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I got a message asking me to do a post on Fat Thor. Could you imagine the outrage if we made Captain Marvel into a fat girl who was depressed and eating all the time and who did nothing?
The pink pussy hat women would be thundering across the prairie to march on Washington if that happened. Make no mistake. Fat Thor was done for a reason. There is an agenda to minimize and even debase men in our society. From Tomi Lahren to Rose McGowan to Christine Ford to the entire Democrat Party — the message is quite clear. Men are worthless now in America because apparently women can do it all.
I work in the legal system. If something happens to a little girl, everyone freaks out. There would be talk shows on for a week. News segments. You never really see that for boys. Hell, a 5-year old boy gets shot to death in the face in front of his sisters and the media does almost NOTHING. No talk shows. No marches. No outrage. No media coverage.
The message is clear. Boys are worthless to our society. Those of you with sons better understand this and counter that message because right now almost every single program in pre-k, elementary school, high school, and even college is for girls really. It is so bad that little boys are being brought up on school sex charges in elementary school for pulling a girl’s hair. (Yes that is a real case.)
Message received.
The education system was change to favor females.
Boys and girls learn differently, so they outlaw teaching methods that boys need and those that are “difficult” they medicate instead.
As soon as we get rid of this Matriarchy (and all the soy-boy figureheads) and return to our civilized/lawful/peaceful western patriarchy the better.
Yep. I actually have 10 teachers in my family. They are at all levels. Nine are female and 1 male. Most have left the profession and the one male is going to leave because it is way too dangerous to be a male teacher nowadays. Every single one of them has talked to me about the agenda they see. It isn’t even really coming from the teachers themselves. It is the administrators and people above them.
Also, you might enjoy this. This is an excerpt from a presentation given by a former KGB agent who defected via Canada in the 80s. I find this man to be absolutely brilliant and he laid down the plan for America and in 2020, we see that all he said has come true. His vides are worth watching.
Yuri Bezmonov on Education:
“… demoralization… it takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which is required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy and to expose them to the ideology of the enemy.
In other words, the Marxism Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism and American patriotism.
The result you can see. Most of the people who graduated in 60s are drop outs or half-baked intellectuals and they are now occupying the positions of power in the government civil service business mass media educational system you are stuck with them.
You cannot get rid of them they are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information even if you prove that white is white and black is black. You still cannot change the basic perception and the logical behavior.
In other words these people the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible to get rid society of these people you have you need another 20 or 15 years to educate a new generation of patriotically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of the United States society.”
After such a life he’s lucky he didn’t live to experience the communist revolution in the west.
I get they wanted to show that Thor was traumatized after Infinity War, but I wish they made it more serious and stopped making stupid jokes about it. But I get it’s a Marvel movie and they can’t go five minutes without making a dumb joke
I know the media&co. is obvioussly biased and almost always portrays females as the victims, when in reality both males and females can be the victims, and both males and females can be the perpertrators
On what if Captain Marvel was in Thor’s situation, it would be pretty hypocritical of SJWs to complain about her being fat, aren’t they suppost to be for body positivity? I was imagining SJWs’d be cheering to see a fat wha-men on screen, but come to think of it, they’d probably be insulted, ’cause nothing’s enough for them. From a normal person’s point of view, if Captain Marvel’d been thru the things Thor had, she could easily end up in the same situation as him from it, just as she could’ve reacted differently, whether in a better or worse way
As for Thor, i already wrote this on the Hulk’s a pussy thread, but here it is again:
“As for Thor, he watched half his people get slaughtered by Thanos, inclueding his brother, all this right after seeing his planet blow up, on top of that he blames himself for letting the snap happen, keep in mind that for Thor all this starts in The Dark World when his mom dies even though he doesn’t show it, in Ragnarok he’s not happy, he’s manic! It’s sad, but it makes sense that at a certain point he’s gonna break down, and he “dealt ” with it by eating, drinking, and playing Fortnite, that has consequences”
I can see how that set of circumstances could lead to depression but I have no doubt that the timing of having a manly character like Thor become an emotional wreck was not coincidental.
Not to mention he’s lived 1500 years of ultra norse-god/bro/dude-masculinity and combat, he would most definitely have a different way of dealing with trauma and depression than the other Avengers, and gluttony was what worked for him. Hell, this is the entire premise of Wanda/Vision…how she coped after the loss of her loved one. Thor wasn’t being used as a lesson in some feminist agenda, he was given a path which was solely appropriate for that character, and to bring a little humor to a story that desperately needed it after what all had went down.
Hey Niko, if you’re taking requests I’m still waiting on that “feminist agenda of Alien Covenant which ruined the franchise” argument you never got around to after I pointed out it didn’t exist.
And no, an “open your eyes/you’re blind” response doesn’t cut it.
You really don’t think that it was a political decision even a little bit? These companies calculate everything so much and they’d be sure not to feature something offensive to any of their darling focus groups so the only sector of the population that can be used for comic relief is a masculine white male – that in itself is no coincidence. I would be fine with it if all sorts of people were equally being used as the butt of jokes.
There was more than enough masculine white males running around the MCU, I have no problem with a couple being used for a laugh. The fact certain people get so bent out of shape about it makes it even more amusing.
Like I told you before. My position hasn’t changed. There is nothing more to say.
So a guy who harnessed the power of a freaking star is so depressed he goes back home and eats Ben and Jerry’s and quits? BULLSHIT.
Maybe in the pussified, everyone needs a therapist liberal world that makes sense but in the real world, that is complete BULLSHIT.