Fat Thor: A Lesson in a Feminist Agenda

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    “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.”

    Thor is an actual person, the thunder god of Viking mythology. In Marvel, he’s an actual character in the universe. He is an Asgardian, a god compared to humans. He has his own powers and abilities that are augmented by the power of Mjolnir. Thor took on a human identity (Donald Blake) because he lost his natural powers and abilities, which were restored when he wielded Mjolnir. But he was still Thor.

    The point is that Captain America is worthy of wielding Mjolnir, because his values, morals, and whatnot, are righteous and true. It’s not about the physical weight of the hammer. It’s about the moral character of the person wielding it. That doesn’t make him Thor. He’s still Captain America. Wielding the hammer gives Captain America the POWERS of Thor. It doesn’t make him Thor.

    Beta Ray Bill was able to wield Mjolnir for the same reasons, taking on the powers of Thor and even his costume. But he was still Beta Ray Bill. It is absolutely ludicrous that Jane would become Thor by picking up the hammer. She would still be Jane, with the powers of Thor. They’re simply trying to gender-bend a strong, powerful male character and subvert him to their agenda.


    Well, this thread is a dumpster fire. I wondered whether to stay silent but maybe this is a good opportunity to speak my mind.

    @NikoBellic, let me preface by saying I am very conservative, so I sympathize with your concerns. I get it. What America is doing to itself right now is pretty hard to watch. You love your country and are angry at what’s happening, especially after cringe anarchists were permitted to tear down national monuments and set up their own no-go zones. The level of anti-patriotism coming from the hard-left and their enablers is pretty unbelievable.

    But this is making a mountain out of a molehill, dude. Culture is downstream from politics, so for the sake of the argument let’s assume you are correct and Hulk and Thor and so on were emasculated because of leftist bias. I’m afraid, so what? Such portrayals in media are going to be inevitable when folks behind the popular culture think that way. This is their way of baiting you and if you take it you end up proving their point. You are going after the symptoms, not the disease. If you want change, than you’re going to have to get to the root of the problem and understand the disillusionment with traditional roles. Be the change you want to see and make your own media which reflects your values. Or, if you don’t think you have the talent for it, than at least find creators who you agree with and support them. Complaining about it won’t change anything.

    You are, quite frankly, being a knee-jerk reactionary and tribalistic. You can’t just push your worldview around and not expect people to push back. I’ve seen this before: Anti-SJW communities are founded by people of many different backgrounds united in their shared mutual dislike of SJW’s, but they end up devouring themselves because of too many partisan takes. People leave, extremists fill the void and than that community becomes irrelevant. And then we wonder why SJW’s seem to keep winning, at least on the cultural front. SJW’s eat each other too, but that kind of cannibalism is a type of social tyranny they use to keep each other in line. We don’t do that, but each of us here has to value intellectual diversity in order to stay together, which is the kind of diversity SJW’s don’t value. We won’t win in the end if we keep trying to ram down a single point of view.

    Politics is not just simply “left vs right:” Both sides are divided into many different factions that are at odds with each other almost as much as they are against the other side. I believe a lot of liberals are generally good people, I just find them staggeringly naive on a number of issues and it is a colossal, malignant moral failure on their part for not keeping the Communists in check and letting them dictate the conversation (not to mention China, but that’s another topic). And you can’t just simply insult and dismiss people because they contended with what you said; you may not always be right, and they may know something you don’t.

    Geeks & Gamers was founded to endure this little revolution of the cultural imperialists and try and preserve true geek culture and gatekeep the posers. It’s one thing to take an interest in mainstream politics to better understand why this is happening to us, as it’s certainly a consequence of the greater political shift. But you have to be careful not to get swept up in easy narratives, lest you stare into the abyss and become what you hate (this is what happened to Billy D. Usher of OneAngryGamer. Five years ago he used to simply oppose censorship. Now he’s a genuinely racist clown no-one takes seriously).

    I’m kinda of going on and on, but my point is that people are complicated and you are being biased. It is quite remarkably easy to become a possessed ideologue on either side of the aisle. Right-wing zealotry is a thing and that’s not really a path you want to go down.


    Maybe you guys are too in love with MCU?

    Captain America quits and makes way to the black guy.

    Thor gets fat and makes way to the black girl.

    Hulk gets soft and makes way to the sweet hulk.

    Everybody step aside and make way to captain marvel and her women power scene in end game.

    This is normal, nothing to see here, not an agenda, at all.


    Rebelsquadron Who did you reply to? Because that’s exactly what I said


    He doesn’t seem to understand that people can be conservatives and on the right side of the spectrum, but not as far on the right as him. He instantly views them as SJW liberals. He probably thinks you are one because you dared to question him.

    Like I said, it’s scary how much it resembles the lunatics on the far left. If someone isn’t ”left enough” for them, they eat up people on their own side because they aren’t woke enough. If someone isn’t conservative enough for Niko, he calls them a liberal snowflake.



