  Authority is like offense.  No one can force it upon you, you have to accept it.

        As to all this gender stuff in general.  I implore you to read about 2 things.  John Money, where the modern trans nonsense is rooted that ended up with 2 dead people.  You will CLEARLY see that your assertions of “society defines gender traits” is very wrong.

        You should also read about the lobotomy.  At the time heralded as a way to help mentally ill people and it was OK to destroy part of their brain because “science”.   As I understand it, that is the previous time we treated mental illness with surgery. I do know of some experimental surgery for SERIOUS depression which involved an implant but you catch my drift I am sure.

        I also refer you to this book written by an experienced professional in that specific field.


        • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Vknid.


        “Trust The Science” seems to be the order of the day, even when it doesn’t make any common sense. People have to decide for themselves.

        Not my problem if you refuse to believe in statistics, I just provided empirical evidence which by the way is not ”trust the science”, it’s an observation of how people feel after having treatment. If you want to go with a reddit post for your source then you do you



        You are conflating, quite intentionally I am sure, the realities of sex with fashion and personality.

        If you are born with a penis you are a man.  If you are born with the hardware to produce life you are a woman.  Period, full stop.  What you wear, how you choose to adorn yourself or the specifics of what you like or don’t like has NO bearing on your sex.

        I agree, if we talk about sex we are talking biology. Genitals and chromosomes etc. You can look up gender in dictionaries, where it says something like ”Sex is the biological category, whereas gender is the culturally shaped expression of sexual difference: the masculine way in which men should behave and the feminine way in which women should behave”.
        Don’t fight me if you disagree with definitions of terms, fight the dictionary and language.

        Bullying was already wrong.  Assault, harassment and other such things already illegal.

        so do you reject the notion that people should not be discriminated or bullied due to religion for example at school? The way I see it is people are protected from bullying, and religion, skin color, gender identity are all just examples of types of discrimination. It’s not like bullying about things that are not mentioned is accepted. So I kinda agree that it doesn’t necessary need to be specified as bullying is wrong always.

        The infamous Bill C-16.  This was the first one and this is what brought Jordan Peterson out of the shadows talking publicly about how if made law the government can force you to say and do things against your will and it won’t stop there.

        As far as I know, the Bill C-16 does not mean a person gets legally punished for using wrong pronouns as some were hysterically claiming. According to law professor Brenda Cossman ” Bill C-16 does not allow for Canadian citizens to be jailed or fined simply for using the wrong gender pronoun when addressing a person. Bill C-16 could lead to an organization having to pay damages to a person, but only if proof of a wider pattern of discrimination can be established.”

        So there is nothing about using wrong pronouns, as pronouns are not even mentioned once in the entire bill. It specifically is that if there is proof of discrimination at the work force due to a person’s gender, they can be held responsible. I don’t know about you but I find discrimination pretty cringe.

        I see you buy fully into this thought process that if I think I am something, I am that something.

        I would like to correct you in this regard, people with gender dysphoria or who want to transition do not believe they are the opposite sex, they feel uncomfortable in their own gender. If you woke up tomorrow in a female’s body, you would feel like it’s not yours and you would want to go to your male body.

        Now, this is the most important part where I will try to explain why people transition, and if there is anything I wish you would even consider for one second it is this:

        Regarding people with gender dysphoria, your solution of ”just encourage them to accept who they are biologically” is as effective as saying you would encourage a depressed person to not be sad. It is a mental disorder which can even be seen in brain scans, and the only known cure is to transition, either with surgery or with them acting like the gender they feel more comfortable in. There is empirical evidence on the effectiveness of transitioning, and it often relieves people with gender dysphoria. If they don’t get treatment, it can lead to cases where they can not function in society because of it, and even depression and suicide.

        I would much rather see a trans person than a dead person. And if you come up with a way to effectively and routinely cure people’s gender dysphoria without transitioning, by convincing them to accept their biological sex then I will give you a huge applause when you pick up the Nobel prize. If there is a way to treat people with gender dysphoria effectively so they get over it without transitioning, I really would prefer that over transitioning. But right now, the only way is transitioning and I personally don’t mind trans people, if that helps them overcome their dysphoria I prefer that over having a depressed or suicidal person with dysphoria.


