Everyone who mocked the slippery slope should now apologize

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    “Gender” was used to mean sex at it’s origin.  Further used to describe the male or female of words.  I believe it was not until the 60’s it began to be used differently and then got twisted over time to loosely use it the way you are describing.  I reject propaganda words.  The way you use it, it’s a propaganda word used to inject an assumption.

    actually the distinction between sex and gender goes at least to the 1930’s. But yes, humanity learns new things as we proceed. Like the example you used, not long ago did humanity believe lobotomy was useful.

    Understand what you just said.  “gender is the culturally shaped expression of sexual difference”.  So going with what you said, the root of gender is sex.

    Yes, obviously gender is based on sex. Gender is what we as a society perceive to be a bart of being of one sex. A social construct.

    I’ll give you an example from Persona 3 Reload as I just played it and is a recent example of what I am demonstrating:


    This character is called Aigis, she is an android. She has no female biology, but people use female pronouns when talking about her. The reason she is not referred to as ”it” or ”they/them”, is because while she doesn’t have a sex, her gender is female. She has female hair, mascara, a skirt and her mannerisms are female. Do you agree it is okay to use female pronouns, or do you disagree?

    Another example is women you see on the streets. You can’t see their chromosones, and I hope you don’t peek at their genitalia. But when you see a woman, you know it’s a woman from the clothing, makeup, hair length, mannerisms and so on. This is not biology, we make the judgement based on if they look and act like society thinks a woman should act and look like. Agree or disagree? And again, I am not saying these standards society has put is bad, I prefer feminine women over masculine women, but I am saying that we judge people on basis of gender and not sex.

    Now, to bridge the gap and find more common ground between us, I do not think trans women is the same as ”regular” women (I avoid using the correct three letter term starting with ”C” because I know it seems to be a boogeyman term on this forum). Philosophically, it would create an awkward inconsistency because if trans women were the same as ”regular” women, there would be an issue of well why wouldn’t you wanna marry a trans woman if they are the same as other women, and suddenly 99% of the population is transphobic.

    You are right.  “pronoun” is not in the bill.  But you know what is? “gender expression”  You know what is a form of gender expression?  Pronouns.  And if you look at some of the cases already brought forward, the claims involve against the defendant include using the wrong pronouns.

    I would like to see some of these cases, I found one where the issue was not using wrong pronouns but a father violating court orders by leaking personal information about his trans daughter when he was ordered not to.

    ButI agree, using wrong pronouns should not be sufficient. If pronouns are intentionally used incorrectly as a way to harrass or bully then it’s understandable.

    I proposed no solutions. I mentioned that actual respect is not going along with the delusion but speaking to reality.

    Got it, my bad. Then I believe we agree that best solution for gender dysphoria is transitioning. More common ground.

    You are conflating again.  We were talking about children.  Not adults.  Adults can do what they want although I believe ,like it used to be, you had to go through a great deal of mental examination and therapy before a doctor would agree to such a surgery.  And you assertion that changing your parts solves anything is also incorrect.

    Based. But I don’t think I am wrong in saying transitioning helps people suffering from gender dysphoria, all studies show positive reception and extremely rate of regret. If transitioning makes it easier for you to live your life then I see it as a win.

    Stop playing word games and moving the goal posts.  I said it was being pushed and attempts were being made to normalize it.  I did not give additional modifiers like “successful”.

    I added successful because I think that is the most important part. We can’t magically make all pedophiles stop pushing it, we can try sure by therapy but that would require identifying them first, and pedophiles not acting according to their desires is hard to identify. As long as we have guard rails and no progress is made successfully, it’s all that matters.

    Why do you incessantly compare drag queens to priests?  Do you think I am going to defend one type of pedophile and not another?  No.  As I mentioned before the Priest to me is a far worse offender.

    No I do not, I am not using whataboutism about priests. I am using priests as an example of not engaging in linking something as a whole to pedophilia. Pedophilia is not a part of drag or transgenders, just as pedophilia is not a part of priests. You should be able to separate them.

    Not really,  no they have not.  More propaganda.  People have dressed as the opposite sex for a long time and for many different reasons.  Simply putting on a dress is not drag.  Drag is inherently sexual because it is about sex

    People dressing as the opposite sex as a form of entertainment literally is textbook drag. Do you believe it only is drag when you start whipping genitalia out or something? Drag has always been an entertainment form of dressing as the opposite sex. There are different forms of drag, and one form of drag is making it sexual. But going on stage dressed as a woman and making jokes about being a woman is also drag. You can just look up and read any paper on history of drag, just saying ”I disagree, propaganda” is not an argument.

