Fiasco of Adventures -Creating new culture

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    Victor James

      @Roccandil Wow, just checked Gab’s marketplace, and now you’ve given me ideas on how I can do this on my own. I wonder if there any other marketplaces I could advertise that I am missing. There are some local publishing places that I might contact and just go physical? And yes, I do believe Amazon would cancel me. Or anyone. I’ve seen them do it in the past. I want everyone to enjoy my work, but I have my own opinions, and will gatekeep the heck out of my stories and characters. I just don’t like people having that avenue of mobbing someone to get me shut down, which is why I’m hesitant to go the Amazon route.

      Victor James

        “As his party winds down, Kevin entertains his close friends, that includes a game Julianna. As the night turns to morning, time is running out to either share his hidden feelings for Julianna, or lose her to Warren forever.”

        Just dropped the second half of Chapter 2 from my story Fiasco of Adventures. Thanks in advanced to anyone who takes the time to read!


        This sentence threw me:

        “It was just Kevin, a game Julianna, Jenni, and Warren, teetering on wobbling legs, forbidding the night to end.”

        The reason is that I knew they had been playing a game, and so I was trying to read it in that context, not realizing you meant “game” as in a “good sport”. :)

        Anyhow, it was a good conclusion to the party/intro, and makes me curious about Kevin’s partner/passenger.

        Victor James

          @Roccandil haha thanks for reading! Yeah, I think it makes more sense when read the chapter all together so I get your confusion by that sentence. Glad it became more apparent I mean “good sport” as the chapter went along. :O)

          The funny reaction to this story has been the interest in the voice! I don’t mind at all, but it’s funny that it has become the star so far from the people who have read it lol. Even my editor was drawn to it more than anything, so this is a interesting development from the readers. I never meant for it to be that compelling, but the market has spoken.

          Victor James

            “After bucking all personal trends and winning Julianna’s heart, Kevin enjoys the time he is able to put away the mask, leaving Fiasco behind. Their time together was a reminder of what happiness could be without carrying that burden, that was, until, the time came that he had to introduce Julianna to his mother and father. It was a meeting that sparked a conversation that would change the course of Kevin’s life.”

            Okay, figured out a way to use free images without spending a ton of money and just pushed all of the next chapter to my substack. Instead of breaking up the chapter, it makes more sense to read it all at once. If anyone needs this info for their stories, just reach out.

            Hope you all enjoy, and thanks for reading!


            Also, I have been trying out Webnovel by pushing my first chapters there. It kind of looks better. A more traditional online novel look. The only problem is it seems impossible to get anyone to read anything. There might be too many writers on this site, and i’m unwilling to pay for views. Let me know which view you prefer.


            • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Victor James.

            First, a misspelling I noticed (your):

            “Oh man, your making beef stroganoff”

            The only aspect of this chapter I really liked was Angie: she was fun. :) The rest just felt like too much standard familial manipulation and expectation, with an emphasis on career (what are you going to do with your life?). Since Solomon was quoted in the chapter, I’ll quote him right back! :)

            “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.” (Ecc. 1:14)

            Objectively, it’s evident that everything wears out eventually. So, prioritizing career over people seems empty to me.

            What I really don’t like, though, is when the MC doesn’t stand up against the manipulation; he loses my sympathy (and interest).

            I checked out both sites, by the way. Substack seems easier to get into, while the other seems more about advertising.

            Victor James

              @Roccandil, hey! Thanks for reading! And thanks for pointing out that spelling mistake. Trying to catch em all lol.

              You actually picked up on a theme I was thinking when I wrote this story: family expectations. I believe as we get older we become our own person, but in the beginning, those expectations are profound. In your early twenties, when someone close to you, or someone you respect tells you they are disappointed, for most people, that affects them. I feel like this is something most people have to deal with.

