extreamly unpopular movie opinions Debate

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    Copy cats is a safe formula, some people like it. I find it kind of boring for films. For example: Iron Man, I & II, the bad guy is a replica of the good guy. In Black Panther, Warmonger is an exact copy of BP, Ant man, and so on. It’s like playing World 1-1 on Super Mario Brothers, but adding different skins. Should I mention that I’m bored of the hubris formula, too? Hero is good at what he/she does. Over time the hero turns into an arrogant prick but is punished by his/her hubris by his copy-cat. Hero must change into order to beat copy-cat bad guy. Spiderman, Iron Man and Dr. Strange are guilty of this.

    i dont mind CGI, while im watching a movie my mind doesnt constantly think”this is CGI”.

    Everyone has their own preference. For me, when I see a CGI monstrosity fighting with the hero, I’m like “oh no, what duex ex machine will they use to save the day?” Zero tension is built.

    “also i dont see why end credit scenes or teasers make you dislike the movies.”

    Because it’s overdone, trite, a cliche, jaded, boring, overdone, well-worn, banal, hackney, timeworn, threadbare, overdone. Get the point?

    “you must be the type of person who doesnt like surprises”

    Thank you for assuming to know what I like and what I don’t.

    a end credit scene isnt even a valid reason to hate a whole movie.”

    No, but it helps me despise a movie even more. How about, putting it inside the movie in an organic way rather then forcing it at the end?



    Rise of Skywalker is undeniably better than the Last Jedi but still suffers from the same affliction that all J J Abrams movies suffer from, over reliance on coincidence and convenience. Abrams just adds in whatever he needs for the plot without building the road up to it. He did the same type of stuff in Star Trek 2009.

    In the Force Awakens the Falcon just happens to be parked under a tarp on the same planet as the hero? It hasn’t worked in years but she manages to get it started up and takes it into battle in minutes? Then we have the knife in the Rise of Skywalker that has an edge that lines up perfectly with the outline of the Death Star debris (that would have randomly formed during the explosion in Return of the Jedi). I will say that I absolutely enjoyed Poe’s scenes in Rise of Skywalker. I felt he got a lot more respect after what happened in Last of the Jedi. The opening scene with him and Finn was some of the best from the Disney era. Finn was better as well, when he wasn’t crying out for Rey.


    I think the Godfather, though a good movie, is over rated, boring and too long. Just like Canto Bight in The Last Jedi, the entire sequence that shows Michael Corleone in Italy could have been reduced to about 5 minutes and it wouldn’t have changed the movie at all. We see Michael in Italy, fall in love, get married, she gets killed and then he returns to New York. That entire plot point could have been reduced to Don Corleone mention that Michael was in Italy, one of the rival families finds out and orders the hit, then we see Michael in Italy, the hit fails and then Michael returns home.


    I have to agree with the end credits scenes. Really, any follow up scenes should be done right before the credits role. Why make the audience sit there through all those names? The only real exception that I have to this was at the end of the credits for The Phantom Menace when the music stopped and then we heard Vader breathing. As a 17 year old seeing a brand new Star Wars movie in the theater for the first time, that sent chills up my spine.


    My only issue with the 2nd and 3rd pirates movies were all the backstabbing and constant alliance changes. Everyone backstabbed each other 3 or 4 times, it was hard to keep track as to who was working for whom or who was trying to undermine whom. I just felt it was a bit over done, especially in the 3rd movie.


    well  that formula applies to pretty much every single super hero ever, so you must not like the genre at all, also theres a reason its commonly used in comics, the antagonist being similar version of the protagonist that took a darker path, has many profound meanings behind it, and its always makes for compelling stories, thats why it thrives, in the most popular comics, movies, anime, everything. like who do yo want them to fight? imagine, if black panther had to fight someone a villan with laser powers or magic or something, it wouldn’t be a compelling battle it would literally have to end in an ex machina, thats just one example, the fights and conflict has to make sense is my point

    also saying the formula is just over used doesnt make sense, thats like saying the 3 act structure of movies is over used, even though its good, people find it compelling and it works well, people should stop using it just because its used frequently?

    also i still dont understand how the end credit scenes, getting fans excited for the future movies are a bad thing, it lets fans know the direction in the future, and its genius marketing,its basically a little mini trailer for the next movie theres no problem with that, do you think movie trailers are jaded and over used too? and if you hate it that much then just skip them you could watch the whole mcu without the end credit scenes and it would effect nothing. its just nonsense to say the movie suffers in any way from a 10 second clip after the credits, and it is organic in my opinion, they also do many teasers throughout the run time, also timeline wise the end credit scenes are always things that happen after the events of the movie thats why its in the end credits, it only makes sense that way chronologically, therse like no reason to hate them.

    so ive established that at 10 second clip after credits holds no weight on enjoyment of the the other 2-3 hours of the movie, so your only left with the fact that you dont like the similar good guy bad guy thing, so minus the movies with that in it, what are your problems with avengers, iron man 3, civil war, gardians of the galaxy, spiderman homecoming, antman and the wasp, age of ultron, thor, guardians of the galaxy 2, infinity war, far frome home, dark world, ragnarok, endgame…ect.

    also idk why you took my comment about not liking surprises seriously or personally.


    Avatar is the most overrated movie of all time…Its basically Dances with Wolves in space.


    i think they should have centered the trilogy around fin,he should have been the focus and main character, his backstory is actually compelling, it wouldnt fix the problem of the first order and resistance and snoke and kylo being rip-off’s of the original trilogy.


    I have to agree with this. I wasn’t one of those looking for a sequel when the movie first came out so it doesn’t bother me that it has taken Cameron this long to make the rest of the films.


    joel schmuacker’s batman films while not as good as burtons aren’t that bad. they are fun to go back and watch especially batman and robin. it’s nice to have a batman film to just kick back and enjoy especially poison ivy fuck was she hot in the film. and how can you laugh at arnold’s one liners. the film is only terrible if you take it seriously.




    MCU popularized end credits and now everyone has to copy it.

    This was never used in: Blade I-III, Howard the Duck (it was a marvel movie), Superman I – V, 1970’s spiderman movies, Fantastic 4, Spawn, Watchmen, Heavy Metal, Conan, Batman movies, and so on.

    For me it doesn’t break a movie, but it adds to the bore factor.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DrCCat.



    oh heres another one, i have so many unpopular movie opinions i forgot to list alot of them. unbreakable, and glass, and really all of M. Night Shyamalan’s movies are very bad in my opinion.


    I attempted to watch Ready Player One, I got about 6 minutes into it before I gave up.

    Baring all common sense and comments made by Pitch Meeting  & Red Letter Media the movie looked like my grafx card just ate the barf burger (You Can’t Do That on Television ref) crammed with 80’s & 90’s nostalgia and threw up on my TV.

    I cant see how anyone could have invited the oasis without a legion of programmers, coders, play testers, QA, artists, beta testers and number of others support staff needed to create something that massive. None of the staff saw the old man adding eegg code to the game or discovered them prelaunch.

    Not to mention that real gamers or h@ck3r$ would have found them after after launch in 20 minutes.




    What a twist!


    i  always heard good things about Ready Player One but ive never felt motivated to watch it.

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