    The fact you compared drag to Priests and religion makes me want to vomit.  That’s an absolutely disgusting comparison.

    I mean if you expand my comparison to religion as a whole then it gets pretty rough as islam is based on Prophet Muhammad who had sex with Aisha, his 9 year old wife. And age of consent happens to be quite low in these countries.

    Does that matter?  How kids is it OK to mutilate in your mind?

    not really, I was just curious when you said it happens in large numbers, as I want to make sure you are being good faith and not exaggerating things as I do not fact check everything you say because I want to maintain charitable and able to take your words for granted, as opposed to comicsgate, as I now know I have to look up literally anything he says because of how much straight up false things he says.

    And for your information lots of folks talk about circumcision but it’s not a criical topic because no once forces you to do it or cancels you for it.  There are not laws being written about circumcision.

    no one cancels you for not being trans. But do you believe making surgery on a child’s genitals is okay if it doesn’t sterilize you? I would argue that circumcision brings no benefit and it is relevant as it happens to way more children than transitioning.

    So do you lock your answer that surgery on a child’s genitals is okay as long as it doesn’t sterilize the child? Be careful with your answer.


    Again, a point we agree on.  But you realize you even saying that by many measures makes you “transphobic”?  It’s no longer seen socially as a sickness.  Why would it?  It’s simply a feeling now.

    I don’t care what people think, people on the right think I am a blue haired radical socialist leftist and actual leftists think I am a nazi because I’m not pro socialism. I don’t see myself as transphobic because I want trans people to have equal rights and be treated as normal members of societies and not get demonized as child grooming vampires, I just believe it would safe a lot of unnecessary hassle if people didn’t need to transition but could have their dysphoria cured without it.

    Also, not all trans people have dysphoria, as they can function in soeicety without transitioning, but do it because they feel better that way. Just like not all fat people have body dysmorphia but they might feel more comfortable not being fat and decide to workout.

    Go listen to him talk for 2 hours about how that has destroyed him.  Go watch it and come back and tell me if you consider that compassion or a successful solution.   Listen to a man cry while he tells you “I miss my penis”. Then when done, think about that in terms of a 15yr old.

    sure, some people regret it. But the regret rate is around 0.5%, so bringing up single instances will not affect my position.




      But yes, humanity learns new things as we proceed. Like the example you used, not long ago did humanity believe lobotomy was useful.

      So we are done learning now?  Everything we now know is 100% correct and we should question nothing?  Or should we just not question things that relate to sexualizing children or mutilating them?

      actually the distinction between sex and gender goes at least to the 1930’s

      No it does not.  Look up the etymology of the word. The word has been around for several hundred years and has multiple uses but as it related to people it was synonymous with sex.   Somewhere around the 50s/60s it was first used to refer to characteristics that were masculine or feminine vs sex.  Clearly that was not intended to equate to I am a man but now I am a woman.  The reality is, it does not matter.  No one cares what you call or consider yourself. The only time we run into an issue is when that is forced on others.

      Yes, obviously gender is based on sex. Gender is what we as a society perceive to be a bart of being of one sex. A social construct.

      No, gender is sex.  If you are referring to masculine and feminine traits , those words already exist.  Observation is not a social construct.  A man who exhibits feminine traits is simply a man who exhibits feminine traits.  It’s no more complex than that.   What we know are typically feminine (or masculine)  traits are observation based on reality.  This is not a social construct.  Does society then see a man or a woman and expect those those?  Of course.  That’s how our brains work, pattern recognition.  So that expectation comes from what we have observed and is not arbitrary nor planned.

      This character is called Aigis, she is an android. She has no female biology, but people use female pronouns when talking about her. 

      It has no biology at all.  It is not a human. And it’s not anything but pixels on a screen or ink on a paper.  Fantasy stories are not examples of reality.

      Another example is women you see on the streets. You can’t see their chromosones, and I hope you don’t peek at their genitalia. But when you see a woman, you know it’s a woman from the clothing, makeup, hair length, mannerisms and so on. This is not biology, we make the judgement based on if they look and act like society thinks a woman should act and look like. Agree or disagree? 

      Um no sir.  Not at all.  I can see a woman, typically one I find attractive, that draws my attention from far enough away where I do not see makeup or details of clothing.  The shape, mannerisms (that is very biological) and movement is what draws my attention.  So no, makeup or hair or clothes does not define woman for or man for me. Those are clues at best.  I am not going to confuse a 6 foot man in a dress in full makeup and long hair as a woman.