    I’m not really into the MCU that much and think the films are bit overrated. I will agree that’s there’s a liberal bias in Hollywood and at best they are catering to a specific demographic (they probably look at twitter for feedback or something, lol). When I see things like you mention, I just roll my eyes and move on, because there are bigger fish to fry, and there’s a better time and place to pick your battles.

    My point still stands that our energies are better spent creating or investing in alternative media.


    Well the Infinity Saga was Cap’s and Tony’s story, and it came to a conclusion. The actors already performed for 10 years and Endgame was a perfect place to end it for them and bring in new characters. Someone had to pick up the torch from Cap, and it had to be Falcon or Bucky because they were the closest to Steve. And Bucky pretty much doesn’t deserve the title after all the horrible things he did in the past as it’s completely against the name of Captain America so it had to be Falcon.

    I don’t get how Thor getting fat is woke. Infinity war Thor was way too powerful and would’ve killed Thanos easily in Endgame so they had to nerf him. And I think fat Thor was really funny. And Thor had to step down as the king of Asgård, his internal struggles about not being a good king like his dad was his biggest plotpoint from the first Thor movie. Now, if the problem is that Valkyrie is black then I can understand your concern, even if it doesn’t bother me much at all.

    Hulk getting soft was imo a good move, he became a bit stale and one sided. Also, I can imagine it was hard for the writers to always come up with a way to deploy Hulk and do his thing and then get him to calm down. He’s pretty hard to use in a long running story where he isn’t the main character.

    And my biggest problem with Captain Marvel isn’t the feminist crap since there was way less of it than I first feared. My problem is that Captain Marvel is a lame character with lame powers. She is strong, can fly and shoot beams. Wow. The same reason why I dislike Superman and pretty much every flying beam shooter. And it doesn’t help when Brie Larson has the personality of a wet cardboard. Tbh, I started liking her more when she got the classic SJW haircut in Endgame, because looking like a feminist is more memorable than looking like any average woman on the street.


    Yeah, I understand. I do the same, I roll my eyes and keep watching, I actually enjoyed the movie, I have it here (all the avengers movies), but it could’ve been so much better without that huge amount of bs, imo. And my problem is, if we keep silent, movies are gonna get even worse… And I don’t think anyone is saying to cancel the movies, like the left does. We’re just saying that woke movies are trash and they better worry less about getting woke and more about quality, otherwise they’re going broke.

    In my opinion, it’s because of people’s silent that more movies are going to be remade with wokeness… and I know that some people just don’t care, but for true entertainment lovers like me, it’s quite disturbing seeing that happening.

    And some people really love MCU and can’t see all the bs they pushed lol. Well, I guess it’s similar with me being a huge fan of the Houston Rockets (nba) and having people telling me: “stop watching that nba shit” :D But I will keep watching nba because I love the game… I ignore the politics inside the game ( just gotta mute anytime lebron is talking). xD



      Let me preface this by saying:

      1)  I do not care what you are.

      2)  You wrote a book.  I made a comment and you wrote a book.  It is you making a mountain out of a molehill.

      3)  My God.  This younger generation is fucking weak and pathetic.


        You are so triggered.  LMFAO.  My God.  Get a life kid.  It is 12:30 in the morning and your ass is still stewing over my comment on Fat Thor.  I still really find your comment telling.  You are upset because you think I want all characters to be “buff white men” which means you are not that and it ticks you off.

        My guess is you are gay and not nearly as athletic as you claim.  Let me help you out.  Get off the computer talking about Thor and go work out.  Thor is not real life.  Thor is meaningless.  The MCU is meaningless.  Get a life.


        Niko is 100% right.   Fat Thor was a slap in the face of all men and it was done on purpose.  You see this in every movie and TV show now.  All men are pathetic and screw-ups and must be corrected or saved by a woman.  The entire show “The Big Bang” was that.  That show went to shit after they all got married and there was a noticeable feminist fuckwad push.

        No one can convince me it wasn’t done on purpose either.  Remember, they just had Captain Marvel.  They were planning on that being a “hit” and they wanted to push the agenda further with “End Game.”

        No self respecting male would look at Fat Thor as a good thing.  If they cant see the agenda, they are nothing more than cucks.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by TruthTeller.

        That’s cute


        ”All men are pathetic screw ups”, and it’s Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor facing off and eventually beating Thanos with the help of Hawkeye, Black Panther and Spiderman delivering the gauntlet while the whole plan was based on Doctor Strange seeing the future and Ant-Man, Tony & Bruce Banner realizing time travel is possible.

        I dunno about you but for me it looks like 90% was done by male characters


          Hey, @NikoBellic, anyone home?

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.

            Geez Niko, for something so meaningless, you’ve sure dedicated a lot of threads and replies to the subject…

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