Favorite Mangaka

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    Hmm, I am not sure if one mangaka made one manga that you like can be considered the favorite one. It’s more like your favorite manga than author I guess, but ok.

    I think Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata would be my favorites. They made 2 of my favorite mangas: Death Note and Bakuman, which is also were adapted into one of the best animes (although they cut some stuff from Bakuman). But the their latest Platinum End is a bit disappointing.

    Hiromu Arakama’s “Fullmetal Alchemist” is legendary. I didn’t read her other manga, but I watched Silver Spoon anime and it was quite funny, I think she is a good mangaka.

    And CLAMP. Chobits and Code Geass. I didn’t read Chobits, but anime was great, so manga must be even better, I will check it out at some point definitely. Code Geass is an anime original which is very good. I am reading right now xxxHolic and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle which seem to be very interesting. So yea, CLAMP is my favorite definitely.


    Hi Sajjux, thanks for the reply.


    I really like the artwork of Koji Seo, but his stories leave a lot to be desired lol.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by noir24.

    Hi noir24, thanks for your reply. I have not seen Koji Seo’s artwork and/or his stories but I will check him out in the future.


    Makoto Yukimura (Vinland Saga, Planets) and  Naoki Urasawa (20th Century Boys, Monster, Pluto). Makoto’s drawing are exceptional and his stories are even better. And Naoki’s drawing is normal, nothing that stands out, but his stories are one of the best I’ve read in all media.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by YagamiZero.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by YagamiZero.

    Hello YagamiZero, thank you for your reply. I appreciate it that you added reasons to why you like your favorite mangakas and the titles of their mangas as well. Unfortunately, I have not read these mangas before, but I always like well written stories. Therefore, I will try to read these mangas some day to see how great stories are.


      You’ll love it. I’ve read all that. Btw, Are you reading the deluxe hardcover version? I recommend that one. Also Has an excerpt explaining about the last two chapters which is “not canon” anymore because the second series, Last Order, retcons that entire ending (last two chapters) of first series. Also, the deluxe edition has a volume on Battle Angel Alita: Holy Night & Other Stories.


      I also have the art book by Yukito Kishiro too.

      Photo on 6-16-20 at 8.39 PM


        I have ALOT I love. Each one for different reasons and appreciation for. I’ll have come back later for a list LOL.


        CBC2BF0B-F771-49B2-8D62-61060BB595CE Goda is the greatest 20+ strong


          LOL I remember all those hilarious memes. The Kubo ones were the best.


          In Goda we trust.


          Junji Ito for sure.  Horror at its finest.


          As an aspiring artist myself (Not exactly manga artist), I have a lot of mangakas I consider influences:

          • Naoki Urasawa (20th Century Boys, Monster…): A true veteran of the industry. I love his style of swift lines and realistic but expressive characters.
          • Kentaro Miura (Berserk): Need I say more? His art work is insanely detailed, realistic and iconic, and his writing is top tier.
          • Hirohiko Araki (Cool Shock  B.T, JoJos…): Another absolute veteran, and one of the best writers of the medium. If you know JoJos, you know why anyone would love his style.
          • Yoshitoshi aBe (Haibane Renmei, All you need is Kill…): More artist than writer, I love his character designs, and his expressive line work.
          • Yukimura Makoto  (Vinland Saga…): The next Kentaro Miura? His work is of an incredible quality. Everything down to the details is amazing to look at.
          • Yusuke Murata (One Punch Man…): A master, not only of visual storytelling, but of drawing in general. His panels are not only well laid out, but are very fluid. I look at his work and have no words. One of the best manga artists ever, period.

          I could include Range Murata, and Yoh Yoshinari as more of my influences, but the question was about mangakas!

          Since there are no spoiler tags (?) I’m not putting images, but trust me. All of them are good!

          BTW, I’m looking for recommendations. I’m not an avid manga reader, but if you can recommend me anything, I’ll check it out!


          Damn sure! I’ve been a fan of Naoki Urasawa for a while now, and I’m currently trying to collect all volumes of 20th Century Boys, and Vinland Saga is one of the best things I’ve read lately.


            Great list.  I agree with pretty much all of those as well

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