Female leads

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  • #180968

    What’s with all this SJW bullshit about female leads in video games? First people were complaining about Ass Creed Odyssey not making Alexandria the only playable character. Now they’re complaining about Ghost of Tsushima needs a female lead.

    So far the best games I’ve recently seen with strong female leads are:

    • Horizon Zero Dawn
    • Nier Automata


    I’ve heard good things about Beyonetta but haven’t played it yet.


    I wouldn’t get too worked up about it.  Normal people don’t give a shit about this stuff and just enjoy good games, regardless of who the characters are.  A handful of crybabies on Twitter aren’t worth paying attention to.

    With that said, Samus will always be my favorite gaming chick.


      SJW’s should be ignored.  Always.

      Even if every game had a female lead, SJW’s would still complain, probably about them being too “sexualized”.  They would only be happy if every female character looked like Abby from The Last of us 2.

      Fuck SJW’s.  Fuck them all.


      Yep.  That crowd is never, ever satisfied, and that’s why ignoring them is always the best business decision.


      If I play a game like Skyrim than I choose male most of the time but on replays I try female, especially in RPG’s (no Skyrim isn’t an RPG) than I go out of my way to play female on replays because some games can give very different interactions and experience.

      When Cyberpunk 2077 comes out I’ve already decided to play female on the first playthrough, I think she looks fantastic…uh oh I’m being a misogynist again 😀.

      If it’s a story driven game and you play as a female the whole time than who gives a shit, what matters is the story and the character development.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Cerabelus.

      People who never played video games complain the most about female representation. Let the haters hate, the perpetually offended will never be satisfied.





      They need to be discredited or the cancel/cancer will spread


      The more sexualized the better imo. My Skyrim and Fallout 4 are full of female body and skimpy clothes mods.

      I guess being a heterosexual male is sin nowadays lol. This “masculine women” trope  seems to mainly be an American movement fueled mostly by the gay community, bitter women and simp male feminists. Even movies like Captain Marvel and Disney Star Wars are trying to adapt this trend of androgynous women. It’s good to see countries like Japan are not bending the knee to this SJW nonsense.



      Personally, I’m pretty over female leads in general. While they used to be playable in a fantasy/fictional setting, by and large they’ve gone full retard in modern gaming. They’re actively trying to destroy any strong male leads. This is driven by a very real feminist, female-domination mindset that these developers have. Experienced it firsthand, in real life, too many times to count. If it’s a female lead, I’m generally not interested. There needs to be a strong male lead, either solo or as a viable option, for me to have any real interest anymore.

      Lara Croft is a good example. Used to be interested in Tomb Raider back in the day. Now she’s just boring. Abby’s another great example. Besides the other issues with LOU2, Sony, and Naughty Dog, they purposely gave her a man’s body. They body captured a male actor and put her face on him. It’s beyond the pale.


      Oh no, don’t even think of labeling it as an American movement. It’s purely the alphabet and feminist community that’s pushing it. Though it is supported by simps in general. And they don’t count as real men.


      Abby is a male capture with a woman’s face overlaid onto the head.


      What we must do is very simple.

      Support the companies that don’t bend the knee to the sjw mob.

      Don’t support the companies that bend the knee to the sjw mob.

      Let companies like naughty dog and EA rot.

      Support companies like CD Projekt and buy the stuff they create for us.

      If we do so, other companies will realize that is not worth it bending the knee to a stupid mob that doesn’t really play games, they just do activism on Twitter 24h a day.


      Yep.  People need to realize the power of their wallet.  I recently closed mine for The Last of Us 2 because of the BS they pulled with that.


      It’s SJW tactics 101 – They’ll take an extremely partisan stance in an attempt to bait you into attacking them (i.e. women good, men bad), and if you lose your cool or don’t phrase your argument right, they’ll frame it in a different context and use that as “proof” you’re a bigot. It’s all about making you look like a bad person and swaying the opinions of normies as part of the larger culture war, and it’s dishonest as hell.

      It’s best to ignore them, but if you ever do find yourself in an argument with one, the best route is to expose the flaws in their reasoning by asking the relevant questions. Something like, “Why do you lambast masculine characteristics in men (toxic masculinity), while praising those same characteristics in women?” Getting SJW’s to actually explain themselves is basically anathema to them. You’ll know you’ve won when they’ve either blocked you or have devolved into using insane troll logic that no-one but them can understand.

      Most of them are just brainwashed saps who have been tricked into holding positions they haven’t thought about very carefully.


      My favorite female lead characters are:

      Bayonetta (Bayonetta)

      Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

      Fury (Darksiders 3)

      Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)

      2B (Nier Automata)

      Rayne (BloodRayne)

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