      And again, society does not think a man or woman is anything but what it has observed a man or woman to be.  The expectations are a natural reaction to observed reality not the other way around.

      This world you want to live in where people should be treated as what they demand, everything is a mailable construct and there are no stigmas and everything you want to do is OK, is the logical conclusion of all this.  That world will never exist because humanity will have drummed itself out of existence following that path long before it arrives at it.

      Now, to bridge the gap and find more common ground between us, I do not think trans women is the same as ”regular” women

      There is no such thing as a trans woman.  You are either a man or a woman.  The term is not subjective and there are not multiple types of each sex.  You can be transgender but even that term in itself is a fallacy.  This goes for “biological woman” as well.  All women are biological so there is no need for the additional descriptor. It only serves to infer that there is more than one type of woman.  There is not.


      ButI agree, using wrong pronouns should not be sufficient. If pronouns are intentionally used incorrectly as a way to harrass or bully then it’s understandable.

      No it is not understandable.  If I as an adult am so damaged by you not using the words I wish you to use that I think you need to be in jail, then the problem is me and not you.  You seem to have no grasp of cause and effect.  If you give the government the power to fine or jail based on another persons demand for how they should act or say words towards do you think it stops at “pronouns”?  You are asking for laws to be written that are 100% subjective.  Those get used as tools of submission.  One’s freedom ends at the doorstep of someone else’s freedom.  You don’t get to force people to do or say what you want.  That’s removing someone else’s freedom no matter how compassionate you think it might be.  And entertaining another person’s illness is not compassion.

      Then I believe we agree that best solution for gender dysphoria is transitioning. More common ground.

      No I don’t agree.  The best solution is the one where you don’t hack parts off your body. Your body is not the problem, your mind is.  However, if adults wish to do that fine.  But it should be like it was, you have to pay for it yourself and it only happens after all attempts at mental help fail.

      As long as we have guard rails and no progress is made successfully, it’s all that matters.

      I did not say progress was not being made.  I said it has yet to be successful.  But the radical left has a formula for such things.  You keep pushing from the edges and even if you only make a minute amount of progress, over time the edges end up being the middle.  You are now of the precipice of this happening, if the idea that children can consent becomes even entertained it’s over.  And we are about there now.

      No I do not, I am not using whataboutism about priests. I am using priests as an example of not engaging in linking something as a whole to pedophilia. Pedophilia is not a part of drag or transgenders, just as pedophilia is not a part of priests. You should be able to separate them.

      You are using priests as an example because you yourself link them to pedophilia so your entire thought is a fallacy.  And I did not state all drag queens or all trans people were pedophiles.  I never claimed any amount of them were or were not.  What I have described is that pedophiles will use the angle of attack available to them.  They can join the priesthood, play along and get access to children.  Or they can be a drag queen, play along and get access to children.  So there is now enough drag queens and priests involved in this where both groups are known to be ripe with pedophiles as compared to other groups.  And while pedo priests do not publicly sexualize children, pedo drag queens and even non pedo drag queens certainly do.  All drag people? No, not at all.  But those guys are not in the news, just the ones sexualizing children.

       But going on stage dressed as a woman and making jokes about being a woman is also drag. You can just look up and read any paper on history of drag, just saying ”I disagree, propaganda” is not an argument.

      It’s propaganda because you are redefining the term so that it encompasses a far larger group such as to cloak the core meaning to normalize it.  The left does this almost constantly.  Just like prior to the last 5 mins transgender meant you lived like the opposite sex 100% of the time and or you had surgery.  Now “trans” is a feeling.  So the term was redefined so that the group is larger to normalize it.  Same thing with drag.  Putting on a dress and being funny, does not equate to being a gay man dressed as an overt caricature of a woman and performing.   Me at Halloween wearing a dress to be silly is not drag.  Eddie Lizard on stage decades ago telling jokes dressed up ladies’ garb and in makeup was not drag.  That was always known as cross dressing.  Drag, was always something else.

      But that argument is meaningless. NO ONE cares about drag queens.  The only thing people care about is drag queens being around children as drag queens.  It is a sexual performance and the only reason you would do that around children is to sexualize children.  And no sexual does not mean actual sex.

      not really, I was just curious when you said it happens in large numbers, as I want to make sure you are being good faith and not exaggerating things as I do not fact check everything you say because I want to maintain charitable and able to take your words for granted

      Well I would hope you know by now I do not engage on topics I have not put my own thought into and based on my own research.  If I did then I would just be a parrot and my words would have zero substance and I could be debunked by a child.  This is why I don’t even say prayers other people wrote (outside of the Our Father as it is Biblical).  There is no value in being a parrot.

