Favorite rides/attractions at WDW

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  • #121644

      Space Mountain is definitely my favorite ride. It’s a must see every time I go

      I also love Splash Mountain and Living with the Land

      As far as newer attractions, Flight of Passage is on a another level


      • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by DDayCobra.
      • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DDayCobra.

        Haunted Mansion, Flight of Passage, Living with the Land, Space Mountain, Tower of Terror, Maelstrom (which is no longer there), Expedition Everest.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by THATTUGGLIFE.

        Haven’t been to Walt Disney World in over 20 years, but I went there 20+ times growing up. My dad would stop there on our way home from our 4-6 week long vacations we took back in the late 1970s/early 1980s. We would stay for four days each time while camping at a nearby campground. My favorite rides are Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Country Bear Jamboree, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (long gone). I once got a severe case of whiplash on Space Mountain as a kid. We rode it 7 times the first day we were there and on the last trip, I braced at the end where it does a sudden turn. I thought I was on the side that veered left, but it turns out I was on the side that veered right. Heard a “pop” in my neck. Next morning, I couldn’t move my head at all. My brother, six years older than me, was not happy. He decided to “fix” my neck down at the campground bathrooms by grabbing my head and twisting it from side to side. Painful is an understatement. We had to head home early, and I had to wear a stupid whiplash collar for three weeks.


        I’m an Annual Passholder and surprisingly my favorite park is E. P. C. O. T. . The World of Nations is my favorite place to be. Experiencing the foods and cultures from around the world is always an amazing experience for me. As for rides though, Haunted Mansion is probably my favorite. Although I do enjoy the Frozen ride and my most ridden ride is Three Caballeros because the line is usually non existent and its a perfect break to the crowds in E. P. C. O. T. with that cool night time atmosphere in the Mexican temple.


        PeopleMover (oh yeah, it’s a favorite)  Haunted Mansion, Mine Train, Living with the Land, Kilimanjaro Safari, Spaceship Earth


        I’ve only been twice, and living with Vertigo, it really limits what I can do there.  However, I really love the Pirates ride.  Just fun to sit back and experience.  I did try to take Meclizine and go on the Dwarfs Train Ride.  Never again, lol!  Any of the experience ride troughs are fun I’d say.  I haven’t been since Galaxy’s Edge opened… not sure I’ll go or wait to see if they’ll redo it in a few years ;)


        Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Carousel of Progress, and Spaceship Earth are some of my favorites


        Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster, Aerosmith! Easily my favorite ride at Disney.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Mr.Ditkovich.

        Top 5 for me:

        1. Expedition Everest – IMO the best coaster Disney has ever made.

        2. Rise of the Resistance – Yeah, I know. Sequel trilogy sucks, blah blah blah. While it would be SO much better themed to the OT, at least the ride feels like Star Wars, and it’s pretty awesome!

        3. Space Mountain – Fast and fun.

        4. Splash Mountain – Now in my top five because it makes SJWs ree and screech.

        5. The People Mover – The most criminally underrated ride at at WDW. Probably feel this way since it has been robbed from me at DL, which is where I live by.


        Space Mountain is for sure my favorite ride at WDW with Splash Mountain being a close second favorite for me. Star Tours is also great in my opinion, and then they added sequel trilogy garbage which is terrible.

        I would say Flight of Passage is definitely one of my new favorites. It is such a great experience and well worth the wait. The entire world of Pandora is fantastically built and I wish Disney would have put as much effort that they put into this part of the park and put that same type of effort into Galaxy’s Edge and I wish they would have used the original Tattooine design instead of Batuu…. a planet no one cares or even knows about.


        Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom. Soarin at Epcot. FoP at Animal Kingdom. I love Space Mountain but at Disneyland.


        Top 10 For WDW (no order)

        I’ve only been to WDW. That was August of last year. I was supposed to go again around this time this year, but you know…the world happened. I still have yet to try a few attractions (ie: Flight of Passage, 7 Dwarves, etc). Hoping to make that happen next time I go!


        1. Twilight Zone Tower of Terror – still a fan of the original and love catching queue and gift shop easter eggs

        2. Haunted Mansion – I like this version slightly more than the original

        3. Rock ‘n Roller Coaster – mmm…that launch!

        4. Test Track

        5. Country Bear Jamboree

        6. Space Mountain

        7. Expedition Everest (it’s a treat to ride this at night!)

        8. Kilimanjaro Safaris

        9. Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular

        10. Peoplemover – only because I miss the one we used to have out here. T_T


          Well, I grew up going to Disneyland so I’ll comment on that. My favorite ride is Indiana Jones. Honestly, I think I enjoy the atmosphere and mood that the entire length of the line presents more than the ride.


          I went for the first time last year and I didn’t have the chance to try everything, but here’s my favorite per each park:


          Magic Kingdom – The Mppets Present Great Moments in American History

          EPCOT – Mission: Space

          Hollywood Studios – tower of Terror (100% better than the DCA version)

          Animal Kingdom – Expedition Everest



          Honorable Mention: Space Mountain on Villain’s Night

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Eatthemagic. Reason: Spelling Errors

            Almost all the old school Epcot center rides. My #1 most of all is Horizons. It encompass ALL essence about Future world and the ideal dream to a better future. I love everything about it.

            here are two art work I got of the ride. first is concept art by Herb Ryman. Second pic is the The Prologue and The Promise mural at exit of ride illustrated by Robert McCall, artist who worked on Star Trek Motion Picture.


            Photo on 2-19-20 at 6.51 PMPhoto on 2-19-20 at 6.52 PM

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