extreamly unpopular movie opinions Debate

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  • #169059


      Ohh :D


        Batman Forever is a good movie


        -It’s pretty hard to argue the Dark Knight point without any examples.

        -I think most of the Transformers movies are terrible. Though the first one manages to be somewhat decent. In comparison to the other ones, it gives Sam and Megan Fox (don’t remember her name) some character traits and attempts at development; doesn’t depict Optimus Prime as the bloodthirsty killer he is in later movies; and has three semi-coherent plot threads that come together at the end for a climactic battle, unlike the other films which can barely manage to for one coherent plot.

        -I thought the Green Lantern movie was bad. Most of the CGI is incredibly bad and unnecessary and it ruins one of the best superhero suits in comics. Using Parallax as the villain of the first movie is a retarded idea, not helped by the fact that he looks like a pile of shit. Also, the final battle looks more like a crappy video game than a movie. Hal is an annoying protagonist and Hector Hammond is a hopelessly unintimidating villain.

        -I don’t think Spider-Man 3 is good. It tries juggles way to much. Sandman and Gwen Stacy are complete wastes of time. The movie makes Peter seem like a doormat with things like him rightfully calling Harry for the bad friend he is or standing up to his landlord and JJJ being treated like bad things despite Peter being completely in the right. Not too mention all the other stuff that’s been called out a thousand times (Harry’s butler, Topher Grace, Emo Peter, etc.)

        -I actually don’t hate these movies. I think their fun movies that I genuinely enjoy and there are some aspects think are good, mainly the cast of the four, minus Alba. But, come on, that Doom was weak. He’s so bland and generic. Also, it’s kind of hard to call the Fantastic Four “superheroes” when the only times they do anything heroic are the bridge scene and the fight against Doom, two incidents that they caused.

        -I think Deadpool 2 was good.

        -I can’t speak on this too much since it’s been a while since I’ve seen X-Men Origins, but I do remember it being goofy as hell for no reason, especially not when the Origins comic was so much better and more dramatic.

        -This is your only point I agree with. I think MoS, BvS, Suicide Squad (I know it’s not Snyder, but it basically is), and Justice League are garbage.

        -I think it’s hard to compare with the DBZ thing. It depends on which use you prefer more. DBS Broly is an actual character while DBZ Broly is just a plot device with a really stupid motivation.

        -I haven’t seen Daredevil so I can’t comment on that.

        -One more thing, I don’t want to be that guy, but you should really check your spelling and grammar when you post. It makes your comments really difficult to read when I can’t tell where one sentence begins and where it ends.


        Since I was countering his points in my first comment, I’ll post some of my unpopular opinions here:

        -Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3 are actually good.

        -I enjoy the Hobbit movies.

        -Aquaman is better than Wonder Woman.

        -The Civil War movie is better than the comic.

        -The Age of Ultron movie is not good, but still better than the comic.

        -Iron Man 2 is not that bad.

        -The Raimi trilogy is overrated.

        -The Last Crusade is better than Raiders.


        Unpopular opinion – it was acceptable, I enjoyed parts of it, the set pieces were good as were the supporting cast …….. but the forced CHILD queen at the end and non-binary (oh the irony) droid? agenda? Fuck that.  But ……. Lando, he will always be a fly mother fucker with a cape and I like me some cape.

        The main 2 were pretty horrendous, we already knew it was game over with Dragon Tits actress but with cardboard Solo? Jeebus wept.


          Even more unpopular opinion, i actually liked their potrayals of Han and Qi’ra :D

          Alden’ll never be Harrison Ford, but he had a really, really tough job taking over the role from him, and i appriciate that he never tried to compete with Harrison


            For me it’s a tie for Aquaman and Wonder Woman, they’re both really good in their own way

            Iron Man 2’s not terrible, but it’s the most forgettable, it took me like 5 watches before i remembered more than Black Widow’s introduced in it and Vanko has a pet parrot

            Not the biggest fan of the Raimi trilogy, though i do have some nostalgia for it as i grew up with it, but some scenes that are suppost to be seriouss or emotional just crack me up instead. I have a more emotional connection to the OG Fantastic 4 movies

            Raiders Of The Lost Ark’s my fave Indiana Jones movie so…

            (this was suppost to be a reply for CraigtheBadGuy, my internet fried while was posting it)

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DigiCat.
            • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DigiCat.