        “gender affirming care” is a propaganda phrase and I reject it.

        Can you elaborate?

        And if you don’t see pedophilia being pushed (in the long and short term) then you are either not at all paying attention or you are lying.

        I don’t see it being successfully pushed and normalized. If hou could explain I would appreciate it, as the link you sent doesn’t work.

        You keep whipping out religion as if like a vampire under the shadow of a Crucifix I will recoil.

        I utilize it in a similar way you utilize transgenderism.

        How many “drag queens” have been arrested for doing/showing sexual things to kids?  If it is a reasonable thought to believe that someone would join the Priesthood to gain access to children, is it not also a reasonable thought someone would become a drag queen for the same reason at this stage of things?

        I don’t know, how many? And how many priests have? The reason I brought up priests is because I want to make it clear that you should be able to separate priests/drag with something like pedophilia. People have been doing drag for hundreds of years, and drag is not inherently sexual, just like religion or being a priest isn’t. Drag is just the concept of people dressing in a comically stereotyping way as the opposite gender to make jokes about said gender. Sometimes drag shows can be explicit and yes, those drag shows should have age limit. If a drag queen does explicit stuff on a show with no age restriction they should suffer the consequences obviously. But inherently drag is not sexual, it is a type of comedy where for example a man dresses like a woman and makes jokes about something like how tough it is to be a woman when you can’t find your favorite makeup in the store or some shit.

        Children SHOULD NOT have surgeries on their private parts in this context.  FULL STOP.  PERIOD.  Again, this is more propaganda.  If we open the door to “well it’s OK in serious cases”, then “serious” get redefined.  And this has already happened and you have some hospitals already doing this in the US.  And yes, for minors.  And yes in large numbers.

        how large numbers I wonder? Children with gender dysphoria is extremely rare. But I would be okay with letting a minor express themselves as the opposite gender without surgery if it helps for their dysphoria, rather that over a depressed or dead minor. But I am curious, why aren’t people this loud fighting against circumcision  or tonsil removal for minors?

        And we agree, NO cosmetic surgery minors and that minors cannot “select their sex”.  We agree 1000% percent.

        I’m happy we found at least some common ground in all this!

        You should also read about the lobotomy.  At the time heralded as a way to help mentally ill people and it was OK to destroy part of their brain because “science”.   As I understand it, that is the previous time we treated mental illness with surgery. I do know of some experimental surgery for SERIOUS depression which involved an implant but you catch my drift I am sure.

        Lobotomy destroys the brain without fixing anything, surgery doesn’t cause harm and has an extremely high success rate of combating gender dysphoria. But surgery is a really radical method to begin with, a lot of times softer methods such as cross dressing and acting like the gender the person feels more comfortable as works for gender dysphoria.

        But you are right, science and medicine evolves. And like I said, if there is ever a medicine that gets rid of gender dysphoria without having any kind of transition, I am all for that.


        @SuperSoynic_Speed  Appreciate the callout and the time you called me brother, even if it was just to be a writer with flair. @Strider once showed me a picture of Trad Ukrainians, and it affected me because he knew what would persuade because I do like those people. Makes me wonder if there are any left, or of the Cossacks?   Huge loss for the world if they are gone.

        Regarding the statistics, many times, the governments do have good information and the information that they have actually contradicts that mainstream media normie libtard talking points. So, when it comes to numbers, other things people need to think about are the official numbers on inflation, or illegal immigration, because some people think those numbers are much higher than what is being said by the TV people or the Press Secretary, and I would think along those lines about the rate of regret among trans people as well.




          I agree, if we talk about sex we are talking biology. Genitals and chromosomes etc. You can look up gender in dictionaries, where it says something like ”Sex is the biological category, whereas gender is the culturally shaped expression of sexual difference: the masculine way in which men should behave and the feminine way in which women should behave”.

          Great!  We agree that sex is easily definable and unchangeable.

          “Gender” was used to mean sex at it’s origin.  Further used to describe the male or female of words.  I believe it was not until the 60’s it began to be used differently and then got twisted over time to loosely use it the way you are describing.  I reject propaganda words.  The way you use it, it’s a propaganda word used to inject an assumption.

