extreamly unpopular movie opinions Debate

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  • #168847

    LMAO! Shit, That shows just how little I take notice of new Star Wars ….. I meant Rise of Skywalker!!!! Jeebus H Christ, what a slip of the keyboard. Last Jedi is fucking abhorrent!


      Thats why it a unpopular opinion lol


      that mcu one hurt my feelings, whats your problems with it?


      what makes them good to you?


      hey guys i dont just want us to be saying i like this and that, i want to get some arguments going, like if you disagree with me or someone else, then tell me why, feel free to rip me apart in a argument, were all geeks and gamers here, no ones gonna call you toxic fans lol, i want to get an understanding of why someone hates transformers 2 green lantern or why you love batman V superman etc. you dont have to make an argument if you dont want to but just know its encouraged.


      I like every Pixar movie I’ve seen, including Cars 2. I don’t care that it’s different and doesn’t feel like a Pixar movie, I still enjoyed it for the action and music.


        HAHAHAHA!! Well, i do agree with you on Rise Of Skywalker, have a post on it near the beginning of this thread. Maybe next time use the force before posting ;P



        Weird isn’t it, neither of the other 2 have any Star Wars feel/look, Rogue one is the only other.


          I don’t remember much about Batman begins, only that it’s the one i enjoyed the most out of the trilogy, and my fave scene, when Bruce jumps in a fountain with his cloaths on at a party he’s hosting :D

          I don’t think Last Jedi’s good, in fact the more i watch it the more it pisses me off, the only thing keeping me from compleatly loosing my shit over it are porgs


          It definitely beefs up the story a bit and makes it a more coherent film.  Definitely give it a watch.  I can’t guarantee it’ll change your mind too much if you disliked the theatrical release, but there’s certainly a chance your opinion on it will improve.


          My man.


          I am about to watch Dark Knight Rises tonight. The main problem I have with Dark Knight is that I’ve seen it twice and I can’t remember any of it,

          besides the Joker, and a few memes from it. Batman Begins however I rememberpretty much all of it.
          Now on to Dark Knight Rises, which will probably waste way too much of my time, but what the hell, we gotta go over it again…


            Agreed, Rogue One and Rise Of Skywalker have the closest feel/look of Star Wars. I do also like Force Awakens, even though it does feel like they tried to remake A New Hope, but i can kinda understand why it was like that as Kylo was absoloutly obsessed with Vader

            What are your thoughts on Solo? For me it has the least fell/look of Star Wars, but not the way Last Jedi does, it was different, but i still enjoyed it



              Why? :(


                Enjoy the movie. No spoilers, but for me Bane was the best part of it

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