            -Pirates I agree with you

            -I also enjoyed the Hobbit movies, except for the Battle of the Five Armies.  I also think they should have ended Desolation of Smaug with the death of Smaug.

            -I was going to disagree with you on Aquaman and Wonder Woman, but as I was breaking them down to bring up why I thought Wonder Woman was better I came to a realization Aquaman had better character growth and story telling and made me feel for the other characters in the movie.  Instead of Wonder Woman where there was barely any character growth and the other characters in the movie where just slapped on to support Diana and Steve.  So yeah Aquaman is better than Wonder Woman.

            -Civil War movie being better than the comic am going to have to disagree unless you’re talking about Civil War II miniseries that came out around the same time as the movie.  Than I would agree the movie was better.   The crossover event: Civil War was amazing and far better than the movie. Where you had Tony Stark and Reed Richards going super authoritarian and arresting other supers, whom were resisting the Superhero Registration Act, by throwing them into the negative zone.  To give the movie it’s fair shakes though.  It would have been extremely difficult next to impossible to do the crossover event justice.

            -Age of Ultron almost the same thing as Civil war.  It depends on which Age of Ultron comic as there was a couple.  I will give you the benefit of doubt and think you’re talking about the Age of Ultron comic event that came out around the same time as the movie and I will agree.  The movie was not good, but still better than the comic.

            -Agreed Iron Man 2 was not that bad.

            -Hard to say on the Raimi Trilogy as the only one I really like from it was number 2.  That’s cause I think the portrayal of Doctor Octavis was fantastic.

            -100% agreed.   Last Crusade was the best Indiana Jones movie in my opinion.


            i agree wonder woman and aquaman are both good its hard to choose.

            i totally agree with you on iron man 2 its not bad but its one of those weird movies where you cant remember what happens, even after multiple watches, i watched it like 4 times and i can only tell you like half of the plot if i think really hard.


            – i only seen the first one twice so i cant say much about it , i just recall it being decent. i honestly cant see anything wrong with the plot of the second one, its a little complicated, but i love the journey it takes and the stories it tells, and i think it has a feeling of urgency and intensity, hopelessness at times, i loved all the auto-bots and side characters. if i had to change something maybe it would be the design of the fallen. thats it, the third one i feel the same about, good story, and decent characters. but megan fox being gone kinda made sams journey with her from the last 2 movies feel meaningless though. the 4th one i dont hate but i wish they went in a different direction, i understand people who dont like it, and the 5th on is terrible. bumble bee was trash. these movies fell off without sam. but overrall i love what transformers use to be. i keep hoping they’d go back to that.

            -so with the dark knight, harvey dent is supposed to be some good guy, like a saint whos committed to cleaning up the streets of gotham, then the girl hes dating who he hasn’t even known that long dies, and he abandons evereything he once protected and becomes a serial killer, he was gonna kill gordon and even the little kids, its completely unrealistic character turn. and right after the joker killed rachel, which caused harvey to go on this murder spree, the joker comes to his hospital and puts a loaded gun in harveys hand, and harvey didnt pull the trigger, but he went and killed everyone else who were somewhat slightly responsible, it makes absolutely 0 sense. also theres a sceen where batman drives his motorcycle full speed at joker, and crashes it for no reason, its the worst thing ive ever seen in an action movie. also joker escapes prison by detonating a bomb in the guys stomach in the jail cell, he was standing right infront of a bunch of cops, how did they just dissapear and joker walks out. also the sceen where joker crashes the party has no conclusion, batman saves racheal then the sceen just stops, like the joker and his gang being left in a room full of civilians isnt important. theses are just a few, i need to rewatch the movie, i dont remember everything but these issues alone is enogh for me to say this isnt one of the greatest superhero movies of all time, not even close.