      Also, I encourage you to lookup everything I say.  I tell my own child not to take my word for it, I tell her to go research it herself.  For you that exercise would not just provide you the opportunity to prove me wrong but to learn.  And if you do prove me wrong, then I learn.  It’s a win/win.

      But do you believe making surgery on a child’s genitals is okay if it doesn’t sterilize you?

      If there is good reason for it sure.  I am certain those are routine for ailments that are corrected that way.  Now for circumcision.  That is such an ancient practice no one really knows why it started.   And it has changed forms over the years.  It is curious to wonder why it remained for so long and across many civilizations.  I suspect this is because of religious and mechanical reasons.  If you have ever been around animals, particularly large farm animals you know that sometimes the males get infections or other issues because mechanically their penis is inside of skin.  A man’s is essentially the same.  So I can see removing the foreskin as a hygienic thing that made sense prior to modern civilization.  And we much keep in mind large swaths of the world is not modern.

      But clearly circumcision, while maybe of no benefit now, is not in the same universe as cutting things off or makes new holes in you.  Although there is an irony to that statement.  The root of modern trans/gender theory (in my understanding) was John Money who took a pair of twin boys and had the family raise one as a girl.  Why?  One boy’s circumcision was botched.  They used some sort of cauterizing tool at the time and ended up essentially burning his penis off.  And because of that mistake, we not have this modern version where “gender” is a social construct.

      I don’t care what people think

      As it should be.  One cannot be free while tethered to the will of others.

      people on the right think I am a blue haired radical socialist leftist 

      Well I don’t pick teams so I don’t consider myself on the right anymore than many of thoughts align on that end but not always.  I find myself typically caught in the same middle ground where one side considers me a Nazi and the other a self hating American who spouts psychobabble to assist the Jews or Muslims or whatever group it is they blame everything on.

      I consider you what you have described yourself as, a progressive.  And while you are smart, I believe the foundation of your beliefs sits on sand.   One does not only learn by only testing and observing what is outside of you, you also have to test and observe what is in you.

      sure, some people regret it. But the regret rate is around 0.5%, so bringing up single instances will not affect my position.

      No, the regret rate is far higher.  But that is a very hard number to create because regret is subjective. And for adults, this does not matter.  Well I mean it matters, but that regret rests on their own wishes as an adult.    To believe a child, especially a young child, has the faculties to make that sort of decision is simply being disingenuous or nefarious. Giving a child the power to harm their bodies in that way through surgery or drugs causing them to be sterile or “deformed” is beyond barbaric.   The very thought of it has lead to a social contagion causing physical and mental harm to many children.  And let’s say the regret rate for adults is low.  I would imagine for children it is far far higher.  And that is entirely the topic of our conversation here.  The wellbeing of children.

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.

      So we are done learning now?  Everything we now know is 100% correct and we should question nothing?  Or should we just not question things that relate to sexualizing children or mutilating them?

      We are never done learning. You can question it sure, but with the information we have thus far it is believed to be correct. Sexualizing children has nothing to do with the idea of a difference between sex and gender.

      No it does not.  Look up the etymology of the word.

      You are right, my bad. I misremembered its history.

      If you are referring to masculine and feminine traits , those words already exist.  Observation is not a social construct.  A man who exhibits feminine traits is simply a man who exhibits feminine traits.

      It is close, but gender is a state of mind, basically. If you feel like you should be the opposite gender. A man can be feminine and yet want to be a man, thus his gender and sex both is male.

      It has no biology at all.  It is not a human. And it’s not anything but pixels on a screen or ink on a paper.  Fantasy stories are not examples of reality.

      Yes, but there is a reason she uses female pronouns.

      Um no sir.  Not at all.  I can see a woman, typically one I find attractive, that draws my attention from far enough away where I do not see makeup or details of clothing.

      But you believe can identify a gender when seeing from distance, when the only thing you recognize is clothes and hair. I would automatically assume this person is a woman without checking his genitals, instead of a dude with makeup.

      Also, feminine vs masculine mannerisms are absolutely not biological. If a boy and a girl grew up in a vacuum, they would not automatically portray mannerisms that society defines as masculine or feminine.


      There is no such thing as a trans woman.  You are either a man or a woman.  The term is not subjective and there are not multiple types of each sex.  You can be transgender but even that term in itself is a fallacy

      trans woman just refers to a transgender who has specifically transitioned to a woman to make clear in which direction the transition is. Sure you can say ”a transgender man portraying as a woman” but trans woman is shorter and easier.

