Favorite PS3 Games

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    What are your favorite video games of the PS3 generation? In this forum, we will discuss video games that gave us long lasting memories and grand adventures that stick in our imaginations for decades. From the title screen to the end credits, let’s discuss video games from different genres on the PlayStation 3 exclusively. This means that if the game was remade on a different console (such as PlayStation 4) can be considered but PS3 video games are preferable. To start out, I would choose Final Fantasy. The story and gameplay still hold up to this day and the characters are well developed. For this forum, answer the following questions.

    1) What is your favorite video game on PS3? (Full title)

    2) Who are the characters and story about? (Both major spoilers and minor spoilers can be used here because its the PS2)

    3) What are your favorite moments of this video game?

    4) How would you remake the video game on the PS4 or PS5 to relive their memories again?


      So this is a easy one for me. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. I played this game 20 hours at a time with no sleep when it first came out. I think it was around Christmas. Its one of the greatest games ever made. Last year a got Modern Warfare Remastered for PS4. It’s pretty much the same game. Team deathmatch is really all I played. The campaign I found to be pretty difficult at times. So I still need to finish it. I got stuck on this one mission.


      Hello again DisneySucksBalls, thank you for your reply. I hope that you are doing well. I also have not played Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare before. It sounds like a great game and I hope that you are able to complete the mission and the entire game. What is your favorite parts of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare in terms of story and gameplay?


      Resistance Fall of Man

      The story is good, but what stood out most about this game was the gameplay and the overall story. Sargent Hale Rules!!!

      Infamous 1 & 2 Cole Macgrath “The Demon of Empire City” I loved pretty much everything about these games. While the second game is better overall there are things that I liked better about the first game.


      Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns Of The Patriots. Without a doubt.


      Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.  For the first time ever, I felt like I was playing a big budget blockbuster movie.  The set pieces, the music, and the graphics were all next fucking level.  Add in one of the best cast of characters ever and surprisingly addicting multiplayer that I spent hundreds of hours on, and the game remains a true masterpiece.

      Runner-ups include Resident Evil 5, Dead Space, The Last of Us, and Metal Gear Solid 4.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by SilverAxe13.

      I don’t know why I didn’t think about Guns of the Patriots. Freakin A.


      Jeez…there were so many good ones, I can’t decide.

      Like others have said, MGS4 and Dead Space were definitely among the greats. Dead Space, especially, really wowed me from beginning to end.

      Since no one has mentioned it yet, I’ll choose Skyrim. I’m sure most of you know the story so I won’t bother retelling it.

      A few of my favorite moments of the game would be the Thieves’ Guild Questline, the first fight with a Dragon, and the ending of the Main Questline where you fight Alduin in Sovngarde

      I also “Blinking Red Light of Death’d” my first PS3 playing that game.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Verkano.

      I love uncharted!! I even Uncharted 4. The only reason I didn’t mention it was I knew others would have.


      Hello again StarLord, thank you for your reply. I have not heard of Resistance Fall of Man but I appreciate your reasons as to why you enjoy the game’s story and gameplay. I have heard of Infamous 1 & 2 but have not played or owned these games yet. I hope that you continue to enjoy your favorite PS3 games.


      Hello XxAndrew01xX, thank you for your reply. I have heard great things about the Metal Gear Solid franchise, but never played the video game of the fourth entry before. However, I appreciate watching the stories of the Metal Gear Solid franchise on YouTube currently.


      Hello SilverAxe13, thank you for your reply. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a great video game to have as a favorite. I also appreciate your insights, opinions, and runner ups.


      Hello Verkano, thank you for your reply. I agree with you that there are a lot of great video games on the PlayStation 3 console. Hence, this forum. I agree with Metal Gear 4, Dead Space, and Skyrim being all great video games for the console. I also appreciate it that you gave your favorite moments of Skyrim.


      I’d say that my favorite PS3 game was Dynasty Gundam 2. I am a big Gundam fan, so getting to play the Dynasty franchise using the various Gundam Mechs (especially Wing Zero), attracted me with no second thought. I think DG2 was the best of the series because it had a mix of ground and space maps, a large selection of Gundams and plenty of missions to add replay value.



      metal gear solid 4
      devil may cry 4
      south park: stick of truth
      star wars: force unleashed 1 and 2

      also not my most fav but games i enjoyed none the less
      Dante’s inferno
      Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
      ssx *not the original but one on ps3 obvs

      only ones i can think of at the moment

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