First NFL Trans Cheerleader

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      It’s interesting to me how the entire shifts in gender began with feminism.  Then it seemed to morph to a combo of feminism and gay rights which ended up being a more extreme situation.  After society capitulated on that now it’s trans rights and the extreme again was ramped.  Makes you wonder what comes next, seems obvious to me at this point.  I am sure you can guess.

      I am not certain if there is a end goal to all of this or if it continuing on into perpetuity is the point.  It seems maybe something is just needed at all times to feign a revolution around.

      The ironic part is the roots of this are feminism.  And now it has come full circle destroying what it originally fought for.

      What are we to take away from this?  That men really are superior at everything?  Where is all the patriarchy talk as men push women out of their own spaces and jobs?

      I propose we do what the radical left does.  That is to redefine existing language and invent new propaganda terms.

      Call this out for what it is.  These are not “trans women”.  These are undercover patriarchy agents.  And not only is the left allowing them in, they are demanding this be the case.  Awesome, the plan is working and within a decade the patriarchy will be reestablished and women will not only be re-enslaved in the kitchen they will demand it for the sake of trans rights.  (yeah that’s a bunch of sarcasm to show the lack of logic in the core of that topic)



      Just another reason (on top of so many others) that I no longer support nor watch the nfl.


      Boycott any and all leagues embracing this BS.





      Puked in my mouth a little. Yeah I feel sorry for my dad. Football was his whole world and this Woke BS is ruining it.


      I swear people on the right talk more about trans people than the trans people themselves 😂

      ”What!!!? A trans person got a job that they wanted to have? That is outrageous, they are destroying sports and my life, get them out of there right now! Oh, and I’m not transphobic at all, by the way”.

      What happened to the whole thing about live your life and let other people live their lives?


      What happened to the whole thing about live your life and let other people live their lives?

      When those people insist on forcing themselves into other’s lives and taking away opportunities.

      How many scholarships did these trans steal away from women?

      How many awards and medals and championships have these trans stole away from women?

      What you do in your own home is one thing, but once you start destroying the dreams and accomplishments and future of others…


      Screenshot 2023-10-07 at 17-17-23 c129775b8cec2842.jpeg (JPEG Image 568 × 526 pixels)


        “I swear people on the right talk more about trans people than the trans people themselves 😂”

        It’s hard not to talk about something when you are constantly being bashed over the head with it.

        “What happened to the whole thing about live your life and let other people live their lives?”

        That’s a 2 way street. Stop pushing things on people and leave them alone and they will do the same in kind.

        ”What!!!? A trans person got a job that they wanted to have?”

        What’s your take on that?  Is that a win for trans taking a job from a woman?

        Or is it a win for the evil patriarchy because a man took a job from a woman?

        Pick one.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

        It’s hard not to talk about something when you are constantly being bashed over the head with it.

        You’re right, the loudest people are the ones who want trans people to have equal rights and those who want to strip them from rights.

        Black and gay people didn’t get their rights by being quiet and sweeping their issues under the rug.

        That’s a 2 way street. Stop pushing things on people and leave them alone and they will do the same in kind.

        Do you have the same energy when people push stuff like veteran day etc? It seems to me like it’s not about the idea of ”pushing” things, it’s as simple as people do not like  the concept that is pushed, hence why pride themed matches in sport are ”political pushing” while veteran day is just handwaved away.

        ”What!!!? A trans person got a job that they wanted to have?”

        What’s your take on that?  Is that a win for trans taking a job from a woman?

        Or is it a win for the evil patriarchy because a man took a job from a woman?

        Pick one.

        I don’t care too much, if the man or trans person got the job then so be it. Good for them, if they have what it requires then they should have the job


          “You’re right, the loudest people are the ones who want trans people to have equal rights and those who want to strip them from rights.”

          Well I am glad we can agree that we are being bashed over the head by the agenda.

          But, I am sorry, what rights that we all have are they missing?  Do you mean the “right” for others to use their preferred pronouns or treat them as the opposite sex or even something else?  Compelling speech and action of another is not a right anyone has currently.   If I walk up to you and demand you water me because I am a tree and call me a live oak you ,as can anyone else, refuse to do so.  And begging the government to force such a thing will only break the seal on compelling speech and action and if you think that ends well for anyone then you don’t know history.

          Let’s not beat around the bush.  The entire transgender movement as it is exists today is absolute nonsense based on at best nothing and at worst abject evil and is just another agenda that claims to want people’s rights and money in the name of compassion.  It is garbage based on propaganda words and the changing of definitions.  The whole mess is torching the lives of many young people (especially girls) so that some small group can gain power.  It’s has nothing to do with rights, compassion or any such benevolence.  If you wish to champion something that mutilates people, mutilates children, removes the mental care they need in lieu of surgical intervention (just like to lobotomy did) you go right ahead and believe such nonsense.  There are reams more evidence for the God you refuse to believe in vs. this present day trans movement you are clutching to so tightly.

          “Do you have the same energy when people push stuff like veteran day etc? It seems to me like it’s not about the idea of ”pushing” things, it’s as simple as people do not like  the concept that is pushed, hence why pride themed matches in sport are ”political pushing” while veteran day is just handwaved away.”

          What you confuse for energy is just what actual conviction looks like based on one’s own knowledge, thought and logic vs. the chants of propaganda.

          No one pushes Veteran’s day that is not even in the same universe.  However, If Veteran’s day meant that half naked men dressed as overt sexual caricatures of women read to small children, or manifested in mutilating children and some adults ruining their lives forever, then yes I would 100% be against it and would beat that drum just as I do this one.

          “I don’t care too much, if the man or trans person got the job then so be it. Good for them, if they have what it requires then they should have the job”

          I am sure you don’t care, that is already well understood.   But I am glad we can agree that meritocracy is best. Now, apply that to all the other things I am certain you champion like diversity hiring quotas and affirmative action.

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