Favorite PS2 Games

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    Hello TJ, thank you for your reply. It is fine if you want Kingdom Hearts to be your pick if it is a rerelease on PS3 that you played it. I also created a forum for favorite PS3 games if you want to put Kingdom Hearts there. With that being said, Spider-Man 2 was an amazing game on PS2 and was ahead of its time. I played the game from beginning to end and enjoy it because it followed the story of the Spider-Man 2 movie and added unto it. The gameplay was also pretty good for the time of the PS2 era. However, I have not played Marvel’s Spider-Man and Web of Shadows Spider-Man game yet.


    Kain is the best video game original character


    My favorite PS 2 games are

    1. .Hack//GU series – story line was interest.
    2. Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 – Story line was good for both but kingdom hearts 2 had better game play with their forms.
    3. Final Fantasy 10 – Story line and characters interacting with each other and sphere grid while leveling.
    4. Dark Cloud 2 – Crafting system to make final weapons.
    5. DragonBall Z: Budokai series – I like Dragonball z tv show.
    6. Naval Ops: Commander – making your only naval ship from submarines to two hull battleships.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DragonNyte.

    Silent Hill 2 – One of the most atmospheric games I have ever played. Great characters and an absolutely crushing story for its time. This game devastated me. This is perhaps the most depressing game I have ever played, but it somehow remains charming enough for me to play yearly.

    Twisted Metal: Black – This game is pure adrenaline. The characters and atmosphere remain just as dark, but the manic mayhem really lightens the mood. Some of these story arcs still hold up today. In particular, the character Outlaw. He was a sniper for S.W.A.T.  but his last mission went horribly wrong when he lost his temper and shot the terrorists and the hostages. He enters the Twisted Metal contest for a chance to have his wish of a second chance granted. This story is especially strong now with an impact that hits all of the relevant beats.

    SSX Tricky – The most hilarious game I own. A snowboarding game with famous voice actors heckling each other and brawls that break out while pulling off insane tricks. That is the only description I have for this game. It is insane! The amount of characters, outfits, boards, and stats really kept me coming back for more. I like how each character has a specific playstyle and favored board type. It remind me of the Tony Hawk games, but with a focus on racing.

    Siren – An underrated horror gem. This game is very Japanese with its horror and locales. The voice acting is awful with British dubs, but the game make sup for it with its branching storyline and huge roster of characters you play as over the course of 3 days. The story follows a group of survivors in a village populated by the undead after a natural disaster hit and red rain started pouring down. The survivors have the ability to “sight-jack” the enemies and see through their eyes. This means that the game is focused on stealth gameplay. You have to plan a route through the stages with combat as a last resort.  Nothing is scarier than seeing your character through the eyes of the enemy.

    GTA III – Yep, of course this is here. This was my first love on the PS2. This opened my mind to what gaming was becoming with a huge area to play around in if I wanted a break from the story. It felt like I would never complete it all. The storyline is also fantastic with missions that scaled in difficulty. It started easy, but ended up with hard missions. I felt so accomplished when I beat this game. Sometimes I would just drive my Banshee around while listening to Flashback’s Scarface soundtrack.


    Shadow of Memories also known as Shadow of Destiny :

    2001 Eike walk in the street, feels a pain in the back and dies, he wakes up in a weird place, a strange human-ish creature give him a time machine, Eike can now go back in time, with the goal to avoid is own death !

    the game is hard the first time, it’s not an action game ! You have talk to people to avoid your death and try to understand the myster behind all this



      My favourites were the two KH games, Final Fantasy X, and Shadow Hearts: Convenant. One of my biggest regrets is that I didn’t buy the first Shadow Hearts game. I read an article where the creator of Shadow Hearts said he wanted to do a third game and give Yuri the happy ending he deserves.


      Yes to the sports games! I loved NCAA Football 2008 so much. The Ps2 engine they used for NCAA and Madden was the peak for EA. They haven’t been near as good since in terms of overall playability.


      Childhood favorites are probably:
      -Jak and Daxter, Jak 2 and Jak 3

      -Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo

      -Dragon Ball Z Budokai 1 and 3 (2 was Ok too)

      – Tony Hawk’s Underground

      -NCAA Football 2008 and Madden 05 or 07

      Modern favorites (Because I didn’t play them as a child)

      -Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel, and Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixer. These two games are fantastic for their time.

      -Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom (The remake made me want to play the original, and I can’t believe I missed out on this game)


      jak and daxter
      devil may cry 1 and 3
      metal gear solid 2 and 3
      Onimusha 1,2,3,4
      ssx tricky and ssx
      tekken tag
      star wars battlefront 1 and 2
      star wars bounty hunter
      tekken 4


      Jak 3, Star Wars Battlefront II, Peter Jacksons’ King Kong and Tak and the Power of Juju trilogy.

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