      No it is not understandable.  If I as an adult am so damaged by you not using the words I wish you to use that I think you need to be in jail, then the problem is me and not you.

      not what I meant. I did not mean that saying wrong pronouns intentionally should be punished, but using another person’s gender identity and pronouns as a target for harrasment. I will use religion as an example again as it hits closer home for you, but saying to a religious person ”religion is cringe” should not be punished, we both agree. But harrassing someone because of their religion is different.

      No I don’t agree.  The best solution is the one where you don’t hack parts off your body. Your body is not the problem, your mind is.

      Then let me ask you, how would you treat a person with gender dysphoria? How would you solve it without transitioning? Often with mental problems, there is no absolute cure but the best we can do is ease them to the point they can survive in society. If a person’s gender dysphoria is so severe that person can not manage in society, transitioning often makes their situation more manageable so they can co-exist in society. Agree or disagree?

      I did not say progress was not being made.  I said it has yet to be successful.

      How much exactly has it progressed in the last 30 years? How many more rights have pedophiles got, or in how many places has it been legalized/allowed?

      You are using priests as an example because you yourself link them to pedophilia so your entire thought is a fallacy.

      Wrong. If I was using it as a way to maliciously link it, I would have used it as an attack, but I used it as a defense to reject the link between drag and pedophilia. So one more time, I do not believe there is some fundamental link between priests and pedophiles, even though there are molesting priests absuing their power. Just like I do not believe there is a fundamental link between being jewish and being in position of power to do bad stuff, even tho there certainly are lots of powerful jews misusing their influence. Just like there is no fundamental link between drag and pedophilia, even though there are drag shows where children are present that definitely should be age restricted.

      And while pedo priests do not publicly sexualize children, pedo drag queens and even non pedo drag queens certainly do.

      Therefore they are harder to catch. Does that make it any better?

      It’s propaganda because you are redefining the term so that it encompasses a far larger group such as to cloak the core meaning to normalize it.

      I am not redifining, I am using the correct definition in dictionaries. There is also lots of stuff written about the history of drag. But I don’t really know how to engage with this when your answer is just ”nuh-uh, leftist propaganda” and refuse to elaborate.

      Also, I encourage you to lookup everything I say.  I tell my own child not to take my word for it, I tell her to go research it herself.  For you that exercise would not just provide you the opportunity to prove me wrong but to learn.  And if you do prove me wrong, then I learn.  It’s a win/win.

      Well that is why I asked you to specify when you said massive amounts of children are having surgery (can’t remember the exact quote, correct me if I’m wrong). It reminded me of when Matt Walsh, who has spent a lot of time transvestigating, was on Joe Rogan, claiming with a straight face millions of children are on hormone blockers and when looked up the number was 4 780.

      But yeah, I don’t think you would intentionally give false statistics so I’m not checking everything as I am a busy man, if I get bamboozled for being too lazy to check everything then I guess it’s my fault. However, I have learned I have to fact check everything @comicsgate claims because that guy is just talking nonsense out of his ass all the time.


      Now for circumcision.  That is such an ancient practice no one really knows why it started.

      so does that make it okay?

      If there is good reason for it sure.

      uh oh now we get to the interesting bit, philosophical thought experiments. Let me ask you this, is there anything that would make you allow a minor have trans surgery?

      Hypothetically, if you had the power to see alternate futures and a 13 year old had severe gender dysphoria. In one possible outcome, the child does not transition and has such bad dysphoria he cannot go to school or socialize at all because of how much he hates the body he was born in. After suffering from depression because of it, he hangs himself.

      In the other outcome, he undergoes transition treatment, and although his classmates don’t understand fully what happened to him, he now feels fully confident in his body and can coexist in society.

      Would you break your moral code and let the boy do gender affirming care? I want to test how far your pro-life position holds.


      I consider you what you have described yourself as, a progressive.

      I guess that would fit, social democrat or liberal would also fit me because I believe in capitalism with some regulations to make sure everyone has equal opportunity but not equal outcome, and as a liberal I believe in freedom in many different ways. Slightly offtopic, but I argue with a lot of leftists on other forums, for example defending capitalism against socialism, freedom of speech, military conflicts and so on.

      One thing I find pretty interesting is that against both leftists and right wingers, I find myself defending western countries but for different reasons. Right wingers talk about western woke mindvirus and leftists are anti-west because they believe western countries are racist xenophobic colonizers.

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