          And you are describing EXACTLY what I am talking about here.  Understand what you just said.  “gender is the culturally shaped expression of sexual difference”.  So going with what you said, the root of gender is sex.  And as we agreed, sex is easily definable and unchangeable.  Since you agree sex and gender are linked, then it reasons to stand they are both not “fluid”.

          so do you reject the notion that people should not be discriminated or bullied due to religion for example at school?

          I reject the notion bullying (which is not a crime nor should it be) and discrimination (somewhat nebulous term but) does not need additional identifiers.  If it is considered bad or illegal, than it should not matter why, just that it happened.  Whether the discrimination happened because you like cheese or are black, makes no difference and there is no severity difference between the situations because all that mattered is it happened.   This is like “lynching laws”.  It’s already illegal.  “hate crime”.  If it’s a crime, already illegal.

          Writing laws for things already illegal is a game show for politicians.

          So there is nothing about using wrong pronouns, as pronouns are not even mentioned once in the entire bill. It specifically is that if there is proof of discrimination at the work force due to a person’s gender, they can be held responsible. I don’t know about you but I find discrimination pretty cringe.

          You are right.  “pronoun” is not in the bill.  But you know what is? “gender expression”  You know what is a form of gender expression?  Pronouns.  And if you look at some of the cases already brought forward, the claims involve against the defendant include using the wrong pronouns.

          As far as I know, the Bill C-16 does not mean a person gets legally punished for using wrong pronouns 

          Well then you need to research more.

           would like to correct you in this regard, people with gender dysphoria or who want to transition do not believe they are the opposite sex,

          You might want to diversify your news sources.  In the current iteration of “trans” you are comically incorrect.  10+ years ago that statement might have been correct.  It’s not even close now.   Sure, not everyone thinks that and you could point out the difference between actual dysphoria and feeling different that day but these things are not seen as the same.  If this was not the case there would not be men winning women’s sports.

          Regarding people with gender dysphoria, your solution of ”just encourage them to accept who they are biologically

          I proposed no solutions. I mentioned that actual respect is not going along with the delusion but speaking to reality.

          I would much rather see a trans person than a dead person

          If they don’t get treatment, it can lead to cases where they can not function in society because of it, and even depression and suicide.

          You believe in lies, or you are a liar.  Pick one.

          That’s the bullcrap thing they tell parents.  Suicide is a legit concern due to the mental disorder.  So regardless of what you lop off it’s a symptom.

          And if you come up with a way to effectively and routinely cure people’s gender dysphoria 

          That’s an unrealistic expectation.  No mental disorders that I am aware of have any “cures”.  You can make it better. You can learn to cope.  You don’t erase it.

          But right now, the only way is transitioning and I personally don’t mind trans people,

          You are conflating again.  We were talking about children.  Not adults.  Adults can do what they want although I believe ,like it used to be, you had to go through a great deal of mental examination and therapy before a doctor would agree to such a surgery.  And you assertion that changing your parts solves anything is also incorrect.  You do realize the surgeries are barbaric right?  You realize that not only do you NOT get a functional (or recognizable) organ, they remove your actual functioning organs.  Again, that is not compassion.

          Can you elaborate?

          You would only need to “affirm” something you question.  The question itself is illogical.  If the idea is that your genitalia makes you your sex (gender,/sex same thing) , then you are your sex period.    There is nothing to “affirm”.  Thus, propaganda phrase baking in the assumption that the question is valid.  It is not.

          I don’t see it being successfully pushed and normalized. 

          Stop playing word games and moving the goal posts.  I said it was being pushed and attempts were being made to normalize it.  I did not give additional modifiers like “successful”.   The link does not work because I boke it on purpose I did not want it to display.  Exchange “[DOT]” for “.”

          I utilize it in a similar way you utilize transgenderism.

          No, no you don’t and I am actually insulted at this point you would use such a lazy tactic.

          I don’t know, how many? And how many priests have? 

          Why do you incessantly compare drag queens to priests?  Do you think I am going to defend one type of pedophile and not another?  No.  As I mentioned before the Priest to me is a far worse offender.

