EVS is claiming lucasfim is hiring pr firms to fight youtubers LOL

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars EVS is claiming lucasfim is hiring pr firms to fight youtubers LOL

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  • #213676

    EVS (Ethan van sciver creator of cyberfrog) is claiming lucasfilm is hiring pr firms to do what exactly im not sure? This will end very badly for them it will mean even more backlash by the community these people do not learn lol. This will not increase subs to disney plus

    This is why i keep saying downvote and qoute Gina 24/7 on thier social media they cant sue us all for or even them for what i dont know you cant sue people for having an opinion lol

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Hargrave.

    The intolerant wanting to silence critics is nothing new.

    Disney’s former executive did that at rotten tomatoe to remove negative reviews.

    U-Tube and channels have been removed comments/channels that do not follow their narrow agenda.

    Twatter has been censoring users and banning people for wrong think.

    These platforms/corporations must be held accountable for eliminating free speech, and censoring people.


    true but hiring a pr firm is going to backfire on them lol there is no way way for them to win with this it will be an epic backfire and increase the backlash


    Tell that to all those whom Cancel Culture got to.

    Disney/Lucasfilm/KK was just waiting for Gina to do something they could attack, and once they did, their PR machine was ready to jump on it.

    I just hope EVS and his lawyers are ready to sue for libel when/if it does happen.


    the rat is well known for hiding behind fake marketing firms and fake Twater profiles.

    If this is the vid I think I watched hours ago having all of the ‘big’ people at NOT-Lucasfilm subbed to it is a sign.


      Well if I had to bet.. 1 thing is to keep deleting comments on the Disney Youtube page…. 5 times today on the new one alone…. plus removing down votes.




      The writing Ripley page is nothing but shills for NOT-Lucasfilm. Everything they have said is bullshit.

      Both people involved are directly connected to the leadership tier of the rat as well.


      Rewriting Ripley Pod is just an alias. In fact, these people with mental health issues have many social media accounts and groups where they express their sickness. But it’s fine, they can do whatever they want, they can love shitty movies, they can be angry that most people hate their favorite movies, as long as they don’t cross the line. They cannot start hate campaigns with lies to destroy other people’s lives just because they hate their opinions.

      These stupid sjws are associating a bunch of people with criminality, with racism, with murder. That’s a dangerous game they’re playing, just because of the Last Jedi (lol).

      It’s unbelievable that disney and other corporations are hiring these nutcases, but this is the world we live in. These entitled girls are probably rich spoiled kids, so it’s easy to them to infiltrate these big companies and organizations.

      So, who are they? Who are these Star Wars Karens trying to silence, censor and destroy the Fandom Menace and Geek Youtubers that have different Opinions?

      The leader of the pack seems to be little katie… but the group is very big. This is all public information.

      starwarsfandomh8speopleofcolor.tumblr.com/mods  (pronouns idiots)

      you can listen to her in these shitty podcasts , she even talks shit about having a Christian education and hating it and whatever… it all starts to make sense why she’s an idiot karen sjw. (don’t bother listening to everything, I just listened to 2min and I lost 9 brain cells)

      these idiots don’t have a life, they wake up hating on everyone, they got their feels hurt because of a movie xDDD lol
      (had to edit the links otherwise couldn’t post)


      They’re in a war that they know they’re losing.  They will win battles here and there, but in the end we will be victorious.




      Doesn’t that meme perfectly explain/reinforce that hit pieces/PR being done AGAINST those who dislike the garbage that is being forced upon us, and is willing to speak out on it.


      And use the word “hate” to represent people with a different opinion.


      How many here actually know every name on that list?

      Im sitting at 14 of 16. Only give a fuck what about 8 of them think.




        Know of 9
        Only Listen or sub to that Geeks & Gamers dude, he is such a nice polite young man, probably helps old people across roads and rescues cats from tree’s would bet he has never said a fowl word in his life.

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