Favorite PPV match EVER!! (WWE/WCW)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Sports WWE / Professional Wrestling Favorite PPV match EVER!! (WWE/WCW)

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    Ever since they redid Tough Enough a few years ago on USA, when they had Austin as the host, something from that show stuck with me.

    One time, Austin point blank asks what was your favorite match ever? That weeded out the fakes from the the real fans on the show, and it was funny as hell.

    Course, as soon as he asked that question, I had my answer right away.

    Wrestlemania VII Main Event: Hulk Hogan .vs. Sgt. Slaughter for the title. The build up of super patriot Hogan having to get the belt back from Sadam sympathizing Slaughter was so great. When the Hulkster came out in that green combat face mask and the flak jacket, waving Old Glory, I lost my shit as a kid. I think that was the first match I ever saw someone get busted open, too. Bloody mess Hogan beating the hell out of Sarge to win. So great. I love that match to this day.

    So what’s your favorite match? Any era will do.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

    Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit, on WCW it was an Owen Hart tribute match.

    It wasn’t a PPV match, but it could’ve been.  WCW’s booking was horrible by this point.

    I love technical wrestlers, and this match didn’t disappoint, it lasted at least 30 mins with lots of holds and submissions.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Strydorman.

    Razer Ramon vs Shawn Michaels WM X Ladder match and Bret vs Owen same PPV


    Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle Wrestlemania 21


      I think it was the very first TLC match.
      The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boys and Edge & Christian.

      Matt Hardy’s Final Deletion was pretty fuckin awesome to.

      I’ve always been into the more theatrical and character driven side of wrestling which is why I think modern wrestling is, mostly, garbage.


        The In Your House: Ground Zero PPV in 1997 had a match between Taker and Micheals that was Taker beating the piss out of Micheals for like half an hour. It wasn’t a great match but it was entertaining as fuck and, for some reason, has always stuck with me.

        Taker Vs. Mankind Hell in the Cell is, of course, memorable but, again, it wasn’t really a good match. I was a huge mark for both people but going into that match I was cheering on the Undertaker. Coming out of it, I was disappointed Taker won. I was 10 or 11, at the time, so, even though, I knew it was fake, it still felt real.


        triple H vs the undertaker hell in the cell at wrestlemania, the match and the story was great


        stone cold vs bret hart survivor series 96

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