Found some propaganda in a video about SpongeBob

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Found some propaganda in a video about SpongeBob

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    In this video the host is explaining how SpongeBob is successful because it was created as a counter to Disney’s puritan messaging.

    At the 12:21 mark in the video he quotes some Chilean Marxist writer who said: “this (cute) aesthetic was used to sugarcoat any ugly truth Disney wanted to sell, from the less bad things like the nuclear family – to the very bad things like colonialism.” His take on those subjects isn’t presented as being controversial and the host doesn’t give an explanation as to how SpongeBob is a counter to these “evils” of the nuclear family and colonialism.

    This made me question what the purpose of this video was in the first place.


    Jared is a rejected philosophy undergraduate. If you watch other videos they always try to shoehorn in some Marxist propaganda.

    Most of their conclusions & premises are just quotes with mediocre research and little insight.

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