          People have been doing drag for hundreds of years, and drag is not inherently sexual, just like religion or being a priest isn’t. Drag is just the concept of people dressing in a comically stereotyping way as the opposite gender to make jokes about said gender

          Not really,  no they have not.  More propaganda.  People have dressed as the opposite sex for a long time and for many different reasons.  Simply putting on a dress is not drag.  Drag is inherently sexual because it is about sex.  It is a man dressed and acting as a cartoon like caricature of a woman.  The very premise of drag is sexual.  Does that mean it has to be people having sex on stage?  No, but that is not the only definition of sexual.

          The fact you compared drag to Priests and religion makes me want to vomit.  That’s an absolutely disgusting comparison.

          No drag is not just mocking the opposite gender.  Progressive definitions morph to suit the agenda.  You can buy into that, I will not.

          And again, we are talking kids here.  No one cares or cared about drag queens with adults.  In fact drag queens for decades have been lauded as something fun and interesting especially by straight women.  No one cared.  Until they came for the kids.  Now we care.  Watch the movie “The Birdcage” with Robin Williams.  Drag Queens were shown as something fun and even cool.  But you know what you did not see?  Kids there.  Now we have “drag kids” and some dancing on stage for adults doing simulated stripping and Drag Queens all around kids and often doing overt sexual things.

          how large numbers I wonder?

          Does that matter?  How kids is it OK to mutilate in your mind?

          But I am curious, why aren’t people this loud fighting against circumcision  or tonsil removal for minors?

          Uhhh because neither destroys useful healthy organs?  Neither sterilizes you? Neither is occurring outside of the choice of a parent? Neither is enforced by the state?  Neither is part of an ideology being pushed from the top down?  And for your information lots of folks talk about circumcision but it’s not a criical topic because no once forces you to do it or cancels you for it.  There are not laws being written about circumcision.

          Children with gender dysphoria is extremely rare.

          Actual dysphoria yes.  But no one uses that phrase anymore and it’s all referred to as trans and trans is now a feeling.   And if we say you meant trans, then there are MANY of them.

          Lobotomy destroys the brain without fixing anything, surgery doesn’t cause harm and has an extremely high success rate of combating gender dysphoria. 

          It does not destroy the brain, it harmed it.  People still lived they were just very damaged people.  And at the time, like we say with trans now, it was considered scientifically correct.  Yes sexual surgery VERY MUCH DOES CAUSE HARM.  You are removing healthy organs, this is the epitome of harm.   It does not have a high a success rate and I am not sure anyone could prove something that subjective.  And in our current context of kids, its very unsuccessful.

          And like I said, if there is ever a medicine that gets rid of gender dysphoria without having any kind of transition, I am all for that.

          Again, a point we agree on.  But you realize you even saying that by many measures makes you “transphobic”?  It’s no longer seen socially as a sickness.  Why would it?  It’s simply a feeling now.  You can get hormones and other such things on 1 doctor visit now.

          Go watch the interview Blair White did with a man who sadly calls himself “the thing”.  Why?  He wanted to be a woman.  He was told he could be with surgery and hormones.  Go listen to him talk for 2 hours about how that has destroyed him.  Go watch it and come back and tell me if you consider that compassion or a successful solution.   Listen to a man cry while he tells you “I miss my penis”. Then when done, think about that in terms of a 15yr old.

          • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.

            The slippery slope is there.  It is simply downstream consequences of things done over time whether intentional or unintentional.  It is cause and effect and saying it does not exist is lying.

            If we agree we don’t like where we have arrived.  It makes sense to look back from where we came so we don’t repeat that journey.

            We have reached a point where kids are being sexualized on all fronts.  The only logical barrier in society right now is age of consent.  What’s the next step from “I can choose my sex”, I can change my sex parts, and I can attend adult shows and participate?  The next step is, kids can consent.  And if you say,  well that’s crazy,  then you are entirely ignorant of how we got here  and you are so intoxicated by comfort you will exchange children so that you will not be inconvenienced in your own life. And that’s a theme now.  IE abortion.

            not gonna lick itself



            Regarding the statistics, many times, the governments do have good information and the information that they have actually contradicts that mainstream media normie libtard talking points.

            My statistics are not from mainstream media, but peer reviewed research papers. Show me where I am wrong

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