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  • #167282

    I really loved this show!

    I started watching this after my days with Stargate SG-1.

    Was a very unique and styled show.  I was going to stay out of the TV forums as I have not owned a cable sub in over 12 years now.  But I do remember great gems like Farscape!  Think I will spend more time in here talking about all the great stuff TV use to offer before the true fall of entertainment.


    I started watching this after my days with Stargate SG-1.


    I’m holding off starting an SG-1/Atlantis thread. I can only go super nerd for one franchise at a time.

    Behold the top of my shelf:





      It was on Amazon Prime right now. If you have prime it is a good place to watch.


      Roas!  Awesome!

      I can tell you and I are going to get along!

      Did I just make a new best friend?  Yep.  heheh


      When I get around to starting my channel later this year, I’d be happy to do some streams talking Stargate and Farscape. I haven’t had opportunity to do heavy talk for this stuff for years.


      Nice to see some SG-1 fans here as well. My wife recently got me hooked on it and it’s great.


      I’ll probably start a thread next week.


      You are about to have a great ride. Pro tip for watching: When you get to Season 8 you need to alternate back and forth between SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis every disc (if you have it all). It’s the best way to sync them up considering the original runs had episodes back to back on Friday nights. That way certain episodes that play off each other work out. I’ve done it several times, now, and it works with only a few moments where you should not break up two parters.


      Well, last night I finished my latest run through of Farscape and the Peacekeeper Wars. That was awesome once again!

      It got me looking back through some memorabilia. Trading cards, figures, soundtracks, magazines, books and in person autographs. I miss those times real bad.


      In case anyone missed it..

      Farscape… To Be Continued | Comic-Con@Home 2020


      I heard about this.


      Of course I am a little hopefully optimistic for more Farscape, but there is always that speck of fear for anything beloved returning in today’s madness getting corrupted.


      Here’s hoping Farscape remains pure.


      It is a good series. Need to go back and watch it.

      Never made it past the episode where the Chriton clone died.


      There were flavors of wokeness in the show, but it wasn’t like it is today. Overall I loved the show. Lots of humor, smart storylines, crazy scifi world. Loved the characters. Hmm, should add that to the list of physical media to pick up.


      In the current climate, they need to leave it alone. If all of this woke garbage ever gets flushed, THEN consider revisiting it. Unless they put someone with a backbone in charge of the project.


      The worst almost woke before woke was woke stuff was usually popped up around any time the story swung back to Earth, especially the UN stuff at the very end, but I cut the show slack because this was before the world really knew what a corrupt place the UN was.


      But like I said, I forgive it, because there was no agenda or politics in it. It was just what it was part of the story.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Roas.

      Yeh, it wasn’t as bad as it is today, but it was still there. A sign of things to come. Still enjoyed the show though.

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