              Hmm, that’s interesting you say this “What I really don’t like, though, is when the MC doesn’t stand up against the manipulation; he loses my sympathy (and interest).” I must not have emphasized it strong enough because when he was talking to Julianna on the balcony in the previous chapter, he said his dad told him to go to college or leave, so he left. That is the catalyst to their passive aggressiveness at the dinner. He questioned his parents inquisition of Julianna’s future, and when his parents pushed marriage, he pushed back as well. But, I do admit, it was Julianna’s dad, who Kevin respected, that made him wonder about their future. That’s probably my fault for not emphasizing his independence more though. Or I’m dropping chapters so far apart its hard to remember what came before lol. Either way, it’s my fault. I was working on a short story I want to post soon, so I was distracted.

              Glad you liked Angie though! She’s a cutie.

              Thanks for the site feedback. I do get more readers on substack, and I get to keep the story in it’s original format with the italics.

              I did try Scribble which I literally just found out about today that lets me do both lol. Plus the stats for this site are far superior to webnovel.




              It was more the MC’s acceptance of his parents’ frame of reference in his thinking that showed me he wasn’t standing up against the manipulation. I felt like the MC avoided better, simpler questions:

              – Did Julianna want -him-? Not some idealized version of himself, but just him? (The answer sure looks like yes! I’m not sure what Julianna could have done differently in that regard.)
              – Was he willing to commit himself unreservedly to Julianna? (The answer sure looks like no.)

              His excuse seems to be that he doesn’t trust her judgment of himself, which really means he doesn’t trust her. She’s given him no reason to mistrust her, however, and so that reflects badly on him.

              Victor James

                @Roccandil, this right here “His excuse seems to be that he doesn’t trust her judgment of himself, which really means he doesn’t trust her. She’s given him no reason to mistrust her, however, and so that reflects badly on him.” might as well be thesis to this story. I’m actually glad that is coming through. This is definitely a character flaw Fiasco has, and was something I notice with people around me who ‘outkicked their coverage’ and got someone, who in their mind, thought was ‘out of their league’. They usually talked themselves out of a great relationship by constantly questioning their fortune. A career of failure has made Kevin ill-prepared for this relationship, and it’s something he’s going to have to overcome if he wants to keep it. Kevin is definitely holding something back, and practically all of these issues we’re talking about are discussed as the story goes on. :O)

                We might as well have co-written this thing we’re so on the same page lol.

                Victor James

                  Just posted a very short story about a Vampire and his human lover called The Book from my Megacosm storyline. It’s from a character I hope to flesh out in the future, but thought this would be a good introduction. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading.


                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Victor James.
                  Victor James

                    Continuing my ongoing story, this is just a quick interlude chapter, The Jordin Test, in my Fiasco of Adventures story before all heck breaks loose for the Mega. Hope you enjoy!


                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Victor James.

                    That -was- a quick chapter! :) I liked it: seemed like a straightforward close to the previous chapter, and it gets the MC back to wanting to be Fiasco.


                    Since that was quick, I read the short story. Well crafted!

                    Two questions that arose (possible spoilers!):

                    – How did the vampire differ from the popular notion of vampires? I didn’t really pick up on anything (maybe because I haven’t read the right vampire books?)
                    – The story starts by saying the entire course of his life changed forever, but at the end, I got the impression this was a pattern of behavior, and not the first time, so how did his life actually change?

                    Victor James

                      @Roccandil, Yup. That was enough character building lol, back to Fiasco who takes a step forward from this point on. Thanks for reading!

                      Victor James

                        Hey @Roccandil, thanks for reading the short. It’s actually more popular than I expected. Got some good feedback. Well the popular notion of vampires in those fantasy novels are usually these beautiful, articulate, romantic vampires who would never harm a soul. Whereas our vampire was searching in the woods, in drab clothing in his bare feet for a weak animal to feed upon.

                        And no, that wasn’t the first time he tasted human, but it was the first time in awhile. Her blood called to him. He called the Order he was part of repressive, and seemed to loath being forced to hunt animal. I have ideas on how his life changed that I am fleshing out. I actually like the character a lot!



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