Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Gaming › General Gaming Discussion › Evo Online Getting Cancelled Is Hilarious
I don’t feel bad for them at all.
This is the same organization that cancelled DOA6 because the mob told them to.
This is the same organization that cancelled MK11.
The fact the mob is coming after them now is hilarious.
The people they bent the knee for are the same people that destroyed them.
(copypaste of my response on the article about this)
Justice for Kuramochi-san and Yoshida-san
Core Values.
Much as I hated the stupid overpriced and shady DLC, on this day I say #JusticeforDOA6.
The DLC is high but when you break it apart by individual items, it’s, actually, cheaper than most games. Yes, 90 dollar season passes are stupid but this season passes typically include a character or 2 and 90+ costumes. Sometimes a new stage.
Whereas, most games these days charge 5-10 for a single costume.
DLC practices, across the board are trash, but DOA’s is no worse than any other company’s. I don’t know why people pretend it is.
Nobody is calling Neatherrealm out for charging 20 bucks a piece for the classic female ninja skins in MK11 and making them available for a short period of time. haha
I try to judge the value of a game by what’s included. Not by what isn’t. And I feel release day DOA6 had more than enough content to justify my 60 dollar purchase.