TLOU 2 has retroactively ruined the 1st so my choice is revised.
1: Metal Gear Solid 4.
2: InFamous 1 (2 was ok).
3 Heavy Rain.
I had a Xbox 360 but these 3 games prompted me to get a PS3.
I loved playing MGS 4 but Kojima is in full Japanese weird mode in this one (until Death Stranding), I nearly went crazy finishing this game on Big Boss Extreme, Liquid just wouldn’t go down…just die already! (I’m having flashbacks).
InFamous totally felt like playing through a comic book series.
Heavy Rain, I know the movie games don’t appeal to everyone but I was enthralled, this game got me to make the final decision.
Those 3 games won me over and I grabbed a 2nd hand PS3 Fat 60gb, it don’t work now 😢.