Favorite Genre of Video Games

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    I think the most recent Master of Orion is my favourite. Master of Orion 2 is what got me into the genre and although the third game was awful the latest one is much better. Very similar to the second but with superior graphics.


    FPS, MMO/RPG’s, and Metroidvania games are my jam.


      RPG’s all the way! And I like the hardcore talent tree, stats, freedom of choice kind of thing too. Also love Dark Souls/Bloodborne type of stuff, though I suppose those are RPG’s in a sense as well. Love hack and slashy type of stuff like Darksiders and Diablo as well, or even something unique like Shadow of the Colossus. Heck I might even play Tetris if the mood strikes me!


        Sandbox games such as GTA, Red Dead Redemption and Assassins Creed.


        Stealth games, I like planning what I’m going to do, being patient and executing.


        first person shooter – jedi knight dark forces 2 , jedi academy, jedi outcast, force unleashed 1 and 2 , cod, battlefront 1 and 2 ps2 and ps4 versions, gears of wars 1 and 2

        stealth – mgs franchise

        hack and slash – devil may cry, onimusha, darksiders franchise

        rpg – kotor, ff7,south park stick of truth and fractured but whole

        action adventure – zelda franchise

        platform – super mario franchise , crash bandicoot

        mainly the ones i like


        Visual novels are typically my favorites


        Oof, that’s a tough one, as I’ve played a wide variety of genres.

        If I had to narrow it down to just one I’d say platformers, as they always manage to keep me focused and engaged. I can play them for hours and not get bored. I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with Crash Bandicoot, for instance.


        Fuck this bridge and everything it represents.

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