Friday Night Tights is CANCELLED! Nerdrotic attacked over Blue Beetle taco jokes

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Friday Night Tights is CANCELLED! Nerdrotic attacked over Blue Beetle taco jokes

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    YellowFlash talks about Gary – Nerdrotic, FNT, and their Blue Beetle joke that has snowflakes upset.


      I know YouTubers have to create content to make a living.  But for goodness sakes, stop talking incessantly about things you either dislike or despise.  Why give things attention they don’t deserve it?  And why give screeching harpies any attention either?  Most of the time normal folks only know the wingnuts exist when other people complain about them.

      Just don’t buy or consume the things you don’t like but be sure to support the things you enjoy, from there things tend to just shake out market wise.

      I think it is far more productive culturally to mention the bad stuff on occasion yes but then cheer on the good stuff.  Spend more time talking about the good stuff.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vknid.

      But good news never gets the clicks/likes/reviews/etc as bad news.  That is why when you read a newspaper or watch the news, 99% is always bad news.

      And the titles of said articles/vids, once again the bad/negative sounding ones gets more attention/reads/views/etc.

      People/channels like YellowFlash, or Clownfish or Mr.H Reviews just report and give their views/take on what they themselves saw/someone pointed out to them.

      So I don’t blame them for letting other know, especially if they are getting from sources we don’t have access to/don’t go to/etc.



      So, I like Gary. I used to watch FNT all the time, but now I only watch on occasion, and there are times I have to turn it off. These folks spend most every episode complaining and insulting about things they don’t like, and it gets tiring. I understand it is some humor and fun, but it would really be nice to see them do some positive things. They could spend an episode praising a show like Silo, or Foundation, or even Superman & Lois. I mean, Gary was very vocal about how much he liked Picard Season 3 and talked about it a lot. It was nice to see and got me watching him more again.

      But after that then it was back to negativity. Back to spending more time complaining even more than they already have about Star Wars, Star Trek, or Lord of the Rings. I just find it redundant and uninspired.

      I also get a bit annoyed with the f word every other word sometimes, especially from AZ. Ya, we all cuss. and that’s ok. But, come on man, show a little intellect and intelligence. It’s why I cant stand games like new Call of Duty. They sound like foul mouthed 10 yr olds,


      Only realized this was a thing when Gary made an appearance on the most recent Tuesday Night’s Main Event. Doesn’t seem as if he’s taking it too seriously…which is probably a good thing.

      Something else will capture the ” cancellers’ ” attention by next week, if not sooner.




        “But good news never gets the clicks/likes/reviews/etc as bad news.”

        This is certainly true as rage and fear are potent motivators but they are not the only ones, just the easiest to produce.

        “So I don’t blame them for letting other know, especially if they are getting from sources we don’t have access to/don’t go to/etc.”

        I am not blaming anyone for anything.  If folks want to crank out content giving oxygen to what they claim they dislike, despise or disagree with be my guest.  My point was that I find it far more advantageous from a cultural perspective to make it well known and popular the things that are liked, done well and actually entertaining than going on about stuff or people we all dislike.

        If Rachel Zigler was not spoken of almost constantly on channels that say they disagree with her I would have no clue who she is or what silliness she said.




        Even ThatUmbrellaGuy got into this story.


        I wasn’t aware of what went on because I don’t watch FNT. However, I saw Ryan’s vid on what went on this morning and now he’s attacked by these crazies from what I’m seeing.

        People have the right to voice an opinion and to joke about how bad a film is. If I complained every time someone took the mickey out of ‘Birds of Prey’ or Halle Berry’s ‘Catwoman’ film I would be out of breath very quickly😂! I don’t understand why the crazies won’t accept the fact that they’re not popular films. It’s great that they like them and we’ve no problem with that but they need to acknowledge the fact that ‘Blue Beetle’ wasn’t a poplar film and not many people like it.

        Also, if they’re that upset about a diverse film with a Latino superhero in not doing well then the crazies can answer these questions for me then: where were they when ‘Catwoman’ failed 20 years ago? Or when ‘Legend of Zorro’ failed almost around the same time? I don’t remember the crazies screeching that we were racists for not liking those films.


        I don’t understand why the crazies won’t accept the fact that they’re not popular films.

        Because it is the greatest steaming pile of 💩 they created.

        Everyone should enjoy their 💩.

        Look what we created!  Enjoy it!  Give it unending praise! Worship it!  We need the attention and ego boasting.

        They can’t handle rejection, reality, criticism, and they don’t know humor/sarcasm.

        Instead of trying to improve their products and taking lessons from past failures, they scream and yell at how racists and sexist and -ist and -phobe everyone else is for not liking their garbage.

        Movies, music, games, etc.

        We must never give in to those lunatics.

        We must always boycott garbage and buycott when those lunatics are trying to cancel them.

        Let the woke/sjw/bs die.

        We will put our money on things we support, and not into the shit agenda/narrative/garbage the lunatics are pushing.

        That is democracy.  We the people/consumers decide.


        Az is next. I don’t watch that many videos, but this popped up in my feed. Az talking about having to choose pronouns before he can play a game? This is programming, conditioning and grooming to make normal people walk on eggshells around pronouns. It really is a form of buck-breaking. This is what happens when a tiny group of people have a vertically-integrated economy and total control on industry. It gets to the point where the majority does not matter, no matter how much they vote.


        I saw several different people talk about it, including this mornings G&G livestream.

        Just another reason to boycott this game, if you have not already pre-ordered it.

        So just like the Flash, Blue Beetle, Aquaman 2, the meh-she-you, star wars, indy 5, etc.  if you keep pushing out garbage, we the paying consumer will close our wallets to it and spend our money elsewhere.


          “Az is next. I don’t watch that many videos, but this popped up in my feed. Az talking about having to choose pronouns before he can play a game? This is programming, conditioning and grooming to make normal people walk on eggshells around pronouns. ”

          This programming has been going on for decades, since the 80’s at least from my own memory.  It’s just accelerated since about 2010 and now it’s at a fever pitch.

          This happens for 2 reasons.

          1) indoctrination

          2) strike fear into everyone not indoctrinated so they are silent

          Everyone needs to understand, whatever cudgel can beat down the people into submission is the one they will use. In the 90’s and before it was the Christian right.  Democrats would argue for censorship and control based on that angle decades ago (see Tipper Gore and Danzig-“Mother”).  Then at some point they decided to hijack LGBT and use that instead.  Same old demands, same attempts at control and censorship, they just wear the skin of a different movement to use as a shield.



          They’re doing that with the ‘Sims 4’ where you have to select your Sims’s pronouns before even starting the game. EA wonders why people are getting tired of their bs 🙄…


          @DragonLady Yeah, I see a lot of people mad at Az, but I thought he was fine. Same when Alex went off on Piers. People sit back and say you should never yell and scream, but sometimes, it just happens naturally. The comment above about indoctrination and fear is definitely true. They are also called “shit tests.” People who make you jump thru hoops first and put obstacles in your path when it is not necessary. Also, the pronoun thing is a lie, so you are being conditioned to accept lies. This is just prodding animals with sticks. It is agitation. There are many times I’ll tune out a person or a show, but Az and Alex were both in the right. I watched them both without cringe.

          For some reason, people have this notion of civilized decorum as an excuse for being used as a pushover and a doormat. It’s getting pretty bad. The groomers are in the schools now. I could see it get to a point where a parent stops a molestation in progress and people sit back and say, oh, he really should not have got emotional about it and just let his progeny be abused by the teacher, counselor or CPS. I’m grateful to guys like Az. We need to see more of that.

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