Female leads

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    Samus Aran-Metroid series

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Blaze2000.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Blaze2000.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Blaze2000.

    I don’t have a problem with female lead characters, what I have a problem with his the stories and motivations used for those characters. When the story and motivation revolves around raising the female character by pushing down everyone around them, that isn’t making them strong. The character itself needs to rise above the conflict. My rule of thumb is, if you write the story and can swap the character skin from male to female and the story itself doesn’t change (except for a few side pieces of dialogue here and there) then it’s good. I remember playing the early resident evil games where you played as a male for part of it and a female as part of it and I don’t recall anyone yelling about gender from either side.

    All one has to do is research games from the time of the NES to now and they can find examples of games with female leads and no one really spoke out against the gender of the character, but the mechanics of the games, the stories, etc. It wasn’t until the last 5 to 10 years in which the gender of the characters were made into such a big deal.

    Frankly, a game should not be sold on the merit of the gender of the main character. All female lead games (and some movies) are marketed as “female centric” or “female lead”; we’re constantly preached to about gender and yet these fools are going along with these marketing schemes in which the gender is the primary selling point.


    American mcgee Alice is good one


    I have nothing against female leads. I think Cassandra in AC Odyssey was great, so much better than Alexios. But I don’t mind that they put him in as an option. I believe in choice.

    But first and foremost what matters is that the character is interesting and that I can root for them. That’s not a function of gender.


    I remember as far back as the early 2000s there were people on GTA forums complaining how GTA hadn’t had any female leads and saying in wish list threads that the next game should have a female protagonist. I’m glad we’ve made it this long without their wet dream becoming my reality, although that too is most likely just a matter of time.

    Not to be a dick to women who want representation in video games they don’t play (and still don’t buy even when the protagonist is a female cause it’s still mostly men who buy the games even then), but unlike a certain fringe sector of the society I don’t have these fantasies that women should look and act and think and do the same as men and be above men or beneath men – women are women and they know it. They like to talk about how their day was and to go to a hair salon with their girlfriends – not beat-up bad guys while rescuing people from a shuttle that’s about to crash into the sun. Women like exaggerated tough, smart, capable men, who will protect them from bad things, and men like exaggerated slender, pretty, gentle, loyal women who are good mothers worthy of protecting from bad things.

    There are female leads I like such as Lara Croft and others who manage to be awesome while also ticking all of the other boxes, but I don’t see whom it benefits other than enemies of our society (or any society) to spread a false stereotype of gender roles as being the new norm.


    Can’t fuckin’ wait for decent female representation in a story that warrants it in a GTA-like game. I got this fantasy GTA: Hawaii (or whatever they’d refer to the Islands in that world) in my head that centers on a family that lost their patriarch and walks the line of Yakuza ties and trying to pull themselves out of a life of crime working with the feds. You ease something like that into the mix like GTAV by offering multiple characters.

    With the Housers gone from Rockstar maybe they can broaden their horizons in the future, but at the same time with those guys gone, and now news of Lazlow’s exit, I got a bad feeling the next GTA might not be that good.

    Time will tell.


    I think the whole thing fell apart which is why one of the Housers (whichever one was still left until recently) did an interview where he basically said that there were no plans of making a new game in the foreseeable future and he threw out a bunch of excuses like Trump being president etc. Had the interview come out more recently it would have been COVID. Anyway, their business strategy now entirely revolves around turning profits from microtransactions, and it will continue that way until they can’t milk that anymore. If a new game were to come out it would probably be something like “you died! Enter coin to continue in 5…4…3…2…1…GAME OVER!” I think even so a lot of people will buy VI whenever it comes out which I’m sure will happen God knows when though, but it’ll probably turn out to be different from what most of us remember as the whole thing will focus on the online aspect which is what has made them much more than actual game sales. It’s EA 2.0.


    I wasn’t on the forums complaining, but I wished for it. It’s not about representation. Nobody wants to see their own self reflected back at them from videogames. It’s just an excuse given by SJWs when they ruin entertainment with force fed diversity.  But San Andreas was already an RPG basically, it would’ve made sense to have a female option. I remember there was even a female CJ mod for it. So pretty clearly there was demand for it from actual gamers. Just because you don’t want it personally, doesn’t mean nobody would.


    I’m a southern Baptist, Conservative, Heterosexual, White Male… I’m the worst of the bunch as far as they are concerned.

    I don’t buy games with excessive sexual content due to conscience and the fact that I have two young sons who watch me play. That said, I stand against SJWs and who want more like Abby and less sex appeal.


    But, but, but…muh feels! I need my next fix of warm fuzzies!


    People wanted Hitler in power and look what happened. Just because some people want something, that doesn’t mean they should get it.

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