Favourite Anime Villains

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    Much in the same vein as the Anime Heroes thread, but with our favourite bad guys. Whether you love to hate them, have traits that you respect, or simply think of them as an effective force of nature in the story. Here are a few of my top picks:



    Charismatic, Machiavellian, and flamboyant, who just wouldn’t stop chewing the scenery every time he showed up. It’s hard not to enjoy every scene he’s in.

    The God Hand


    I like them more as a group than the individual members. They single-handedly changed the course of the entire Berserk story and are the perfect arch-enemies for Guts: Utterly out of his reach, he can only defy them by denying their belief system that fate and destiny are predetermined.

    And of course… Freeza.


    You can’t get much worse than Space Napol-Hitler.

    Honourable mention would go to Piccolo Daimao and his “son,” (the Piccolo we all know and love). One of the most nefarious villains of the 80’s becoming a hero in his own right remains a compelling positive character arc.


      Belphemon (sleep mode), he’s one of the villains from Digimon Data Squad, i’ve finally started re-watching it, pretty sure he ends up being a mega a-hole, but he’s so cute when he’s sleeping 😽

      belphemon sleep mode

      Awww, i just notice his alarm clock looks like a Tamagotchi 😻

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by DigiCat.

      Dio Brando, Kars, All for One, Stain, Shigaraki, Overhaul, Char Aznable


        Digimon Frontier, Duskmon, i won’t give any spoilers as to why he’s one ofmy favorite Digimon villains, i’ll just say he has a great story arc ;)



        i tried to upload this with pictures but i guess there were too many so ill have to do them one at a time

        my all time favorite is garou, hes the definition of an unstoppable force, he refuses to quit. also i think deep down hes not a bad guy, hes my favorite anime villain of all time.



        Not watched Season 2 yet, but the Garou arc has been great in the manga. Garou has been something of a parallel to Saitama, as both of them represent becoming the best version of yourself possible. Saitama has reached his peak, mind you, but it’ll be interesting to see what the conclusion to Garou’s own journey is and if he reaches a different answer.


        Garou, King Bradley, Zeke Jaeger, Treize Khurushenada, Zechs Marquise, Rau le Crusset



        As far as villains go, Father could be kinda generic. But I enjoyed his role in the story and I had to admire his ambition to break free of all constraints.

        Sosuke Aizen deserves an honourable mention, considering how many times he had “I am a total bastard” moments.

        Then there’s Father Mozgus from Berserk. The guy was intense, going through extreme emotional mood-swings at the drop of a hat, and represented the best and worst of religion all rolled into one (and I had to respect how utterly fearless he was).

        You can’t get much more hardcore than murdering “heretics” with your holy book. (No, really).


        Lordgenome, the Anti-Spiral


        My favourite anime villains

        These are just a hand full

        Light Death notelightyagami

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Blaze2000.


        Dartz Yu hi oh


        2ea4ec02330e290905dfed72ec42b81db163aa32_hqJellal Fairy tail



        Zamasu Dragonball super


        envy-1194118-1280x0Last but no means least, Envy Full Metal Alchemist brotherhood


        I personally really liked Envy as a “love to hate” villain – It helped that he was so much more incompetent and emotionally petulant compared to the 03 version.

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