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  • #170570

    are there console like computer systems avilable? i know value would be extremly high. so far i been told emulaiton is the best route.


    but, are there any systems that play dos games? like sharp x1000 console for instant? cause i saw they all support 3.5 floppy disc?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Talion_Ranger. Reason: editing. my keyboard sucks, lol

    Raspbery pi I use the version 3 , I must have thousands games in it,


    so sounds like emulation si the way to go then. i guess i thoguht the old consoles would be fun to geet intto. but, im guessing the value destroys that oppurinty. oh well. at least i tried, lol.


    so emulators it is then. lucky there are retro online type websites an rom sites.


    I consolized my raspberry into a neogeoX, I can plug the arcade stick in it, or the super nintendo ones with an adaptater, it’s emulation, but’s it’s not very expensive, a little slow at launching first but when it is open the h between games is easy


    If you insist on using original console hardware, you can always buy multicarts. They often have ROMS loaded onto them and offer some variety. These carts go directly into the original system if you want to play on your TV with controllers. I suggest the SNES 100-in-1 cart. It is red so it is very easy to spot. It doe snot support saves, but the games are mostly platformers, Beat ‘Em Ups, and shooters.


    so sounds like those 100 in 1 carts are the way to go.


    i keep that in mind

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