            -geen lantern is one of the few super heros that a cgi suit makes sense for the suite is literally made of energy, i have no problem with the suit people are trashing it. i liked the story about paralax and fear vs will, i get why people dont like the way paralax looks, but thats really just one tiny issue. also i dont see how hal is anoying, i find him likable. hector wasnt meant to be intimidating obviously, he was really just supposed to be the opposite of hal, i think it fits the narrative. the final fight was cool for the standards of 10 years ago.

            -on spider man 3 the only thing ill give you is that emo peter was corny, but it was a fun sceen. other than that i disagree, i think all the stories were decently balanced and they all sever their purpose and had their place within the plot, peter and harry had a good arch to me and a satisfying conclusion, sandman had a satisfying story, everyone did,the only bad thing i can say is that peter and mj went through enough relationship problems in spiderman 2. in spiderman 3 i feel like they should have had a beter relationship. but thats  only if im thinking of the trilogy as a whole. if  we look at this movie alone its not a problem, either way its not a huge deal, also i have no problem with how venom looks.

            -in deadpool 2 the jokes werent landing, and the story wans soooo predictible, i knew the ending 5 minutes into the movie. cable shoulda just killed the fatt kid, colossus was so bad in this one, only things i liked was domino, cable, and the epic version of juggernaut.

            -to be fair i havent seen origins in a long time but i dont remember many goofy moments.

            i feel like you should go back and watch some of these outside the lens of popular opinion, and without being overly critical


            i love age of ultron,

            i totally agree with pirates

            i dont think the rami trilogy is overrated i actually think its underrated, it had a good origin story, which is hard to come by these days, it had a sequel that is one of the best comic book/superhero movies of all time, and in my opinion it had a fantastic third movie, i wish spiderman 4 had happened, also the trilogy had great casting.


            i just wanna add some more fuel to the flames here, all three matrix movies are 10/10 the last 2 always get slept on but i think their amazing.

            also john wick 3 was lame, it was extremely disappointing, he constantly needed help from people, and he coped his own fingers off like a bitch


            I thought for a moment you were being sarcastic, but it looks like you really enjoyed it.


            It started pay for me, but went downhill REALLY fast. The “we are now friends because Martha” was the nail in the coffin for me.


            Normally, I don’t care for the big CGI fight scenes but Aquaman didn’t make me cringe the way all fight scenes went in all of the Transformer movies. Of course the Michael Bay characteristic explosions and obligatory use of air horns are over done.

            I enjoyed Deadpool and Batman because it broke the mold, now we got copy cats.

            Im not a fan of the MCU because the good guys fight copies of themselves, I’m jaded from the countless Easter Eggs, and stupid end credit scenes that seem to add little.


            transformers movies have epic fight scenes i honestly think their handled well, i dont mind CGI, while im watching a movie my mind doesnt constantly think”this is CGI”. the only time i notice CGI is if it really bad, like low budget horror movie bad, it has to look like a cartoon. but i think transformers looks pretty realistic.

            the good guys fighting copies of themselves is universal, in dc, marvel, action movies in general, and also just about every single super hero has an arch nemesis, that has relatively the same powers, because that just makes logical sense, like is loki supposed to be the villan for black panther or is yellow jacket supposed to be a villan for thor? they must be relative in power to each other, thats the way its always been so you expect them to ignore the most popular villans for each hero just to shake things up. and as the icing on the cake, marvel doesnt even do it that much, like maybe 6 movies out of the 23 have that formula, its just a made up problem by mcu haters. also i dont see why end credit scenes or teasers make you dislike  the movies. you must be the type of person who doesnt like surprises. a end credit scene isnt even a valid reason to hate a whole movie.

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