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Tagged: movies, SpecialEffects
This is a trip down memory lane. The parting of the sea effect is very famous. I miss that real and organic feeling that there was in the beginning. Digital almost looks too good to be real. I like there is a catalog of tricks and effects. Look at how much has been done in just 100 years. Now, the screens are bigger and the definition is higher. Some say that soon, the over-stimulation will just lead people to start screaming. It will be too much.
To me, Ray Harryhausen is a true legend. Those skeletons and Jason and the Argonauts effects still look great. They say, even if you know it’s fake, the mind will fill in the gaps, so that you get the message. Despite the looks, I really got into that Pterodactyl grabbing the scream queen. Ray Harryhausen, Industrial Light and Magic and a few others. It’s fascinating to look back on history and realize these people really were geniuses.
I like the low budget tricks the most, and anything that uses shadows and reflections. Simple things that get across the message, but without all the bells and whistles. Can you imagine the next 100 years? In about twenty years, or maybe when Denis is finished with Dune, the next installment, you’ll be on a chair on Arrakis, or walking on Dune yourself. Maybe, you’ll ride a sand-worm if you want to. That might only be 20 years away, tops.
Thanks for this topic and thread. Hope you post more. It’s really fascinating the crew of people who are into this. It’s all perception of reality. There are comments out there from people saying they are no longer satisfied with 3-D. They speak of 5-D and beyond and I really have no idea what they are talking about except that the digital world seems to expand the mind and brain more than anything humans have been through.
Good effects are supposed to supplement a good story so as to illustrate it to the viewer.
But what happens now a days is they try to supplement CGI with a sh!tty story.
My point is, if you have a great story you are not reliant upon effects to make the movie for you.
And during this time where CGI is everywhere and so are crappy stories, it seems to me a lot of art in the way of effects has been lost.
I will take a Jim Henson character over CGI garbage any day of the week.
Even CGI from films over 20 years ago looks better than what we get now. Especially coming from Disney. Was recently watching ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’ and the VFX still hold up to this day. Actually, style-wise and VFX-wise this probably had the best in the series. A pity Alfonso Cuaron didn’t stick around for the rest of the series as director.